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考研英语#2017-2025考研究生英语阅读*经济学人*#读大学是否还值得 ...

发表于 2019-8-15 10:39:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Higher education
Is college worth it?
Too many degrees are a waste of money. The returnon higher education would be much better if collegewere cheaper
WHEN LaTisha Styles graduated from Kennesaw State University in Georgia in 2006 she had$35,000 of student debt. This obligation would have been easy to discharge if her Spanishdegree had helped her land a well-paid job. But there is no shortage of Spanish-speakers in anation that borders Latin America. So Ms Styles found herself working in a clothes shop and afast-food restaurant for no more than $11 an hour.
2006年当 LaTisha Styles从 佐治亚州的 Kennesaw州立大学毕业的时候,她欠下35000美元的学生贷款。如果她的西班牙语学位能够帮助她获得报酬优厚的工作的话,债务会很容易偿清。但在这个与拉丁美洲接壤的国度,从来不缺能说西语的人。所以Styles女士为了每小时不高于11美元的薪水,沦落服装零售和快餐店。
Frustrated, she took the gutsy decision to go back to the same college and study somethingmore pragmatic. She majored in finance, and now has a good job at an investment consultingfirm. Her debt has swollen to $65,000, but she will have little trouble paying it off.
As Ms Styles's story shows, there is no simple answer to the question “Is college worth it?”Some degrees pay for themselves; others don't. American schoolkids pondering whether totake on huge student loans are constantly told that college is the gateway to the middle class.The truth is more nuanced, as Barack Obama hinted when he said in January that “folks canmake a lot more” by learning a trade “than they might with an art history degree”. An angry arthistory professor forced him to apologise, but he was right.
正如Styles的故事表现的这样,对于“读大学是否值得?”这个问题并没有简单的答案。有些学位物有所值,而有些则不是。美国的在校生们在权衡是否要背上巨额学生贷款负担时, 经常被告知大学是通往中产阶级道路的门户。而事实更为微妙,正如奥巴马1月讲话中暗示的那样,相比获得一个艺术史学位,通过学习一门技术“人们可以赚得更多”,。一位愤怒的艺术史教授要求他道歉,但奥巴马是对的。
College graduates aged 25 to 32 who are working full time earn about $17,500 more annuallythan their peers who have only a high school diploma, according to the Pew Research Centre, athink-tank. But not all degrees are equally useful. And given how much they cost—a residentialfour-year degree can set you back as much as $60,000 a year—many students end up worseoff than if they had started working at 18.
PayScale, a research firm, has gathered data on the graduates of more than 900 universitiesand colleges, asking them what they studied and how much they now earn. The company thenfactors in the cost of a degree, after financial aid (discounts for the clever or impecunious thatgreatly reduce the sticker price at many universities). From this, PayScale estimates the financialreturns of many different types of degree (see chart).
一个研究公司PayScale已经收集超过900所大学的毕业生的数据,询问他们学到了什么以及现在收入的多少。公司然后在排除财政补贴(对于天资聪颖或一文不名的学生的补助很大程度上削减了很多大学学费的“吊牌价”)后,把获得学位的成本计入考量。在财政补贴。据此, PayScale公司评估许多不同学位类型的财务回报。
Hard subjects pay off
Unsurprisingly, engineering is a good bet wherever you study it. An engineering graduate fromthe University of California, Berkeley can expect to be nearly $1.1m better off after 20 yearsthan someone who never went to college. Even the least lucrative engineering coursesgenerated a 20-year return of almost $500,000.
Arts and humanities courses are much more varied. All doubtless nourish the soul, but not allfatten the wallet. An arts degree from a rigorous school such as Columbia or the University ofCalifornia, San Diego pays off handsomely. But an arts graduate from Murray State University inKentucky can expect to make $147,000 less over 20 years than a high school graduate, afterpaying for his education. Of the 153 arts degrees in the study, 46 generated a return oninvestment worse than plonking the money in 20-year treasury bills. Of those, 18 offeredreturns worse than zero.
艺术和人文学科的差异更为多样化。 所有课程毫无疑问可以滋润灵魂,但并非所有学科都会使钱包丰厚。学风严谨的大学例如哥伦比亚大学或加州大学圣迭戈分校的艺术学位收入丰厚。但肯塔基州的Murray州立大学的艺术毕业生,在付完学费后可预期相比高中毕业生在20年只少赚147000元。本项研究中的153个艺术学位,其中有46个产生的投资回报低于将钱投入购买20年期的财政部债权的收益。其中,有18个回报为负值。
Colleges that score badly will no doubt grumble that PayScale's rankings are based onrelatively small numbers of graduates from each institution. Some schools are unfairly affectedby the local job market—Murray State might look better if Kentucky's economy were thriving.Universities that set out to serve everyone will struggle to compete with selective institutions.And poor colleges will look worse than rich ones that offer lots of financial aid, since reducingthe cost of a degree raises its return.
得分很低的院校毫无疑问会嘟哝抱怨PayScale的排名体系基于每个学校数量相对较少的毕业生。一些学校不公平地受到本地就业市场的影响--- 如果肯塔基州的经济蓬勃增长,Murray州立大学的就业也许看起来会好很多。 决心想要服务每个学生的大学将要努力和精挑细选的机构激烈竞争。 经费不足的大学相比财大气粗的能提供很多财政资助的学校看起来更糟糕,因为降低获得学位的成本也提升了其收益率。
All these caveats are true. But overall, the PayScale study surely overstates the financial valueof a college education. It does not compare graduates' earnings to what they would haveearned, had they skipped college. (That number is unknowable.) It compares their earnings tothose of people who did not go to college—many of whom did not go because they were notclever enough to get in. Thus, some of the premium that graduates earn simply reflects the factthat they are, on average, more intelligent than non-graduates.
