姓名(中文/汉语拼音)黄 田
职务 职称教授、博导
办公室电话+86(0)22 27405280
传真+86(0)22 27405280主要学历:1978.03-1981.12 天津大学机械制造专业,本科生,获工学学士1982.02-1984.12 天津大学机械制造专业,研究生,获工学硕士1987.02-1990.10 天津大学机械制造专业,在职研究生,获工学博士
主要学术经历:1985.02-至今 天津大学机械工程学院机械工程系,助教(1985.2)、讲师(1987.12)、副教授(1990.12)、教授(1992.6)、博士生导师(1993.12)1985.08-1986.08 美国Purdue大学机械系,访问学者1995.04-1996.04 英国Warwick大学,访问教授2000.09-至今 国家教育部"长江学者奖励计划"特聘教授2000.01-至今 英国Warwick大学Part-time教授2002.01-2009.09 天津大学机械工程学院院长
主要研究方向:1. 制造装备与系统2. 机器人学3. 机械动力学
主要讲授课程:1. Fundamentals of Robotics(研究生必修双语 32学时)
主要学术兼职:国际生产工程学会(CIRP )通讯会员(2000-2011), 会士(Fellow) (2011-)国际机构学与机器科学联合会(IFToMM)执行委员会委员(1999-2003), 副主席(2004-2007) , 提名委员会委员(2008-2011),宪章委员会委员(2011-)英国工程教授协会会员(1996-)Mechanism and Machine Theory编委(2005-)国家863高技术发展计划“十五”先进制造与自动化领域专家委成员国家863高技术发展计划“十一五”、“十二五”先进制造技术领域专家中国机械工程学会常务理事(2005-),IFToMM中国委员会主席(2000-)(2003-2007), 生产工程分会常务理事 (1999-)
主要学术成就、奖励及荣誉:申请国际、国家发明和实用新型专利近30项,授权20余项。1990 国家教委科技进步二等奖1992 国家教委自然科学三等奖1998 国家人事部"百千万人才工程"第一、二层次人选1998 天津市科技进步二等奖1999 中国高校技术发明二等奖2000 教育部"长江学者"特聘教授2001 天津市劳动模范2001 中国高校科技进步二等奖2001 天津市技术发明二等奖2002 全国教育工会"师德先进个人"2003 教育部、人事部等6部委"留学回国人员成就奖", 天津市杰出留学回国人员2006 天津市技术发明一等奖2009 IFToMM服务贡献奖2010 中国专利优秀奖2011 教育部高校科研成果(自然科学)一等奖2011 首届上银优秀机械博士铜奖指导教师2012 中国侨联创新成果奖2013 中国机械工业科学技术(技术发明)一等奖2014 天津市技术发明一等奖
主要科研项目及角色:1. 新一代并联加工平台关键技术研究与原型开发,国家“863”高技术发展计划,1996.06-1997.12,(与清华大学合作)。2. 3-HSS型并联机床关键技术与产品开发,天津市“九五”重点科技攻关项目,1998.10-1999.123. 高速喷漆涡轮故障诊断与修复技术,天津汽车夏利股份有限公司,1997.12-1999.12。4. 基于并联机构的多功能制造单元关键技术与原型开发,天津大学“211”工程标志性成果管理项目,80万元,1998.10 -1999.12。5. 虚轴机床工作空间分析与综合,国家自然科学基金,1998.1-2000.12。6. 基于球面并联机构的数控回转工作台关键技术与原型开发,国家863高技术发展计划,1999.01-2000.12。7. 基于多坐标并联机构主模块的快速可重构制造装备关键技术与产品开发,天津市科委“十五”重大科技攻关,200万,2000.07-2003.07。9. 并联机床精度设计与误差补偿技术基础,天津市自然科学基金重点项目,2001.01-2003.12。10. 高速、轻型、低成本混联机械手及其示范工程,国家863高技术发展计划,2001.10-2003.10。11. 并联机床精度设计与运动学标定技术基础,国家自然科学基金,2001.01-2003.12。12. Diamond 混联机械手研制, 英国Warwick大学国际合作项目,12002.04-2003.10。13. 并联运动学机器精度综合与误差补偿,英国皇家学会-国家自然科学基金国际合作项目,2002.04-2005.04。14. 新型2-3自由度主动手腕创新设计与原型样机建造,教育部博士点专项基金,2003.01-2005.12,第一完成人。15. 高速、高精度并联机械手动态设计与控制技术, 国家自然科学基金,2004.01-2006.12。16. 面向MEMS加工的精密定位技术的研究,国家“863”微机电系统(MEMS)重大专项,2003.09-2005.09)。17. 制造系统与制造模式,国家杰出青年基金(B类),2004.01-2006.12,中方合作者(与胡仕新教授合作)。18. 新型5自由度可重构混联机械手关键技术及示范工程,天津市重点科技攻关项目(装备制造业现代化专项),2004.09-2006.06。19. 可重构制造装备与系统关键技术研究,国家自然科学基金重大国际合作项目,2005.01-2007.12,(与清华大学、Warwick大学、Michigan大学合作)。20. 自行车创新平台建设,天津市科技发展项目,2005.01-2006.06。21. 高性能锂离子电池自动分选成套装备,国家863高技术发展计划, 2005.05-2005.12,。22. 国际潍柴网络与物流管理系统研究与开发,潍柴动力股份公司, 2006.01-2006.12。23. 现代机构创新与机械系统动态设计理论与方法,国家自然科学基金重点项目, 2006.01-2008.12, (与东北大学、哈尔滨工业大学合作)。24. 新型三坐标动力头关键技术,国家科技支撑计划,2007.01-2009.12 (与北京机电院合作)。25. 复杂地质掘进过程的界面行为, 国家"973"子课题, 2007.08-2011.08,(与浙江大学等合作)。26. 少自由度并联机构设计的若干理论问题研究, 国家自然科学基金, 2008.01-2010.12。27. 精密数控机床综合误差补偿技术, 国家NC重大专项, 2009.06-2010.12。 ,28. 少自由度并联机构创新设计与系统集成, 国家自然科学基金重点项目, 2012.01-2016.12。29. 航空叠层复合材料制孔工艺及装备技术基础, 国家自然科学基金重点国际合作项目, 2015.01-2019.12。
代表性论著:1. Huang, T., Whitehouse, D.J., The use of graph theory to formulate the linear dynamic characteristics of rigid body systems, Proceedings of Royal Society, Series A, 463(1961): 1299-1310, 19972. Huang, T., Whitehouse, D.J., Wang, J., Local dexterity, optimal architecture and design criteria of parallel machine tools, Annals of CIRP, 47(1): 347-351,19983. Huang, T., Wang, J., Whitehouse, D.J., Closed form solution to the workspace of hexapod-based virtual axis machine tools, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 121(1): 26-31, 19994. Huang, T., Whitehouse, D.J., Cutting force formulation of taper end-mills using differential geometry, ASPE Journal of Precision Engineering, 23(3): 196-203, 19995. Huang, T., Wang, J., Gosselin, C. M., Whitehouse, D. J., Closed form solution to the 2D orientation workspace of Gough-Stewart parallel manipulators, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 15(6): 1121-1125, 