为本科及研究生开设共计8门课程,课程列表:金融经济学选讲(博士) 、应用数理统计(硕士)、金融计量学(硕士)、计算金融学(硕士)、数值方法与计算(本科及硕士)、金融数学基础(本科)、金融工程概论(本科)、概率论与数理统计(本科)、几何与代数(本科)等。
[1]Menggang Li, Zuoquan Zhang* and Rongquan Bai. The study on risk rating model of commercial bank credit based on support vector machine. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2014. (EI)
[2] Rongquan Bai, Zuoquan Zhang* and Menggang Li. Estimating time-varying beta of price limits and its applications in China stock market. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2013(2013), 1-8, 2013. (SCI)
[3] Menggang Li, Zuoquan Zhang* and Rongquan Bai. Evaluation on financial security based on T-S fuzzy neural network. Journal of Applied Sciences, 13(8), 1402-1405, 2013. (EI)
[4] Menggang Li, Yi Qiu* and Zuoquan Zhang. Combining recursive feature elimination and support vector machines for stock price forecasting. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 9(16), 6519-6526, 2013. (EI)
[5] Zuoquan Zhang, Menggang Li* and Rongquan Bai. An integrated model for stock price prediction based on SVM and ARMA. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 44(1), 51-54, 2012. (EI)
[6] Zuoquan Zhang* and Rongquan Bai. An improved method of VaR computation and its application. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 8(11), 1-8, 2012. (EI)
[7] Research of Financial Early-Warning Model on Evolutionary Support Vector Machines Based on Genetic Algorithms (SCI) Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Volume 2009, Article ID 830572, 8 pages doi:10.1155/2009/830572
[8] The Application of SVMs Method on Exchange Rates Fluctuation (SCI) Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society Volume 2009, Article ID 250206, 8 pages doi:10.1155/2009/250206
[9]The Volatility of the Index of Shanghai Stock Market Research Based on ARCH and Its Extended Forms (SCI) Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society Volume 2009, Article ID 743685, 9 pages doi:10.1155/2009/743685
[10] 利用小波方差逼近数据波动率的改进BS模型 北京交通大学学报,vol.33 No.3,2009。
[11] A Credit evaluating and forecasting model on the company's financial position using Support Vector Machine, ( EI) Journal of Computational Information Systems(2009),Vol.5 No.1
[12] Improvement of Monte Carlo Method in VAR Calculating( EI) Journal of Computational Information Systems(2008),Vol.4 No.5
[13] 支持向量机在选择优质股票中的应用,统计与决策,VOL.22 NO.4(2008) ( CSSCI) |