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导师信息#北京化工大学食品科学与工程专业研究生导师介绍#罗施中 ...

发表于 2020-2-2 08:16:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
姓名: 罗施中性 别: 男 院 系: 生命科学与技术学院
行政职务: 专业技术职称: 教授导师类别: 博士生导师
从事专业1: 生物化工从事专业2: 轻工技术与工程从事专业3: 食品科学
从事专业4: 药学
最后学历: 硕士研究生最后学位: 博士任硕导年月: 2008
任博导年月: 2010是否院士: 否是否国务院学科评议组成员: 否
毕业院校: 清华大学毕业专业: 0703 化学毕业时间: 2004
办公电话: 010-64438015E-mail: luosz@mail.buct.edu.cn是否停招: 否
◇ 个人简历:
北京化工大学罗施中博士简历 罗施中,教授,博士生导师。 1999年本科毕业于清华大学化学系,同年免试攻读清华大学直博生,2004年获清华大学化学博士学位,并荣获清华大学优秀博士学位论文奖。2004年至2008年,在美国德克萨斯大学休斯顿医学科学中心生物化学和分子生物学系从事博士后科研工作。2008年9月以北京化学大学高层次引进人才的方式进入北京化工大学生命学院工作,主要从事生物化工和化学生物学的相关研究工作,包括生物自组装体系的研究;基于生物加工过程中的相关代谢调控、代谢组学和蛋白质组学研究;食品安全和环境安全检测;计算化学和分子模拟研究。 作为项目负责人先后承担国家自然科学基金项目,科技部863项目,北京市科技新星和教育部博士点基金项目,作为承担单位的负责人承担973重大研究计划项目和国家自然科学基金重点项目各1项。发表了包括国外高水平期刊Blood,JBC,JMBBiophysical Journal在内的SCI论文二十多篇,参编专著一本。荣获2013年北京市科技新星,2013年北京市科学技术奖(三等奖),2012年北京化工大学第十二届青年主讲教师,2008年第十届中国国际多肽大会Young Peptide Scientist Award等奖励。 主要发表文章如下: 1) Zhiling Zhu, Mengxue Feng, Limin Zuo, Zhentai Zhu, Fengwei Wang, Long Chen, Jinghua Lib, Guangzhi Shan*, Shi-Zhong Luo*(通讯作者) An aptamer based surface plasmon resonance biosensor for the detection of2 ochratoxin A in wine and peanut oil. Biosensors and Bioelectronics Accepted (IF=6.0,Top杂志); 2) Fude Sun, Lei Zhang, Jianhua Yan, Lida Xu, Decai Fang and Shi-Zhong Luo*(通讯作者) The synthesis and photolysis mechanisms of 8-nitroquinoline-based photolabile caging groups for carboxylic acid. J. Phys. Org. Chem. Accepted (SCI) 3) Peng Wei, Lida Xu, Cheng-Dong Li, Fu-De Sun, Long Chen, Tianwei Tan, Shi-Zhong Luo*(通讯作者) Molecular Dynamic Simulation of the Self-Assembly DAP12-NKG2C Activating Immunoreceptor Complex. PLOS One, 9(8), e1005560 (IF=3.7,Top杂志) 4) Peng Wei, Bo-Kai Zheng,Peng-Ru Guo, Toru Kawakami, Shi-Zhong Luo*(通讯作者) The Association of Polar Residues in the DAP12 homodimer: TOXCAT and Molecular Dynamics Simulation Studies Biophysical Journal, 2013 Apr 2;104(7):1435-44. (IF=4.3,Top杂志); 5) Yunfei Sun, Long Chen, Fude Sun, Xibo Tian, Shi-Zhong Luo* New amphiphilic N-phosphoryl oligopeptides designed for gene delivery. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 468 (2014) 83–90 (IF=3.6); 6) Lin Chang,Pengyu Bi,Yanan Liu,Yinglin Mu,Fengquan Nie,Shizhong Luo, and Yun Wei*, Simultaneous Analysis of Trace Polymer Additives in Plastic Beverage Packaging by Solvent Sublation Followed by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography J. Agric. Food Chem. dx.doi.org/10.1021/jf401748a (IF=2.9,Top杂志) 7) Lida Xu Ting-Ting Hu Shi-Zhong Luo*(通讯作者) Leucine Zipper Motif Drives the Transmembrane Domain Dimerization of E-cadherin International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics, Accepted. (SCI) 8) Fengxiang Qie, Guoxin Zhang, Jianxuan Hou, Xiaoming Sun, Shi-zhong Luo*(通讯作者), Tianwei Tan* Nucleic acid from beans extracted by ethanediamine magnetic particles Journal of Food Science and Technology (SCI) 9) Xi-Rui Zhou, Rui, Ge, Shi-Zhong Luo* (通讯作者) Self-assembly of pH and calcium dual-responsive peptide-amphiphilic hydrogel. Journal of Peptide Science. 