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发表于 2019-6-24 15:02:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
姓  名: 解跃峰所在单位: 饮用水安全教研所职  称: 千人计划邮寄地址: 北京市海淀区清华大学环境学院100084电子邮件: drwater@tsinghua.edu.cn办公地点: 清华大学环境节能楼
教育背景1979年9月-1984年6月, 清华大学,化学工程系,学士
工作履历1989年9月-1994年5月, 博士后,美国马萨诸塞大学(安姆斯特分校,土木工程系)
1994年5月-1995年8月, 水质与处理工艺咨询师,跃峰水研究公司
1995年8月-2001年6月, 助理教授,美国宾州州立大学(首府学院,环境工程)
2001年7月-2007年6月, 副教授,美国宾州州立大学(首府学院,环境工程)
2007年7月- 教授,美国宾州州立大学(首府学院,环境工程)
2010年5月- 千人计划教授,清华大学 (环境学院)
学术兼职Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering,编委会,委员
Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, 编委会,委员
美国水厂协会,有机污染物控制委员会,主任委员 (曾任)
加拿大 Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, 副编辑 (曾任)
加拿大自然科学与工程研究署,土木工程审阅委员会,委员 (曾任)
饮用水过滤技术 (砂滤,膜过滤及生物过滤)
1998-2009, Small Public Water Systems Technology Assistance Center, $4,000,000, US EPA。 PI & Co-PI (with Dr. Charles A Cole and Alison Shuler).
1998-2009, Cooperative Agreement for Operation and Maintenance of the PSH Environmental (drinking water) Training Center, $2,000,000, PADEP。 PI& Co-PI (with Dr. Charles A. Cole and Alison Shuler).
2001-2003,Haloacetic Acid Removal Using Granular Activated Carbon, American Water Works Association Research Foundation, $143,703。
2001-2004, Penn State Environmental Consortium: Graduate Assistantships, $150,000, Penn State Environmental Consortium, Co-PI (with Dr. Katherine Baker).
2004-2006,A Pilot-Scale Study on Crumb Rubber Filtration for Ballast Water Treatment, $156,473, NOAA。PI (with Dr. Michael Butkus, United States Military Academy).
2006-2008, Microbiological Degradation of HAAs in Distribution Systems, American Water Works Association Research Foundation,$400,000。Co-PI (with Drs. Raymond Hozalski at University of Minnesota, Anne Camper at Montana State University, Simon Parsons at Cranfield University, and Timothy LaPara at University of Minnesota).
奖励与荣誉2002 美国宾州州立大学,哈里斯堡校区,杰出教师研究奖
2005 美国宾州水环境学会,学术研究奖
2008 加拿大全国饮用水大会,大会开幕式主题发言人
2009 美国水厂协会宾州分会,特别嘉许奖
2010 美国富布赖特国际学者交流机构,富布赖特学者(加拿大富布赖特客座讲席研究员)
2010 中央组织部,千人计划
2012 国际水协(IWA),高级会员(Fellow)
2014 清华环境学院, 优秀教学奖
2014 宾州州立大学,校级社会服务奖
2016 宾州华人教授专家协会,优秀事业成就奖
学术成果出版著作 :
Karanfil, Mitch, Westerhoff & Xie (eds), Recent Advances in Disinfection Byproducts, Oxford University Press, 2016.
Karanfil, Krasner, Westerhoff & Xie (eds), Disinfection By-Products in Drinking Water: Occurrence, Formation, Health Effects and Control , Oxford University Press, 2008.
Yuefeng F. Xie, Disinfection Byproducts in Drinking Water: Formation, analysis, and control, Lewis Publishers, 2003.
1.Shujuan Zhang, Xiaomao Wang, Hongwei Yang, Yuefeng F Xie, Chlorination of oxybenzone: Kinetics, transformation, disinfection byproducts formation, and genotoxicity changes, Chemosphere, 2016, 154:521-527.
3.Yu Zhao, Hong-wei Yang, Shi-ting Liu, Shun Tang, Xiao-mao Wang, Yuefeng F. Xie Effects of metal ions on disinfection byproduct formation during chlorination of natural organic matter and surrogates, Chemosphere, 2016, 144:1074-1082
4.Shengqi Qi, Yuqin Mao, Miao Lv, Lili Sun, Xiaomao Wang, Hongwei Yang, Yuefeng F. Xie Pathway fraction of bromate formation during O3 and O3/H2O2 processes in drinking water treatment, Chemosphere, 2016, 144:2436-2442
5.Fan-xin Kong, Hong-wei Yang, Xiao-mao Wang, Yuefeng F. Xie Assessment of the hindered transport model in predicting the rejection of trace organic compounds by nanofiltration, Journal of Membrane Science, 2016, 498:57-66
6.Xiaofeng Wang, Beihai Zhou, Hongwei Yang, Xiaomao Wang, Yuefeng Xie, Effect of oxidation on nitro-based pharmaceutical degradation and trichloronitromethane formation, Chemosphere, 2016, 146:154-161
7.Hao Tang and Yuefeng Xie, Biologically active carbon filtration for haloacetic acid removal from swimming pool water, Sci Total Environ, 2016, 541:58-64
8.Hao L. Tang, Ricky J. Ristau, II, and Yuefeng F. Xie, Disinfection By-Products in Swimming Pool Water: Formation, Modeling, and Control, Recent Advances in Disinfection Byproducts, Karanfil, Mitch, Westerhoff & Xie (eds), American Chemical Society, 2015.
