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考研英语#潘基文连任联合国秘书长就职演说[英汉]#团结起来 一切皆有可能 ...

发表于 2019-8-16 12:33:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
With your decision this afternoon-with your warm words-you do me a very great honour, beyond expression. Standing in this place, mindful of the immense legacy of my predecessors, I am humbled by your trust and enlarged by our sense of common purpose.
你们今天下午作出的决定以及给我的溢美言辞,令我感到无比荣耀,激动之情 难以言表。站在这里,回想起历届秘书长作出的巨大贡献,我对大家给予我的信任 深感谦卑,更对我们的共同目标信心倍增。
This solemn occasion is special in another respect. On being sworn in, a few moments ago, I placed my hand on the United Nations Charter—not a copy, but the original signed in San Francisco. Our Founding Fathers deemed this document so precious that it was flown back to Washington, strapped to its own parachute. No such consideration was given to the poor diplomat accompanying it; he had to take his chances. We thank the United States National Archives for their generosity in lending it today, and for their care in preserving it.
今天这一庄严的时刻尤为特殊,在刚刚结束的宣誓仪式中,我将手放在了联合 国宪章之上——不是副本,而是当年各国在旧金山签署的原件。我们的创立者无比 珍视这份文件,当年专门用飞机将它送回华盛顿,仅有的降落伞也系在了文件上, 甚至没有留给运送它的可怜的外交官。我们感谢美国国家档案馆今天把这份原件带到联合国,也感谢他们对它长期以来的精心保护。
The Charter of the United Nations is the animating spirit and soul of our great institution. For 65 years, this great Organization has carried the flame of human aspiration—“We the peoples”. From the last of the great world wars, through the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of apartheid, we have fed the hungry, delivered comfort to the sick and suffering, brought peace to those afflicted by war. This great Organization, dedicated to human progress—the United Nations.
联合国宪章是我们这个伟大机构的精神和灵魂。65年来,这个伟大的组织一直 维系着人类理想的火焰——“我们即联合国人民”。从世界大战结束,到柏林墙倒塌, 再到种族隔离政策废除,我们一直致力于消除贫穷与饥饿,战胜疾病与苦难,维护世 界和平与稳定。这个伟大的组织,致力于人类的进步与发展,这就是联合国。
We began our work together, four and a half years ago, with a call for a “new multilateralism”~a new spirit of collective action. We saw,in our daily work,how all the world’s people look more and more to the United Nations. We knew then~ and more so now~that we live in an era ofintegration and interconnection, a new era where no country can solve all challenges on its own and where every country should be part of the solution. That is the reality of the modern world. We can struggle with it, or we can lead.
四年半前,我们响应“新多边主义”的精神,力求在国际事务上采取协同一致 的行动。从我们的日常工作中,我们能感受到世界人民对联合国关注越来越多,从 过去到现在,我们愈加意识到我们生活在一个相互融合、密不可分的世界,每一个 国家都无法独立应对所有挑战,每一个国家都需要为解决问题作出各自的贡献。这 就是当今世界的现实问题,我们或纠缠其中,或发挥起领导作用。
The role of the United Nations is to lead. Each of us here today shares that heavy responsibility. It is why the United Nations matters in a different and deeper way than ever before. To lead, we must deliver results. Mere statistics will not do. We need results that people can see and touch,results that change lives~make a difference.
联合国扮演的角色就是领导。今天在座的每一位都肩负着这一重要责任。正 因为如此,联合国比以往更为重要,其影响力也有别于往昔。要领导,就要取得成 果。单纯的统计数据是不够的;我们需要人们能看得见、摸得着的成果,需要能改变人们生活、不同凡响的成果。
Working together, with goodwill and mutual trust, we have laid a firm foundation for the future. When we began, climate change was an invisible issue. Today, we have placed it squarely on the global agenda. When we began to work together, nuclear disarmament was frozen in time. Today, we see progress. We have advanced on global health, sustainable development and education. We are on track to eliminate deaths from malaria. With a final push, we can eradicate polio, just as we did smallpox long ago. We have shielded the poor and vulnerable against the greatest economic upheaval in generations. Amid devastating natural disasters, we were there, saving lives—in Haiti, Pakistan, Myanmar.
通过合作,伴随着友好和相互信任,我们为未来奠定了坚实的基础。开始时, 气候变化还是一个无形的问题,而今天,我们已将它确立在全球的议程之中;核裁 军曾一度停滞不前,而今天我们取得了进展。我们也在全球医疗、可持续发展以及 教育方面取得了进步;我们在避免疟疾致死的工作上继续前行;只要再作最后一点 冲刺,我们便可以消除脊齒灰质炎的发生,正如我们当年彻底根除了天花一样。我 们在历次重大经济动荡的时期保护贫困和弱势群体,我们在破坏性的自然灾害面前 抢救生命无论是在海地,在巴基斯坦,还是在缅甸,都有联合国的身影。
As never before, the United Nations is on the front lines protecting people and also helping build the peace~in Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Somalia; in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Middle East. We have stood firm for democracy, justice and human rightsin C?te d’Ivoire,North Africa and beyond. We have carved out a new dimension for the “responsibility to protect”. We created UN Women to empower women everywhere. That includes the United Nations system itself. And yet, we never forget how far we have to go. We must continue the important work that we have begun together.
