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导师信息#北京交通大学电子科学与技术研究生导师介绍#王均宏 ...

发表于 2019-6-20 01:52:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
期 刊-> 李铮,王均宏,张展,陈美娥.Far Field Computation of the Traveling Wave Structures and a New Approach for Suppressing the Sidelobe Levels[J]。IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,2013-04,61(4),2308:2312期 刊-> 郭骁然,张展,王均宏,张捷俊.The design of a triple-band wide-angle metamaterial absorber based on regular pentagon close-ring[J]。Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,2013-03,27(5),629:637期 刊-> 李雨键,王均宏,张展,陈美娥.Empirical Formula for the Electric Field Calculation in Rectangular Slots on Leaky Coaxial Cable[J]。IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,2012-12,60(12),5825:5833期 刊-> 张冲,王均宏,陈美娥,张展.Radiation Characteristic of the Leaky Circular Waveguide with Periodic Slots[J]。Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,2012-05,11(2012),503:506期 刊-> 张捷俊,王均宏,陈美娥,张展.RCS Reduction of Patch Antenna by Electromagnetic Band-Gap Structure[J]。 IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,2012-08,11(1),1048:1051期 刊-> 王均宏.Emissivity calculation for a finite circular of pyramidal absorbers based on Kirchhoff’s law of thermal radiation[J]。IEEE Trans. on Antenna and Propagation,2010-12,58(4),期 刊-> 浦实,王均宏,张展.Estimation for small-scale fading characteristics of RF wireless link under railway communication environment using integrative modeling technique[J]。Pier,2010-12,106(1),期 刊-> 李雨键,王均宏.Polarization properties of leaky coaxial cables with overlapped triangle slots[J]。IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters,2010-12,9(1),期 刊-> 王均宏.Research on the Radiation Characteristics of Patched Leaky Coaxial Cable by FDTD Method and Mode Expansion Method[J]。IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology,2008-12,57(1),期 刊-> 陈美娥,王均宏.CPW-fed Crescent Patch Antenna for UWB Applications[J]。Electronics Letters,2008-12,44(10),期 刊-> 王均宏.Scattering Property and Emissivity of the Periodic Pyramid Covered with Absorbing Material[J]。IEEE Transactions on Antenna and Propagation,2008-12,56(8),期 刊-> 张卉,王均宏,梁唯一.Study on the Applicability of Extracted Distributed Circuit Parameters of Non-Uniform Transmission Lines by Equivalent circuit method[J]。Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,2008-12,22(5-6),期 刊-> 张雪芹,王均宏.Study on the Transient Scattering Mechanism of Dipole with Reflector[J]。Chinese Physics,2008-12,17(2),期 刊-> 陈美娥,王均宏.超宽带平面天线阵列的微带馈电[J]。电波科学学报,2008-12,23(5),期 刊-> 王均宏,张卉.Velocity Compensated CPW Bend for Odd Mode Suppression[J]。Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,2008-12,50(5),期 刊-> 张雪芹,王均宏.并行FDTD方法在振子阵列天线瞬态散射特性计算中的应用[J]。兵工学报,2008-12,29(2),期 刊-> 施华,舒琳,王均宏.耳机引线对手机天线近场分布的影响[J]。电波科学学报,2005-12,20(2),期 刊-> 韩增富,王均宏.并联介质加载偶极天线脉冲辐射特性的研究[J]。物理学报,2005-12,54(2),期 刊-> 刘斌,王均宏,舒琳.室内天线及漏缆辐射场分布的计算与比较[J]。铁道学报,2004-12,26(6),期 刊-> 王均宏.Research on the radiation characteristics of the reinforced leaky coaxial cable by FDTD and spatial harmonic expasion method[J]。Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,2003-12,36(2),期 刊-> 卓锋,王均宏.用于分析双波长光纤光栅的矩形运算法[J]。光电子技术,2001-12,4(4),期 刊-> 王均宏.脉冲电压电流在偶极天线尚传输过程的等效电路法分析[J]。物理学报,2000-12,期 刊-> 王均宏,简水生.泄漏同轴电缆的模式分析及高次模抑制[J]。通信学报,2000-12,会议论文-> 唐蕾,张展,王均宏.A novel design of a spherical conformal antenna via transformation optics。2013 IEEE International Conference on Microwave Technology & Computational Electromagnetics,青岛,61:61,2013-07会议论文-> 刘春明,李铮,王均宏.A New Kind of Circularly Polarized Leaky-Wave Antenna Based on Corrugated Substrate Integrated Waveguide。The 5th IEEE International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation, and EMC Technologies for Wireless Communications ,成都,89:89,2013-10会议论文-> 徐杰,陈美娥,王均宏.Low RCS Microstrip Antenna with Uniplanar Compact Electromagnetic Bandgap Substrate。