北方工业大学控制科学与工程研究生导师介绍咨询QQ、微信:2544906;“推进系统实时模型建立与仿真”,飞机设计,1996/12 11.王立峰;“涡轮喷气发动机可视化动态建模环境研究”,第十二届推进系统气动热力学专业学术交流会议,四川,2009/9。 13.李志军,王立峰等“An Improved Constrained RMPC algorithm for LS”,AIM 2008 2008-07国际会议正式文集(EI) 14.李志军,王立峰等“Stability Of Model Predective Control for Networked Control Systems with Data Packet Dropout”,ICAL’07 2007-09国际会议正式文集(EI) 15.Wang Lifeng,” A General Multitask Simulation Package of Aircraft Engine”, 2011 SREE Conference on Engineering Modelling and Simulation (CEMS 2011), Procedia Engineering,Hongkong,2011,8.11(EI) 16. Wang Lifeng;”A Practical Tool for Multiple Simulation Tasks of Gas Engine”, The 3rd International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering (ICMEE2011) ,September 23-25, 2011, Hefei, China(EI) 17.Wang Lifeng;” A Step-by-Step Optimizing Component Combination Approach for Fault Diagnosis of Aircraft Engine”, The 2011 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Automation Technology (MEAT 2011), Sep.29th- Oct.1st, 2011 in Yangzhou, China(EI) 18. Wang Lifeng, Zhong Datian;“Model-Plant Performance Matching from the Limited Number of Measured Quantities for Gas Power Generator” 2011 International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling (ICCASM 2011), Nov.18 – 20,2011, Xiamen.China(EI) 19. Wang Lifeng,Zhong Datian;“Regularization Method Combined with Parameter Competitive Criterion for Model-Plant Performance Matching of Aircraft Engine”, 2011 International Conference on Information Computing and Applications (ICICA 2011), Oct. 28-31, 2011, Beidaihe, Qinhuangdao, China(EI) 20.Huang Huang,Wang Lifeng;”Comparison with elements sets and capacity In call center modeling base on arena”,2009 interenational conference on modeling,simulation and optimization,2009.12(ISTP) 21.Yu Yu,Wang Lifeng,Huanghuang etc. “Modeling & Simulation of an outpatient Service System”, 2010 international conference on computer application and system modeling(ICCASM2010),2010.10(EI) [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td=3,1] 近五年的荣誉和成果 科研项目、学术成果 [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td=3,1] 近年来出版的主要教材与专著 [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td=3,1] 在研主要项目 1.北京市教委面上项目 FIR神经网络在系统辩识和自适应控制中的应用研究 2003 2.北京市优秀人才项目交通信号群协调控制与车流诱导软件研制 2004 3.北京市重点实验室开放课题 FIR神经网络在系统辩识和自适应控制中的应用研究 2002 4.横向课题 电池组箱流场温度场三维计算与分析(863课题外包)2005 5.横向课题 回转窑计算机控制系统(山西铝厂)2005 6.横向课题 校区供暖优化控制系统(合计19.8万)2005-2006 7.横向课题 软件设计与开发(合计25万)2005-2007 8.横向课题 机电系统设计与控制(合计30万) 2008-2011 9.横向课题 金融电子设备研发(合计23万) 2008-2012 [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td=3,1] 国内外学术活动 [/td] [/tr] [/table] |