联合国前所未有的站在了保护民众和构建和平的最前线——从苏丹,到刚果 民主共和国,到索马里,从阿富汗,到伊拉克,到中东地区。我们坚定地捍卫着 民主、公正与人权——从科特迪瓦,到北非,到世界各地。我们还开展了 “保护责 任”的新层面,我们成立了联合国妇女属以加强世界各地的妇女权利,也包括在联 合国系统内部。然而,我们永远不会忘记我们还有很长的路要走。我们必须继续我们已经共同开始进行的各项重要工作。
As we look to the future, we recognize the imperative for decisive and concerted action. In economic hard times, we must stretch resources一do better with less. We must improve our ability to “Deliver as One”. We must do more to connect the dots among the world’s challenges, so that solutions to one global problem become solutions for all—on women’s and children’s health, green growth, more equitable social and economic development. A clear time frame lies ahead: the target date for the Millennium Development Goals in 2015; next year’s “Rio+20” Conference; the high-level meeting on nuclear safety in September; and the Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul next year.
展望未来,我们意识到决定性和协调一致的行动势在必行。在经济困难时期, 我们必须扩展资源——用更少的资源做到更好。我们必须提髙我们“共同发声”的 能力。我们必须作出更多努力将世界面临的挑战协调起来,一个全球性问题的解决 方法将应用到所有的问题中,包括妇女和儿童的健康,绿色增长,更公平的社会和 经济发展。一个明确的时间表正摆在我们面前:2015年实现千年发展目标,明年举行 “里约+20”会议,今年9月举行核安全高级别会议以及明年首尔举行的核安全峰会。
In all this, our ultimate power is partnership. Our legacy, such as it may be, will be written in alliance~the leaders of the world, leading in common cause. As in the past, I count on your support and even deeper partnership. By acting decisively to renew my mandate, you have given the gift of time—time to carry on the important work that, together, we have begun. In the months to come, we will be reaching out to you for your views and ideas. Drawing on those discussions,I shall present our broader long-term vision at the next General Assembly in September.
面对所有这些议题,我们的最终力量便是合作。我们的工作将在共同努力下取 得成果,世界的领袖将在共同的道路上达成目标。跟过去一样,所有工作都有赖于 诸位的支持和更为深入的合作。今天各位坚定地支持我连任,让我有更多的时间将 巳开展的各项工作继续下去。在接下来的几个月里,我们将同在座诸位交换观点和 想法,聆听意见,并以此为基础,在9月将举行的下届联合国大会上,阐述联合国未 来更为长远的目标和愿景。
My predecessor Dag HammarskjPld once said: “Never for the sake of ‘peace and quiet,deny your own experience or conviction.” Like my distinguished forebear, I take this lesson to heart.
我的前任秘书长达格?哈马舍尔德曾经说过:“不要为‘和平与宁静’而否定 自己的经验或信念。”如我的前辈一样,我将把它铭记在心。
It has been a great privilege to serve as your Secretary-General. That you should ask me to serve once again makes it all the greater. With gratitude for your support and encouragement, and honouring your trust, I pledge my full commitment to accept your support. I am proud and humbled to accept. As Secretary-General, I will work as a harmonizer and bridge-builder—among Member States, within the United Nations system and between the United Nations and a rich diversity of international partners.
担任秘书长一职一直是我莫大的荣幸,今天再次获得大家的任命使我倍感光 荣。带着对各位支持与鼓励的感激之情,心怀不辜负大家信任的责任之心,我自豪 而谦卑地接受大家的决定。作为秘书长,我将在会员国之间、联合国系统内部以及 联合国与诸多国际伙伴之间发挥起协调员和架桥者的作用。
To quote the great philosopher Lao-tzu: “The way of heaven is to benefit others and not to injure. The way of the sage is to act but not compete.” Let us apply this enduring wisdom to our work today. Out of the competition of ideas, let us find unity in action.
伟大的哲学家老子曾说过,“天之道,利而不害;圣人之道,为而不争。”让 我们将这种不朽的智慧应用到今天的工作中,在百家争鸣的思想中找到行动上的统 一性。
Honouring your trust, I pledge my full commitment, my full energy and resolve to uphold the fundamental principles of our sacred Charter. Together, let us do all we can to help this noble Organization better serve “we the peoplaes” of the world. Together, no challenge is too large. Together, nothing is “impossible”.
我承诺将不会辜负你们的信任,竭尽全力秉承联合国宪章的基本原则工作。让 我们团结起来,使我们这个光荣的机构更好地为全世界的“联合国人民”服务。团 结起来,没有什么挑战不能被克服;团结起来,没有什么不可能!
Thank you.
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