9.Xiaofeng Wang, Hongwei Yang, Beihai Zhou, Xiaomao Wang, Yuefeng Xie, Effect of Oxidation on Amine-Based Pharmaceutical Degradation and N-Nitrosodimethylamine Formation, WATER RESEARCH, 2015, 87:403-411
10. Lei-xi Dong, Hong-wei Yang, Shi-ting Liu, Xiao-mao Wang, Yuefeng F. Xie, Fabrication and anti-biofouling properties of alumina and zeolite nanoparticle embedded ultrafiltration membranes, Desalination, 2015, 365:70-78
11. Zhang, Xiao-lu; Yang, Hong-wei; Wang, Xiao-mao; Karanfil, Tanju; Xie, Yuefeng F. Trihalomethane hydrolysis in drinking water at elevated temperatures. WATER RESEARCH, 2015, 78:18-27
12. Shun Tang, Xiaomao Wang, Yuqin Mao, Yu Zhao, Hongwei Yang, Yuefeng Xie. Effect of dissolved oxygen concentration on iron efficiency: Removal of three chloroacetic acids. Water Research. 2015, 73: 342-352.
13. Fan-xin Kong, Hong-wei Yang, Yu-qiao Wu, Xiao-mao Wang, Yuefeng F. Xie Rejection of pharmaceuticals during forward osmosis and prediction by using the solution-diffusion model. Journal of Membrane Science, 2015, 476, pp 410–420.
14. Xiaomao Wang, Hongwei Yang, Zhenyu Li, Shaoxia Yang, Yuefeng Xie Pilot study for the treatment of sodium and fluoride-contaminated groundwater by using high-pressure membrane systems. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2015, 9(1), pp 155-163.
15. Pengfei Lin, Yuan Zhang, Xiaojian Zhang, Chao Chen, Yuefeng Xie, Irwin H. Suffet The influence of chlorinated aromatics’ structure on their adsorption characteristics on activated carbon to tackle chemical spills in drinking water source, Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2015, 9(1), pp 138-146.
16. Xiaomao Wang, Yuqin Mao, Shun Tang, Hongwei Yang, Yuefeng Xie, Disinfection byproducts in drinking water and regulatory compliance: A critical review. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2015, 9(1), pp 3-15.
17. Yuqin Mao, Xiaomao Wang, Hongwei Yang, Haoyu Wang, Yuefeng F Xie (2014) Effects of ozonation on disinfection byproduct formation and speciation during subsequent chlorination. Chemosphere, 117:515-520.
18. Xiaomao Wang, Garcia Leal MI, Xiaolu Zhang, Hongwei yang, Yuefeng Xie, Haloacetic acids in swimming pool and spa water in the United States and China. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 8(6), 820-824.
19. McGuire, Michael J.; Karanfil, Tanju; Krasner, Stuart W.; Reckhow, David A.; Roberson, J. Alan; Summers, R. Scott; Westerhoff, Paul; Xie, Yuefeng (2014) Not your granddad's disinfection by-product problems and solutions, Journal American Water Works Association, 106(8), 54-73.
20. Fan-xin Kong, Yang, Xiao-mao Wang, Hong-wei Yang, Yuefeng F. Xie (2014) Rejection of nine haloacetic acids and coupled reverse draw solute permeation in forward osmosis, Desalination, 341, 1-9.
21. J.-J. Liu, X.-Y. Li, Y-F Xie, H. Tang (2014) Characterization of soluble microbial products as precursors of disinfection byproducts in drinking water supply, Science of the Total Environment, 472, 818-824.
22. Wendong Wang, Yinting Zhang, Mariem Esparra-Alvarado, Xiaomao Wang, Hongwei Yang, Yuefeng Xie (2014) Effects of pH and temperature on forward osmosis membrane flux using rainwater as the makeup for cooling water dilution, Desalination, 351, 70-76.
23. Xiao-lu Zhang, Hong-wei Yang, Xiao-mao Wang, Jing Fu, Yuefeng F. Xie Formation of disinfection by-products: Effect of temperature and kinetic modeling, Chemosphere 90, 634-639.
24. Wang, CK ; Zhang, XJ ; Wang, J; Liu, SM ; Chen, C ; Xie, YF, 2013, Effects of organic fractions on the formation and control of N-nitrosamine precursors during conventional drinking water treatment processes, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 449: 295-301.
25. Shun Tang, Xiao-mao Wang, Hong-wei Yang, Yuefeng F. Xie (2013) Technical Note, Haloacetic acid removal by sequential zero-valent iron reduction and biologically active carbon degradation, Chemosphere 90, 1563–1567.
26. Hao L. Tang , Yen-Chih Chen , John M. Regan and Yuefeng F. Xie (2012) Disinfection by-product formation potentials in wastewater effluents and their reductions in a wastewater treatment plant, J. Environ. Monit., 14, 1515-1522
27. Hao L Tang, Yuefeng F Xie, and Yen-Chih Chen (2012) Use of Bio-Amp, a commercial bio-additive for the treatment of grease trap wastewater containing fat, oil, and grease. Bioresour Technol, 124 (11), 52-58.
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