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吴密霞,博士,博士后, 副教授,1977年生。2004年博士毕业于北京工业大学,并留校任教。2006.8-2008.8年在美国国家健康研究院(NIH)作博士后访问研究。曾多次应邀访问香港理工大学。 主要研究方向为纵向数据分析、混合效应模型、多元分析和矩阵理论,在混合效应模型的最优估计问题上已取得了一定的成果。目前在国内外著名学术刊物 “Journal of Multivariate Analysis”,“中国科学”,“Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference” ,"Metrika"“Acta Mathematicae Sinica” 等上发表论文20 篇,其中10 篇被SCI 检索,并由科学出版社出版学术专著4 部。 其论文曾获得过第八届京津地区“五四”青年概率统计学术研讨会“钟家庆优秀论文”奖、和北京工业大学“校优秀博士毕业论文”奖。2009年入选 “北京市优秀人才培养资助计划”,2010年入选为北京市属高校人才强教深化计划“中青年骨干人才培养计划”, 2011年申请到国家自然科学基金面上项目一项, 2013年10月破格入选北京工业大学“京华人才”支持项目,曾主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、北京市自然科学基金、教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金等4项,目前新增主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、北京市自然科学基金等6项。
2.吴密霞,《线性混合效应模型引论》, 2013.1,科学出版社.3.王松桂, 吴密霞, 贾忠贞,《矩阵不等式》(第二版), 2006.6, 科学出版.
4.王松桂, 史建红, 尹素菊, 吴密霞, 《线性模型引论》, 2004.5, 科学出版社.
吴密霞,赵延,混合效应模型下ANOVA估计和SD估计相等的充分条件,数学学报,2014, 57(3), 615-624.
赵静,程维虎,吴密霞,赵延,Panel数据模型中方差分量的广义p值检验,高校应用数学学报,2014, 29(2), 171-179.吴密霞,孙兵,平衡数据下ANOVA估计和SD估计的比较,中国科学: 数学,2013, 43(8), 751-764.
Bing Sun, Mixia Wu, Optimal control of age-structured poulation dynamics for spread of universally fatal diseases, Applicable Analysis, 2013, 92(5), 901-921. (SCI: 098YL)
Mi-Xia Wu, Kai-Fun Yu, Aiyi Liu, Tie-Feng Ma,Simultaneous optimal estimation in linear mixed models, Metrika. 2012, 75(4): 471-489.
张赛茵, 吴密霞,张忠占,多元超结构Berkson测量误差模型的分析,应用概率统计,2012, 28(1),93-104.
Mi-Xia Wu, Kai-Fun Yu, Ai-Yi Liu, Exact inference on contrasts in means of intraclass correlation models with missing responses, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 100 (2009) 301-308.(SCI)
Mi-Xia Wu, Kai-Fun Yu, Ai-Yi Liu, Estimation of Variance Components in the Mixed-Effects Models: A Comparison Between Analysis of Variance and Spectral Decomposition,Journal of Statistical Planning and Inferences, 139 (2009) 3962 -3973.(SCI)
Mi-Xia Wu, Kai-Fun Yu, Remarks on between estimator in the intraclass correlation model with missing data, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 99 (2008) 2444-2452. (SCI)
Mi-Xia Wu, Song-Gui Wang, Kai-Fun Yu, Simultaneous optimality of LSE and ANOVA estimate in general mixed models, Acta Mathematicae Sinica, 24(2008) 1637-1650.(SCI)
Wai-Cheung Ip, Mi-Xia Wu, Song-Gui Wang, Heung Wong, Estimation for parameters of interest in random effects growth curve models, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 98 (2007) 317-327.(SCI)
Bing Sun, Mi-Xia Wu, Maximum principle for optimal control of sterilization of prepackaged food, IMA J Math Control Info. 2007; 24(4): 493-505 (SCI:282HZ)
吴密霞, 王松桂, 线性模型下F-检验最优的误差方差结构, 数学学报, 49 (2006) 595-604
Mi-Xia Wu, Song-Gui Wang, A new method of spectral decomposition of covariance matrix in mixed effects models and its applications, Science in China, 48 (2005) 1451-1464.(SCI)
Mi-Xia Wu, Song-Gui Wang, Simultaneous optimal estimates of fixed effects and variance components in the mixed model, Science in China, 47 (2004) 787-799.(SCI)
吴密霞, 王松桂, 线性混合模型协方差阵的谱分解的一种新方法及其应用,中国科学,A缉, 2005, 35: 947-960.
吴密霞, 王松桂, 线性混合模型中固定效应和方差分量同时最优估计, 中国科学,A缉, 2005,34: 373-384.
Song-gui Wang, Mi-Xia Wu, Wei-qing Ma, Comparison of MINQUE and simple estimate of the error variancein the general linear models, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 2003, 19, 13-18.
Mi-Xia Wu, Song-Gui Wang, Parameter estimation in a partitioned mixed-effects model,(in English),Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2002,19, 31-38.(EI)
Mi-Xia Wu, Song-Gui Wang, On estimation of variance components in the mixed-effects models for longitudinal data, Proceedings of East Asian Symposium on Statistics, December, 2002, 27-38.
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