所有的这些附加说明都是真实可信的。但总体来说 PayScale公司的研究一定过度阐述了大学教育的财务价值。研究并没有将毕业生的收入与其所学到的知识相比较,如果他们中途辍学的话。(这个数据不可知。)研究将大学毕业生的收入和那些没有读大学的人相比较---其中很多人没有读大学的原因是不够聪明而不能登堂入室。因此,大学毕业生获得的一些额外收益仅仅是反应了一个事实,那就是平均来说他们比没读过大学的人更为聪明。
What is not in doubt is that the cost of university per student has risen by almost five timesthe rate of inflation since 1983, and graduate salaries have been flat for much of the pastdecade. Student debt has grown so large that it stops many young people from buyinghouses, starting businesses or having children. Those who borrowed for a bachelor's degreegranted in 2012 owe an average of $29,400. The Project on Student Debt, a non-profit, saysthat 15% of borrowers default within three years of entering repayment. At for-profit collegesthe rate is 22%. Glenn Reynolds, a law professor and author of “The Higher Education Bubble”,writes of graduates who “may wind up living in their parents' basements until they are oldenough to collect Social Security.”
无可质疑的是自从1983年以来,每个学生读大学的成本相对通胀率已经上升了大约5倍,并且在过去十年多数时间内大学毕业生囊中羞涩。学生贷款增长如此巨大以至于阻碍很多年轻人购房,创业和生养子女。 2012年为获得学士学位而借贷的学生平均负债29400美元。一个非盈利机构“学生贷款工程”说,15%比例的学生在进入还贷程序三年内有违约行为。对于盈利大学,这个比例是22%。一位名为Glenn Reynolds的法律教授,同时也是《高等教育泡沫》一书的作者,把大学毕业生描写为“可能沦落到住进父母的地下室,直到年龄足够大到可以去领社保救济金”。
That is an exaggeration: students enrolling this year who service their debts will see themforgiven after 20 years. But the burden is still heavy for many. It does not help that nearly athird of those who take out such loans eventually drop out of college; they must still repaytheir debts. A third transfer to different schools. Many four-year degrees drag on longer, andso cost more. Overall, the six-year graduation rate for four-year institutions is only 59%.
The lousy national job market does not help, either. A report by McKinsey, a consultancy, foundthat 42% of recent graduates are in jobs that require less than a four-year college education.Some 41% of graduates from the nation's top colleges could not find jobs in their chosen field;and half of all graduates said they would choose a different major or school.
Chegg, a company that provides online help to students, collaborated the study. DanRosensweig, its boss, says that only half of graduates feel prepared for a job in their field, andonly 39% of managers feel that students are ready for the workforce. Students often cannotwrite clearly or organise their time sensibly. Four million jobs are unfilled because jobseekerslack the skills employers need.
给大学生提供在线教育帮助的Chegg公司参与了这项研究合作。公司老板Dan Rosensweig说,只有一半的毕业生觉得在专业相关领域的工作做好了准备,只有39%的经理人认为毕业生已经做好了工作准备。毕业生经常不能清晰地写作或合理地安排时间。因为求职者缺乏雇主所需技能,有400万的工作岗位虚席以待。
Grading the graders
For all their flaws, studies like PayScale's help would-be students (and their parents) make moreinformed choices. As Americans start to realise how much a bad choice can hurt them, they willdemand more transparency. Some colleges are providing it, prodded by the federalgovernment. For example, the University of Texas recently launched a website showing howmuch its graduates earn and owe after five years.
尽管有这么多的缺陷, 像PayScale公司的研究在帮助准毕业生们(及其父母)做出有信息依据的选择。当美国人开始意识到一个错误的决定会造成损害,他们也会要求更多的信息透明度。一些大学在联邦政府敦促下,提供信息透明。例如,德州大学最近开发了一个网页显示其毕业生在五年后的盈亏。
“Opportunity”, said Mr Obama on April 2nd, “means making college more affordable.” In time,transparency and technology will force many colleges to cut costs and raise quality. Onlineeducation will accelerate the trend. In 2012, 6.7m students were taking at least one onlinecourse. Such courses allow students to listen to fine lecturers without having to pay forluxurious dormitories or armies of college bureaucrats. They will not replace traditionalcolleges—face-to-face classes are still valuable—but they will force them to adapt. Those thatoffer poor value for money will have to shape up, or disappear.
奥巴马总统在4月2日所说,“机遇意味着使得大学更容易负担得起”。 透明度和科学技术会使得很多大学及时裁剪开销并提高教学品质。在线教育会加速这个趋势。2012年有670万 学生至少参加一项在线课程。这样的课程允许学生听到优秀的讲座,而不用为奢侈公寓和行政人员埋单。在线课程并不会取代传统大学--面对面的课堂教育依然非常有价值--但在线课程会迫使其适应潮流。那些提供较少经济价值的将要开始改进,或者消失。译者:鲁里奥
1.graduate from 毕业
例句:Nowadays, after students graduate from seniorhigh school, most of them will enter a university orcollege.
2.go back to 追溯到
例句:Then it put the surge back in place, but said it wouldn't take their share of profits&all money would go to the drivers.
3.according to 根据
例句:They will swap posts in a year's time, according to new party rules which rotate theleadership.
4.answer to 回答
例句:He advocated anarchism as the answer to social problems.
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