2、学 位:博士
3、职 称:研究员
1978.3-1981.1江西师范大学化学系本科生/学士 化学专业
1984.9-1987.7 武汉大学化学系硕士研究生/ 硕士, 无机化学专业
2006.3-2009.3 武汉理工大学材料科学与工程学院博士研究生/ 博士, 材料加工工程专业
2009.3-2011.7美国马里兰大学航空工程系, 智能材料与智能结构研究中心,高级访问研究员
1987.7-至今, 武汉工业大学硅工系, 武汉理工大学材料复合新技术国家实验室, 工程师,副研究员,副研究员
3) 太阳能发电传热蓄热材料研究。
1、国家自然科学基金“表面分子设计磁流变液的长期稳定性提高及其机理研究”, (No. 51372189),经费80万
2、科技部 973 计划:“大规模太阳能热发电基础研究”中分期项目“高温传热蓄热材料设计与性能调控原理”, (No. 2010CB227105),经费279万
3、国际合作重点基金:“高性能纳米线钒系锂离子动力电池联合研发”,(No. 2013DFA50840)经费400万
1)合著著作:【磁流变液智能材料与器件及结构振动的智能控制】,科学出版社, 20132)Effects of Surface Modification on the Stability of Suspension and Thermal Conductivity Enhancement of Composite Fe Nanofluids, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMAG.2014.2330629, (2014)3)Carbon nanotubes suspended in ethylene glycol yield nanofluids with enhanced heat transfer properties, Advanced Computational Methods and Experiments In Heat Transfer XIII, doi:10.2495/HT140071, P73-80, (2014)4)Design and fabrication of 500-kN large-scale MR damper, Journal of intelligent material systems and structures, Vol.22 No.5:475-487, (2011)5)Mmagnetorheological fluids and dampers for vibration control of the Tianxingzhou Bridge, Electrorheological fluids and magnetorheological suspensions ISBN: 78-981-4340-23-6, pp. 235-241, (2011).6)Effect of Fe3O4 nanoparticles on the properties of bidisperse magnetorheological fluids. Electrorheological fluids and magnetorheological suspensions ISBN: 78-981-4340-23-6, pp.369-375, (2011)7)Magnetorheology and sedimentation behavior of an aqueous suspension of surface modified carbonyl iron particles, Journal of Applied Physics 107, 09B507 (2010)8)Preparation of composite magnetic particles and aqueous magnetorheological fluids, Smart Materials & Structures 18 085009 (6pp) doi:10.1088/0964-1726/18/8/085009 (2009)9)有机分子修饰铁粒子表面改善水基磁流变液的抗氧化性和稳定性,物理化学学报10, 24(10):1869-1874, (2008)10)Co-Ni-W-P Magnetic Films Electrolessly Deposited on Nitinol and the Application in Magnetically Targeted Therapy,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. 43, NO. 6,,2433-2435 ( 2007)
1、Tel: 133498780892、E-mail:chenghbok@163.com3、工作地址(实验室):材料复合新技术国家重点实验室201室1.Name: Haibin Cheng2.Brief introduction:1)Date of birth:1957112)Degree: Doctor3)Title: Professor4)Working department: State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing3.Education experience(after entering university):1978.3 to 1981.1 Jiangxi Normal University, Department of Chemistry, undergraduate student/Bachelor, Major: Chemistry1984.9 to 1987.7 Wuhan University, Department of Chemistry, graduate student / Master, Major: Inorganic Chemistry2006.3 to 2009.3 Wuhan University of Technology, School of Materials Science and Engineering, doctoral student/Doctor, Major: Materials Processing Engineering4.Working experience:2009.3 to 2011.7 University of Maryland, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Senior visiting fellow1987.7 to now, Wuhan University of Technology, Engineer, Associate Professor, Professor1981.1 1984.8 Shangrao Normal University, Assistant Professor5.Research field(no more than 3):1)Research on Organic - Inorganic composite nano materials;2)Research on intelligent material and engineering application;3)Research on the materials of transfer heat and storage heat for solar power plant.6.Research project(no more than 5):1)Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51372189): Study on the mechanism and improvement of the long-term stability of magnetorheological fluids through surface molecular design.2)Major State Basic Research Development Program of China (No. 2010CB227105): Design and performance control principle of high temperature heat transfer and heat storage materials3)International cooperation on key funds (No. 2013DFA50840): Representative papers and works(no more than 10): Joint research and development for high-performance nanowires vanadium lithium ion power battery4)Research entrusted by Binzhou city government: Shandong commissioned: Overall project and implementation plan for Science and Technology City of new materials in Binzhou7.Representative papers and works(no more than 10):1)【Magnetorheological fluids intelligent materials, devices and intelligent control for structural vibration】, Science Press, Beijing, China. 20132)Effects of Surface Modification on the Stability of Suspension and Thermal Conductivity Enhancement of Composite Fe Nanofluids, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMAG.2014.2330629, (2014)3)Carbon nanotubes suspended in ethylene glycol yield nanofluids with enhanced heat transfer properties, Advanced Computational Methods and Experiments In Heat Transfer XIII, doi:10.2495/HT140071, P73-80, (2014)4)Design and fabrication of 500-kN large-scale MR damper, Journal of intelligent material systems and structures, Vol.22 No.5:475-487, (2011)5)Magnetorheological fluids and dampers for vibration control of the Tianxingzhou Bridge, Electrorheological fluids and magnetorheological suspensions ISBN: 78-981-4340-23-6, pp. 235-241, (2011).6)Effect of Fe3O4 nanoparticles on the properties of bidisperse magnetorheological fluids. Electrorheological fluids and magnetorheological suspensions ISBN: 78-981-4340-23-6, pp.369-375, (2011)7)Magnetorheology and sedimentation behavior of an aqueous suspension of surface modified carbonyl iron particles, Journal of Applied Physics 107, 09B507 (2010)8)Preparation of composite magnetic particles and aqueous magnetorheological fluids, Smart Materials & Structures 18 085009 (6pp) doi:10.1088/0964-1726/18/8/085009 (2009)9)Stability and Anti-Oxidization of Aqueous MRFluids Improved by Modifying Iron Particle Surface with OrganicMolecule,Acta Phys. -Chim. 24(10):1869-1874, (2008)10)Co-Ni-W-P Magnetic Films Electrolessly Deposited on Nitinol and the Application in Magnetically Targeted Therapy,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. 43, NO. 6,,2433-2435 ( 2007)8.Contact information:1) Tel:133498780892) E-mail: chenghbok@163.com3) Location of lab: Room 201#, State key laboratory for advanced materials synthesis and processing |