姓 名 | 文晓鹏 | 姓 别 | 男 | 相片 | 出生年月 | 1965.04 | 导师类别 | 博导 | 是 | 硕导 | 是 | 毕业院校 | 华中农业大学 | 学 位 | 博士 | 职 称 | 教授 | 现任职务 | 副院长 | 办公电话 | 0851-88290212 | 电子邮件 | xpwensc@hotmail.com | 招生学科 方向 | 学科方向1 | 森林培育 | 学科方向2 | 林木遗传育种 |
1) 马尾松种质资源评价及优异种质发掘,贵州省重大专项子项目(20126011-1),2012-2016,70万。2) 逆境胁迫激发火龙果高频体细胞遗传变异的分子机理,2012年度NSFC(31260464),2013-2016,50万。3) 烟草白粉病生物防治及其田间关键配套技术研究,中国烟草公司贵州分公司技术开发项目(201413) ,2014-2017,50万4) 火龙果高频离体变异的分子机理与耐寒新种质的创制,贵州省留学人员科技活动项目(201304),2013-2015,5.05) 大樱桃新品种及其栽培新技术引进与示范,贵州省农业委员会资助项目,2015-2016,306) 大樱桃引种试验,贵州省果树蔬菜工作站项目,2015-2015,57) 火龙果抗旱相关miRNAs的发掘及调控机制,2015年度NSFC(31560549),2016-2019,50.288) 贵州省百层次人才培养项目,60万2012年以来主要发表学术论著(作者、论文题目、期刊名称、发表时间、期卷页码)
1) Fuhua Fan, Guijie Ding, Xiaopeng Wen(通讯作者), 2016, Proteomic analyses provide new insights into responses to phosphorus deficiency in Pinus massoniana seedlings. Proteomics, 16: 504-515.
2) Qiong Nie, Guo-Li Gao, Qing-Jie Fan, Guang Qiao, Xiao-Peng Wen(通讯作者),Tao Liu, Zhi-Jun Peng, Yong-Qiang Cai, 2015, Isolation and characterization of a catalase gene “HuCAT3 ” from pitaya (Hylocereus undatus) and its expression under abiotic stress. Gene, 563 (1): 63-71. DOI:10.1016/j.gene.2015.03.007. 2013影响因子2.01.
3) Xiaopeng Wen, Takaya Moriguchi, Role of polyamines in stress response, in: Abiotic Stress Biology in Horticultural Plants (eds: Yoshinori Kanayama, Alexey Kochetov), Springer, 2015.
4) Qiao G, Wen XP(通讯作者), Zhang T 2015. Molecular cloning and characterization of light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b gene from pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan). Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 177 (7):1447-1455.
5) Fuhua Fan, Bowen Cui, Ting Zhang, Xiaopeng Wen(通讯作者), Guijie Ding, 2014, LTR-retrotransposon activation, IRAP marker development and its potential in genetic diversity assessment of masson pine (Pinus massoniana). Tree Genetics & Genomics, 10: 213-222, DOI 10.1007/s11295-013-0677-x. 2012影响因子2.397.
6) Fuhua Fan, Bowen Cui, Ting Zhang, Guang Qiao, Guijie Ding, Xiaopeng Wen(通讯作者), 2014, The temporal transcriptomic response of Pinus massoniana seedlings to phosphorus deficiency. PLoS ONE, 9 (8): e105068
7) Qing-Jie Fan, Feng-Xia Yan, Guang Qiao, Bing-Xue Zhang, Xiao-Peng Wen(通讯作者), 2014, Identification of differentially-expressed genes potentially implicated in drought response in pitaya (Hylocereus undatus) by suppression subtractive hybridization and cDNA micro analysis. Gene, 533: 322-331. 2012影响因子2.196
8) Jin Tao, Guang Qiao, Xiao-Peng Wen(通讯作者), Guo-Li Gao, Tao Liu, Zhi-Jun Peng,Yong-Qiang Cai, Nan Chen, Feng-Xia Yan, Bing-Xue Zhang 2014, Characterization of genetic relationship of dragon fruit accessions (Hylocereus spp.) by morphological traits and ISSR markers. Scientia Horticulturae, 170: 82-88. 2012影响因子1.396
9) Fuhua Fan, Xiaopeng Wen(通讯作者), Guijie Ding, Bowen Cui, 2013, Isolation, identification, and characterization of genomic LTR retrotransposon sequences from masson pine (Pinus massoniana). Tree Genetics & Genomics, 9 (5): 1237-1246, DOI 10.1007/s11295-013-0631-y. 2012影响因子2.397
10) Fan Q. -J., Zheng S.-C, Yan F.-X., Zhang, B.-X., Qiao G., Wen X.-P. (通讯作者), 2013, Efficient regeneration of dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus) and an assessment of the genetic fidelity of in vitro-derived plants using ISSR markers. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 88 (5): 631-637. 2012影响因子0.51
11) Qiao G, Wen X P(通讯作者), Yu L F, Ji X B, 2012, Identification of differentially expressed genes preferably related to drought response in pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) inoculated by arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi (AMF). Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 34: 1711-1721. SCI刊源,2012年影响因子1.305。
1)喀斯特山区作物特色种质资源评价、利用及其转基因技术创新,2013教育部科技进步二等奖 , 2013-299,排名第5.
2)森林深化培育研究生培养体系改革, 创新人才培养模式 。贵州省研究生教育成果一等奖,2015,排名第3.
贵州省百层次创新人才。 |