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发表于 2019-12-17 09:08:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. He, Xianzhong. (in press). Media representation of migrant workers in English newspapers in China: A corpus-based critical discourse analysis. In A. Y. L. Lee, Z. Kai, and K. Chan (eds.),Multidisciplinary approaches to media literacy: Research and practices. pp. 14-41. 北京:中国传媒大学出版社
2. He, Xianzhong. (2017). Transitivity of kinetic typography: Theory and application to a case study of a public service advertisement.Visual Communication, 16(2), 165-194.
3. He, Xianzhong (co-authored with Hong, Huaqing). (2015). Ideologies of monoculturalism
in Confucius Institute textbooks: A corpus-based critical analysis. In X. L. Curdt-Christiansen, and C. Weninger (eds.),Language, ideology and education: The politics of textbooks in language education. pp. 90-108. London and New York: Routledge.
4. He, Xianzhong, & Zhou, X. (2015). Contrastive analysis of lexical choice and ideologies in news reporting the same accidents between Chinese and American newspapers.Theory and Practice in Languages Studies, 5(11), 2356-2365.
5. He, Xianzhong, & Yin, Y. (2014). Understanding English majors’ academic competence through analyzing the use of modal verbs in thesis writing. In 王俊菊, 林殿芳(eds.),Teaching and researching EFL writing from the psycho-cognitive and socio-cultural perspectives.pp 70-87. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
6. He, X. (2009). 英语课堂提问问题的不同分类及其授课效能研究 [A Study of the question types and their effectiveness in ELT classroom].Foreign Language Education,30: 43-45.
7. He, X. & Huang, Y. (2007).A News English Listening Course.Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Audio and Video Press.
8. He, X. (2005). A Systematic way to plan culture teaching and enhance intercultural competence for English Majors.Sino-Us English Teaching.Nov. 2005: 5-8.
9. He, X. (2002). 21世纪优秀大学英语教师综合素质培养综述 [On the comprehensive quality of college English language expert teachers of the 21stcentury].Foreign Language Education,23: 75-77.
10. He, X. (2002). Family-related factors that influence children’s academic achievements in school.Journal of Shbbnxi Normal University, 31: 323-328.
11. He, X. (2001) Promoting reading comprehension through text structure awareness training in college English class.Tangdu Journal, 17: 197-299.
12. He, X. (2000). 浅谈交际法在大学英语教学中的应用 [On the application of communicative language teaching approach to College English classroom].Journal of Shbbnxi Institute of Education, 16(4): 80-94.
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