19996. Huang, T., Whitehouse, D.J. A simple yet effective approach for error compensation of a tripod-based parallel kinematic machine, Annals of CIRP, 49(1), 297-301, 20007. Huang, T., Zhao, X.Y., Whitehouse, D.J., Stiffness estimation of a tripod-based parallel kinematic machine, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 18(1): 50-58, 20028. Huang, T., Whitehouse, D. J., Chetwynd, D. G., A unified error model for tolerance design, assembly and error compensation of 3-DOF parallel kinematic machines with parallelogram struts, CIRP Annals, 51(1): 297-301, 20029. Huang, T., Gosselin, C. M., Whitehouse, D. J., Chetwynd, D.G., Analytic approach for optimal design of a type of spherical parallel manipulators using dexterous performance indices, IMechE Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Part C, 217(2): 407-415, 200310. Huang, T., Tang, G. B., Li, S.W., Chetwynd, D. G., Kinematic calibration of a class of parallel kinematic machines (PKM) with fewer than six degrees of freedom, Science in China (E), 46(5): 515-526, 200311. Huang, T., Li, M., Li, Z. X., Chetwynd, D. G., Conceptual design and dimensional synthesis of a novel 2-DOF translational parallel robot for pick-and-place operations, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 126(3): 449-455, 200412. Huang, T., Li, Z.X., Li, M., Chetwynd, D. G., Whitehouse, D.J., Optimal kinematic design of 2-DOF parallel manipulators with well shaped workspace bounded by a specified conditioning index, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 20(3): 538-543, 200413. Wang, Y., Huang T, Gosselin, C.M., Interpolation error prediction of a 3-DOF parallel kinematic machine, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 126(5): 932-937, 200414. Huang, T., Chetwynd, D. G., Whitehouse, D. J., Wang, J. S., A general and novel approach for parameter identification of 6-DOF parallel kinematic machines using a minimum set of pose error data, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 40(2): 219-239, 200515. Li, M., Huang, T., Zhao, X. M., Hu, S. J., Chetwynd, D. G., Conceptual design and dimensional synthesis of a reconfigurable hybrid robot, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 127(3): 647-653, 200516. Huang, T., Li, M., Zhao, X. M., Mei, J. P., Chetwynd, D. G., Hu, S. J., Conceptual design and dimensional synthesis for a 3-DOF module of the TriVariant---a novel 5-DOF reconfigurable hybrid robot, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 21(3): 449-456, 200517. Huang, T., Mei, J.P, Li, Z.X., Zhao, X.M., Chetwynd, D. G., A method for estimating servomotor parameters of a parallel robot for rapid pick-and-place operations, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 127(4): 596-601, 200518. Li, M., Huang, T., Mei, J. P., Zhao, X. M, Chetwynd, D.G., Hu, S. J., Dynamic formulation and performance comparison of the 3-DOF modules of two reconfigurable PKMs---- The Tricept and The TriVariant, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 127(6): 1129-1136, 200519. Ko, J., Hu, S. J., Huang, T, Reusability assessment for manufacturing systems, CIRP Annals, 52 (1): 113-116, 200520. Li, M., Huang, T., Chetwynd, D.G., Hu, S. J., Forward position analysis of the 3-DOF module of the TriVariant----a 5-DOF reconfigurable hybrid robot, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 128(1): 319-322, 200621. Huang, T., Chetwynd, D.G, Mei, J. P., Tolerance design of a 2-DOF over-constrained translational parallel robot, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 21(1): 167-172, 200622. Liu, H. T, Huang, T., Mei, J.P., Zhao, X.M, Chetwynd, D.G., Kinematic design of a 5-DOF hybrid robot with large workspace/limb-stroke ratio, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 129(5): 530-538, 200723. Huang, T., Wang, P.F., Mei, J.P., Zhao, X. M., Chetwynd, D.G., Time