★ unfold
【例1】He unfolded a map.他打开一张地图。
【例2】As the result of new research unfold, parallels between birdsong and our own speech behavior become more and more intriguing.随着新的研究成果的不断出现,鸟的歌声和我们人类语言行为之间的类似性越来越引起人们的兴趣。
【例3】The landscape unfolded before us.景色展现在我们面前。
【同义替换】open, reveal
【派生】unfolded a.展开的,打开的
【真题】According to many books and articles, New England’s leaders established the basic themes and preoccupations of an unfolding, dominant Puritan tradition in American intellectual life.据许多书籍及文章记载,新英格兰的领袖们在美国学术界中确立了发展中的且后来成为主流的清教传统的基本主题和关注点。
★ virtue
【例1】My neighbor is a man of highest virtue.我的邻居是一个高尚的人。
【例2】He said his plan had the virtue of being the easiest to implement.他说他的计划的优点是最简单易行。
【例3】Plastic bags are useful for holding many kinds of food, by virtue of their clearness, toughness, and low cost.由于塑料袋干净、结实而且便宜,它适用于装多种食物。
【同义替换】goodness, merit, advantage
【派生】virtuous a.有道德的;品性好的;品德高的 virtuously ad.正直地,合乎道德地 virtuousness n.正直,高洁,贞德
【真题】 “Creative thinking may mean simply the realization that there’s no particular virtue in doing things the way they have always been done,” wrote Rudolph Flesch, a language authority.“创造性思维也许只不过意味着能够意识到按老办法办事没有可取之处,”语言权威人士Rudolph Flesch写道。
★ realm
【例】He made outstanding contributions in the realm of foreign affairs.他在外交领域作出了卓越贡献。
【同义替换】kingdom, field, sphere, domain
★ finance
【例1】Government has become a substantial provider of manufacturing finance.政府已变成制造业资金的重要提供者。
【例2】The repairs to the school will be financed by the educational department.学校的修缮将由教育部门出资。
【派生】financial a.财政的,金融的
卢森堡说过:“不管怎样的事情,都请安静地愉快吧!这是人生。我们要依样地接受人生,勇敢地、大胆地,而且永远地微笑着。”希望大家能微笑着面对2016考研英语当中的挑战,愉快地将成功收入囊中,相信未来会有更美好的一切在等着我们,加油吧各位。 |