金亮,男,1975年9月9日出生,教授,博士生导师。2006年毕业于中国药科大学微生物与生化药学专业,获博士学位,后留校任讲师;2010年5月晋升为副教授;2010年7月至2013年12月,在美国希望之城国家医学中心(National Medical Center)从事博士后研究工作;2014年1月被中国药科大学特聘为教授。近5年来主持国家‘863’计划项目1项(立项),国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,国家自然科学基金青年基金1项,江苏省杰出青年基金1项,中央高校基础科研基金2项,并作为主要负责人(第二负责人)主持美国NIH基金项目(R01,125万美金)1项。近年在国际权威杂志发表了30多篇SCI收录研究论文,包括Proc Natl Acad Sci USA,The journal of immunology,Stem Cells Dev,Endocrine-Related Cancer,Vaccine等杂志。其中以第一作者发表SCI论文8篇,累计影响因子超过40。
序 号 | 项目名称 | 项目性质及来源 | 项目经费 | 起始年度 | 终止年度 | 排序 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | 胰腺干细胞的筛选与应用研究 T1DM免疫调节肽P277功能优化及诱发AS副作用的逆向调控 miR-26a靶向TET酶调控胰腺干细胞分化的作用及机制研究 miR-26a 靶向TET酶在胰腺成体干细胞分化过程中的作用及机制研究 一种具有抗动脉粥样硬化和抗糖尿病双功能蛋白的分子定向改造 P277肽的内部表位解析及其副作用逆转 Ex vivo differentiation and expansion of adult pancreatic colony-forming units. | 国家863计划项目 国家自然科学基金面上项目 江苏省杰出青年基金 中央高校基金杰出人才引导项目 国家自然科学基金青年基金 中央高校基金 美国NIH基金项目 | 300万 80万 100万 20万 17.5万 3万 125万美金 | 2015 2013 2015 2014.1 2008 2010.1 2013 | 2017 2016 2017 2014.12 2010 2010.12 2017 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 |
1.Liang Jin, Tao Feng, Hung Ping Shih, Ricardo Zerda, Angela Luo, Jasper Hsu, Alborz Mahdavi, Maike Sander, David A. Tirrell, Arthur D. Riggs, and Hsun Teresa Ku*. Colony-forming cells in the adult mouse pancreas are expandable in Matrigel and form endocrine/acinar colonies in laminin hydrogel. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA; 2013, 110 (10) : 3907-3912, (IF:10.583).
2.Xianghui Fu, Liang Jin, Xichun Wang, Angela Luo, Junkai Hu, Xianwu Zheng, Walter M. Tsark, Arthur D. Riggs, H. Teresa Ku*. Wendong Huang; MiR-26a targets TET enzymes and is regulated during pancreatic cell differentiation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA; 2013, 110 (44): 17892-17897, (Co-first author, IF: 10.583).
3.Liang Jin, Tao Feng, Ricardo Zerda, Ching-Cheng Chen, Arthur D. Riggs and Hsun Teresa Ku*. In vitro multi-lineage differentiation and self-renewal of single pancreatic colony-forming cells from adult C57Bl/6 mice; Stem Cells Dev; 2014, 23 (8): 899-909, (IF:4.67).
4.Liang Jin,Tao Feng, Jing Chai, Nadiah Ghazalli, Dan Gao, Ricardo Zerda, Zhuo Li,Jasper Hsu, Alborz Mahdavi, David A. Tirrell, Arthur D. Riggs,and Hsun Teresa Ku*. Colony-forming progenitor cells in the postnatal mouse liver and pancreas give rise to morphologically distinct insulin-expressing colonies in 3D cultures. Rev Diabet stud; 2014, 11(1):35-50, (IF:2.94).
5.Jin Liang, Zhu Aihua, Wang Yu, Lu Yong Liu Jingjing*. HSP65 serves as an immunogenic carrier for a diabetogenic peptide P277 inducing anti-inflammatory immune response in NOD mice by nasal administration. Vaccine; 2010, 28: 3312-33172, (IF:3.492).
6.Liang Jin, Aihua Zhu, Yu Wang, Qingmei Chen, Qiyan Xiong, Jianping Li, Yunxiao Sun, Taiming Li, Jie Wu, and Jingjing Liu*. A Th1 recognized peptide P277, when tandem repeated, induces a Th2 cytokine burst and toward effective vaccines against autoimmune diabetes in NOD mice. The journal of immunology; 2008, 180 (1): 58 – 63, (IF:5.79).
7.Jin Liang, Zhu aihua, Wang Yu, Liu JingJing*. Enhanced immunogenicity of peptide P277 by heat shock protein HSP65 vector carrying tandem repeats of P277 to prevent type 1 diabetes in NOD mice. Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes; 2008, 116 (9):1-8, (IF:1.555).
8.Jin Liang, Wang Yu, Xiong Qiyan, Chen Qingmei, Li Jianping, Zhu Aihua, Cao Rongyue, Wu Jie, Liu Jingjing Long-lasting specific antibodies against p277 induced by mucosal administration of p277 repeat sequences carried by Hsp65 in the absence of adjuvants. Vaccine; 2007 25: 2043-2050, (IF:3.492).
Email: liangjin2013@hotmail.com; 6238564@qq.com |