minimum trajectory planning of a 2-DOF translational parallel robot for pick-and-place operations, CIRP Annals, 56(1): 365-368, 200724. Liu, H.T., Huang, T, Zhao, X.M., Mei, J.P.,Chetwynd, D.G., Optimal design of the TriVariant robot to achieve a nearlyaxial symmetry of kinematic performance, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 42(12): 1643-1652, 200725. Wang, Y. Y., Huang, T., Mei, J.P., Zhao, X.M., A semi-analytic approach for stiffness modeling of PKM by considering flexibility of machine frame, Chinese Science Bulletin, 53(3): 364-372, 200826. Wang, Y. Y., Liiu, H.T., Huang, T., Chetwynd, D.G., Stiffness modeling of the Tricept robot using the overall Jacobian matrix, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 1(2): 021002-1-8, 200927. Li, Y.G., Liu, H.T., Zhao, X.M., Huang, T., Chetwynd, D.G., Design of a novel 3-DOF PKM module for large structure component machining, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45(6):941-954, 2010.28. Huang, T., Wang, P.F., Zhao, X.M., Chetwynd, D.G., Design of a 4-DOF hybrid PKM module for large structural component assembly, CIRP Annals ,59(1): 159-162, 2010.29. Huang, T., Liu H.T., Chetwynd, D.G, Generalized Jacobian analysis of lower mobility manipulators, Mechanism and Machine Theory,46(6): 833-841, 201130. Liu, H., T. Huang, T.,Chetwynd, D.G., A method to formulate a dimensionally homogeneous Jacobian of parallel manipulators, IEEE Trans. on Robotics, 27(1):150-156, 201131. Liu, H., T. Huang, T.,Chetwynd, D.G., An approach for acceleration analysis of lower mobility parallel manipulators, ASME Journal of Mechanism and Robotics, 3(1):011013.1-011013.8, 201132. Liu, H., T. Huang, T.,Chetwynd, D.G., A general approach for geometric error modeling of lower mobility parallel manipulators, ASME Journal of Mechanism and Robotics, 3(2): 021013.1-021013.13, 201233. Liu, S.T., Huang, T., Mei, J.P., Zhao, Z.M., Chetwynd, D. G., Optimal design of a 4-DOF SCARA type parallel robot using dynamic performance indices and angular constraints, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 4(3): 031005.1-031005.10, 201234. Huang, T. Wang, M.X., Yang, S.F., Sun, T., Chetwynd, D.G., Force/Motion transmissibility analysis of six degree of freedom parallel mechanisms, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 6(3), 010.1-0101.5,201435. Liu, H.T., Huang, T., Kecskeméthy,A.,Chetwynd,D.G., A generalized approach for computing the transmission index of parallel mechanisms, Mechanisms and Machine Theory, 74, 245-256, 2014.36. Li Y.H., Ma, Y., Liu, S.T., Luo Z. J., Mei, J. P., Huang, T., Chetwynd D.G. Integrated design of a 4-DOF high-speed pick-and-place parallel robot, CIRP Annals, 63(1):185-188, 201437. Tian, W.J., Gao, W.G., Zhang, D.W., Huang,T. A general approach for error modeling of machine tools, Machine Tool and Manufacture, 79,17-23, 2014.38. Huang, T., Yang, S.F., Wang, M.X. Sun, T., Chetwynd, D. G., An approach to determining the unknown twist/wrench subspaces of lower mobility serial kinematic chains, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 7(3), 031003-1-031003-9, 2015.39. Liu, H.T, Wang, M.X.,Huang, T., Chetwnd, D.G. , Kecskemethy, A., A dual space approach for force/Motion transmissibility analysis of lower mobility parallel manipulators, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 7(8), 034504-1-034504-7, 2015.40.Wang, M.X.,Liu, H.T.,Huang, T., Chetwynd, D.G., Compliance analysis of a 3-SPR parallel mechanism with consideration of gravity, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 84: 99-112, 2015.41. Bai, P.J.,Mei, J.P., Huang, T., Chetwnd, D.G. , Kinematic calibration of Delta robot using distance measurements, IMechE Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2015, online available. |