2013 IEEE International Conference on Microwave Technology & Computational Electromagnetics,青岛,308:308,2013-08会议论文-> 郭骁然,张展,王均宏,陈美娥.Design and analysis of frequency selective surfaces using pinwheel tiling fractal 。International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology,深圳,1:1,2012-05会议论文-> 韩宇,王均宏,陈美娥,张展.Low-Profile Penta-Band Monopole Antenna for Mobile Communication Applications。international symposium on MAPE,北京,128:128,2011-11会议论文-> 李凡,王均宏,张展,陈美娥,李铮.A Novel CRLH ZORA and the Enhancement of Its Bandwidth and Efficiency 。Cross Strait Quad-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference ,哈尔滨,475:475,2011-07会议论文-> 张冲,王均宏,陈美娥,张展.A New Kind of Leaky Circular Waveguide with Periodic Slots and Wire Ridge。Cross Strait Quad-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference,哈尔滨,479:479,2011-07会议论文-> 陈美娥,王均宏.Planar UWB antenna with microstrip feeding network。IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband,南京,2010-12会议论文-> 张兴宇,王均宏.A novel dual-band planar invented-F antenna for WLAN applications。International Symposium on Antenna Propagation and Electromagnetic Theory,昆明,2008-12会议论文-> 陈美娥,王均宏.Compact Circular CPW-fed Slot Antenna for Ultra-wideband Applications。International Symposium on Antenna Propagation and Electromagnetic Theory,昆明,2008-12会议论文-> 张卉,王均宏.Analysis of even- and odd-mode voltage on the velocity compensated CPW bends。Asia Pacific Microwave Conference,香港,2008-12会议论文-> 潘志慧,王均宏.Design of the UWB Bandpass Filter by Coupled Microstrip Lines with U-shaped Defected Ground Structure。International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology,南京,2008-12会议论文-> 浦实,王均宏,李铮.Integrative modeling and analyses of the wireless link for communication system in railway environment。International Symposium on Antenna Propagation and Electromagnetic Theory,昆明,2008-12会议论文-> 陈美娥,王均宏.Planar UWB Antenna with CPW Feeding Network。Asia Pacific Microwave Conference,香港,2008-12会议论文-> 陈美娥,王均宏.Improvement of the MOT method and its application to V-shaped wire antennas for pulse radiation。APMC2005 (Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference),苏州,2005-12会议论文-> 李增瑞,王均宏.A Broad Band Antenna of Planar Monopole。APMC2005 (Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference),苏州,2005-12会议论文-> 张春青,王均宏.Transient radiation characteristics of wire loop antenna。IEEE MAPE,北京,2005-12会议论文-> 张春青,王均宏.折叠臂偶极天线的时域辐射特性。2005海峡两岸三地无线科技学术会议,北京,2005-12会议论文-> 刘斌,舒琳,王均宏.Calculation of the field coverage on indoor antenna and leaky coaxial cable。Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium,2004-12会议论文-> 舒琳,王均宏.Calculation of the Static Distributed Capacitance of the Non-Uniform Microstrip Line。Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium,2004-12会议论文-> 王均宏.Effect of Mutual Coupling on the Scattering Property of Finite Dipole 。3rd International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics and Its Applications,北京,2004-12会议论文-> 韩增富,王均宏.Study on the Radiation Characteristics of the Dielectric Parallellly Loaded Dipole Antenna for Pulse Radiation。Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium,2004-12会议论文-> 王均宏,简水生.漏泻同轴电缆上缝隙的辐射。IEEE 天线与电波传播国际会议,2001-12著作译著
夏明耀,王均宏 编著:《电磁场理论与计算方法要论》,北京大学出版社,2013
3.陈美娥,王均宏,“超宽带平面天线”,发明专利,专利号:ZL200710179451.6,申请日期:2007.12.13,申请号:200710179451.6。公开号:CN 101183745,公开日:2008.5.21,授权公告日:2011.11.30,
获奖与荣誉1. 享受政府特殊津贴,2013
2. 北京市优秀教师,2013
3. 新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选,2009
4. 长江学者特聘教授,2009
5. 国家杰出青年基金获得者,2008
6. 第七届詹天佑铁道科技奖青年奖,2005
7. 入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,2004
8. 入选教育部优秀青年教师资助计划,2002
9. 霍英东教育基金高等学校青年教师(研究类)三等奖, 2000
10. 北京市第五届青年优秀科技论文评比一等奖, 1999
社会兼职1. 中国电子学会电波传播分会第六届分会委员,20122. 高等学校电磁场教学与教材研究会常务理事,2012
3. 中国电子学会第九届微波分会委员,2009。
4. 中国物理学会计算物理分会计算电磁学专业组副主任委员,2008
5. 中国电子学会天线分会电磁散射专业组委员,2004
6. 国家自然科学基金委第十二届专家评审组成员,2008。
7. 《电波科学学报》编委,2005
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