研究生导师介绍 | | 姓名: 卢涛 | 性 别: 男 | 院 系: 机电工程学院 | 行政职务: | 专业技术职称: 教授 | 导师类别: 博士生导师 | 从事专业1: 工程热物理 | 从事专业2: 热能工程 | 从事专业3: 化工过程机械 | 从事专业4: 流体机械及工程 | | | 最后学历: 博士研究生 | 最后学位: 博士 | 任硕导年月: 2005-09 | 任博导年月: 2007-09 | 是否院士: 否 | 是否国务院学科评议组成员: 否 | 毕业院校: 大连理工大学 | 毕业专业: 080703 动力机械及工程 | 毕业时间: 2003-09-07 | 办公电话: 13522099779 | E-mail: likesurge@sina.com | 是否停招: 否 | ◇ 个人简历: | 卢涛,博士,教授,博士生导师。2003年获大连理工大学动力机械与工程博士学位,2005年从清华大学动力工程及工程热物理博士后流动站出站,2005年至今在北京化工大学从事教学科研工作,主要讲授工程热力学、流体力学、传热学等课程。2008年-2009年到作为中组部团中央第8批赴青海省博士服务团成员在青海大学挂职锻炼1年,2012年-2013年作为访问学者到美国艾奥瓦州立大学访学1年。 近年来,主要从事核电中流动与传热、结构完整性,以及化工过程强化与优化等相关工程热物理问题作为主要研究方向。作为项目负责人,获得国家自然科学基金3项,教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划1项,北京市科技新星计划1项,作为学术骨干参与973计划1项,完成企事业委托横向课题10余项。发表论文50余篇,其中SCI收录20余篇,获授权专利4项,省部级三等奖1项。 附:2012年以来代表性学术论文: [1] Wang Y, Lu T. Influence of theparticle diameter and porosity of packed porous media on the mixing of hot andcold fluids in a T-junction. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer.2015;84:680-90. [2] T. Lu HLW, P. X. Jiang. A Thermo-Hydro-MechanicsBidirectional Coupling Mathematical Model for Drying of Biological PorousMedium. Drying Technology. 2015;33:420-8. [3] Lu T, Han WW, Zhai H. Numerical simulation of temperaturefluctuation reduction by a vortex breaker in an elbow pipe with thermalstratification. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 2015;75:462-7. [4] Lu T, Han WW, Jiang PX, Zhu YH, Wu J, Liu CL. Atwo-dimensional inverse heat conduction problem for simultaneous estimation ofheat convection coefficient, fluid temperature and wall temperature on theinner wall of a pipeline. Progress in Nuclear Energy. 2015;81:161-8. [5] Li SQ, Wang P, Lu T. CFD based approach for modelingsteam–water direct contact condensation in subcooled water flow in a teejunction. Progress in Nuclear Energy. 2015;85:729-46. [6] Li SQ, Wang P, Lu T. Numerical simulation of directcontact condensation of subsonic steam injected in a water pool using VOFmethod and LES turbulence model. Progress in Nuclear Energy. 2015;78:201-15. [7] Gao K, Wang P, Lu T, Song T. Experimental investigationand numerical simulation for weakening the thermal fluctuations in aT-junction. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 2015;78:180-7. [8] Wang Y, Wang P, Lu T. Experimental investigation of thethermal fluctuations in hot and cold fluids mixing in a T-junction filled withspherical particles. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2014;71:310-6. [9] Lu T, Zhu XG, Li HT. Large-eddy simulation of thermalstratification in a straight branch of a tee junction with or withoutleakage. Progress in Nuclear Energy. 2013;64:41-6. [10] Lu T, Liu SM, Attinger D. Large-eddy simulations ofstructure effects of an upstream elbow main pipe on hot and cold fluids mixingin a vertical tee junction. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 2013;60:420-31. [11] Lu T, Li HT, Zhu XG. Numerical simulation of thermalstratification in an elbow branch pipe of a tee junction with and withoutleakage. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 2013;60:432-8. [12] Lu T, Attinger D, Liu SM. Large-eddy simulations ofvelocity and temperature fluctuations in hot and cold fluids mixing in a teejunction with an upstream straight or elbow main pipe. Nuclear Engineering andDesign. 2013;263:32-41. [13] Yong-wei WANG TL, Pei-xue JIANG, Peng-fei CHENG,Kui-sheng WANG. Large-eddy simulation of fluid mixing in tee with sinteredporous medium. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2012;33:911-22. [14] Wang Y, Lu T, Wang K. Effect of particle diameter ofporous media on flow and heat transfer in a mixing tee. Annals of NuclearEnergy. 2012;49:122-30. [15] LU Tao WY, WANG Kuisheng. Large-eddy Simulation of FluidFlow and Heat Transfer in a Mixing Tee Junction. CHINESE JOURNAL OF MECHANICALENGINEERING. 2012;25:1144-50. | ◇ 本人从事的主要研究方向: | 核电中的工程热物理问题、复杂过程流动优化与传热强化、多物理场耦合传热传质、能量综合利用与节能、余热与 | | |