2013 19(12): 737-44. (IF=1.8) 10) Xiao-Li Lv, Shi-Zhong Luo*(通讯作者) A fluorescence chemosensor based on peptidase for detecting nickel(II) with high selectivity and high sensitivity, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2012, 402(9):2999-3002; (IF=3.84,二区杂志); 11) Fengxiang Qie, Guoxin Zhang, Jianxuan Hou, Xiaoming Sun, Shi-Zhong Luo*(通讯作者), Tianwei Tan*(通讯作者), Talanta, 2012, 93,166-171; (IF=3.7,二区杂志); 12) Xiao-Li Lv, Yun Wei, Shi-Zhong Luo*(通讯作者) A “Turn-On” Fluorescent Chemosensor Based on Peptidase for Detecting Copper (II), Analytical Science,2012, 28(8), 749. (SCI) 获得当期的Hot Article Award 13) Peng Wei, Xin Liu, Miaohui Hu, Limin Zuo, Rui Wang, Shi-Zhong Luo*(通讯作者)The dimerization interface of the glycoprotein Ibb transmembrane domain corresponds to polar residues within a leucine zipper motif, Protein Science, 2011,20(11):1814-1823; (IF=3.0, 二区杂志); 14) Ting-Ting Hu and Shi-Zhong Luo*,“Phosphorylation-Induced Structural Changes in the C-Terminus of c-Fos Detected by CD and NMR” International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics, 2011,17(1):19-30. (SCI) 15) Yan-Jing Kang, Li-Min Zuo, Shi-Zhong Luo*, “Hydrogen-Bonding Interactions Induced by Phosphorylation Influence the Local Conformation of Phosphopeptides”, International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics, 2010,16(2):87-93. (SCI) 16) Xi Mo, Nam X. Nguyen, Fi-tjen Mu, Shi-Zhong Luo, Huizhou Fan, Robert K. Andrews, Michael C. Berndt, Renhao Li. “Trans-membrane and trans-subunit regulation of ectodomain shedding of platelet glycoprotein Ib[alpha]”. Journal of Biology Chemistry, 2010, 285: 32096-32104. (IF=5.3,Top杂志) 17) Shi-Zhong Luo, Renhao Li. “Specific heteromeric association of four transmembrane peptides derived from platelet glycoprotein Ib-IX complex”, Journal of Molecular Biology, 2008, 382, 448-457. (IF=4.9,Top杂志) 18) Shi-Zhong Luo, Xi Mo, Vahid Afshar-Kharghan, Sankaranarayanan Srinivasan José A.López, and Renhao Li. “Glycoprotein Ib? forms disulfides with two glycoprotein Ib? subunits in the resting platelet”. Blood, 2007, 109, 603-609. (IF=10.1,Top杂志) Featured in a commentary in Blood, 2007, 109, 393-394. 19) Shi-Zhong Luo, Xi Mo, José A.López, and Renhao Li. “Role of the transmembrane domain of glycoprotein IX in assembly of the glycoprotein Ib-IX complex”. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 2007, 5,2494-2502. (IF=5.9,二区杂志) 20) Xi Mo, Shi-Zhong Luo, Yuandong Peng, Adam D Munday, Carol Sun, Michael C. Berndt, José A. López, Jing-fei Dong, and Renhao Li. “Removing the covalent links between GPIba and GPIbb hampers binding of von Willebrand Factor to GPIb-IX Complex in CHO cells”, Accepted by Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. (IF=5.9,二区杂志) 21) Xi Mo, Shi-Zhong Luo, José A. López, and Renhao Li. “Juxtamembrane basic residues in glycoprotein Ibb cytoplasmic domain are required for assembly and surface expression of glycoprotein Ib-IX complex”, FEBS Letters, 2008, 582, 3270-3274. (IF=3.4) 22) Shi-Zhong Luo, Yan-Mei Li,.Wei Qiang, Yu-Fen Zhao, Hiroshi Abe, Tadashi Nemoto, Xu-Rong Qin, and Hiroshi Nakanishi. “Detection of Specific Non-Covalent Interaction of Peptide with DNA by MALDI-TOF”. Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 2004,15,28-31(IF=3.6). 23) Shi-Zhong Luo, Yan-Mei Li, Yan-Ling Niu, Yi Chen, Yu-Yang Jiang, Jing Chen and Yu-Fen Zhao. “Characterization of an Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry for N-Diisopropyloxyphosphory Dipeptide Methyl Esters”. European Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2005,11,107-118, (SCI) 24) Shi-Zhong Luo, Yan-Mei Li, Zhong-Zhou Chen, Hiroshi Abe, Li-Ping Cui, Hiroshi Nakanishi, Xu-Rong Qin and Yu-Fen Zhao. “Synthesis and matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry study of phosphopeptide”. Letters in peptide science, 2003,10,57-62. (SCI)
◇ 本人从事的主要研究方向:
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