今天的2016考研英语时文泛读来自2015年9月12日的《经济学人》,讲到目前全球普遍关注的难民在欧洲的情况。本文观点认为:欧洲应当欢迎更多的难民和经济移民——这就是为了世界也是为了自身(Europe should welcome more refugees and economic migrants—for the sake of the world and itself)。来看一下具体内容:
For too long Europe has closed its eyes to Syria's foul and bloody civil war, and tried to keep the suffering multitudes out. Suddenly the continent's gates have been pushed open by two political forces. One is moral conscience, belatedly wakened by the image of a drowned Syrian child on a Turkish beach. The other is the political courage of Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, who told her people to set aside their fear of immigrants and show compassion to the needy.血腥混乱的叙利亚内战,这是欧洲长期以来都不愿面对的问题。曾经多次欧洲试图将饱受战争苦难的难民拒之门外。但是最近欧洲大陆的大门突然被两股力量推开了。一个是土耳其海滩上一名被淹死的叙利亚儿童的影像,一个是德国总理默克尔,她告诉民众将对移民的各种担忧放在一边并对需要帮助的人展示出同情心。
Tens of thousands of asylum-seekers flowed towards Germany by rail, bus and on foot, chanting “Germany! ”, to be welcomed by cheering crowds. Germany is showing that old Europe, too, can take in the tired, the poor and the huddled masses yearning to breathe free. It says it can absorb not thousands, but hundreds of thousands of refugees.成千上万的移民涌向德国,他们乘坐火车、汽车或步行,口中高喊着“德国”,也受到了德国人民的热情欢迎。看来,欧洲大陆也能够接收苦难中的人以及渴望着自由呼吸的拥挤人群。德国称,它能够并且愿意接受更多的难民。
Such numbers will inevitably raise many worries: that cultures will be swamped by aliens, economies will be overburdened, social benefits will have to be curbed and even that terrorists will creep in. Anti-immigrant parties have been on the rise across Europe. In America, too, some politicians want to build walls to keep foreigners out.这种局面自然也带来许多担忧,随着移民越来越多,德国民众面临着文化被陌生人淹没;经济负担加重,社会福利削减等一系列的危险。反对移民的政党也在欧洲崛起。在美国,甚至有一些政客想建造政治围墙,把外国难民拒之门外。
Yet the impulse to see migrants as chiefly a burden is profoundly mistaken. The answer to these familiar fears is not to put up more barriers, but to manage the pressures and the risks to ensure that migration improves the lives of both immigrants and their hosts. 当然,把难民纯粹的看成是一种负担,这样的想法是非常错误的。我们需要做的不是竖起了更多的政治壁垒,而是管控压力、降低风险,以确保难民既能改善自身生活,也能促进东道主国家经济的平稳发展。
总之,在大多数人眼中,欧洲大陆的富有生活具有一种强大的吸引力。据估计,全世界共有5950万难民(refugees)和背井离乡之人(displaced people)。欧洲没有能力将这所有人都接受下来,但是各国政府应该对难民抱有接受的态度。因为从人类的迁徙史来看,难民形成了让他们的东道主富裕起来的活力社区的例子可谓是不胜枚举,例如:犹太人、亚美尼亚人、越南人等等。德国的欢迎文化,无论是从道义上来说,还是在经济和政治层面,都是正确的,国际社会应该向德国学习。考研复习贵在坚持,小编与你同在! |