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个人简介冯雄汉,1973年生,教授,博士生导师。中国土壤学会土壤化学专业委员会委员、中国矿物岩石地球化学学会矿物物理矿物结构专业委员会委员。中国土壤学会、中国化学会会员。美国化学会、美国土壤学会会员。2003年获华中农业大学土壤学博士学位并留校任教。分别于2007.5-2008.7、2011.7-2012.7赴美Delaware大学Dr. Donald L. Sparks土壤环境化学实验室从事博士后和访问研究。现担任华中农业大学资源与环境学院环境科学与工程系副主任。
担任Journal of America Chemical Society、Environment Science & Technology、Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta、Water Research、Chemistry of Materials、Microporous & Mesoporous Materials、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Journal of Soils and Sediments、ACTA Geology Sinica-English Edition、Pedosphere、中国农业科学、土壤学报等学术期刊审稿人。
科学研究研究兴趣1. 土壤与沉积物中铁/锰氧化物的形成、转化与表面化学性质2. 纳米氧化物的环境行为和效应3. 土壤磷素的活化、固定与生物化学过程4. X-射线吸收光谱(XAS)在环境科学中的应用
主持项目1. 2012.1—2014.12铁/铝氧化物与几种土壤有机磷的界面反应特性及作用机制国家自然科学基金(No.41171197)
2. 2010.12—2013.12 土壤锰细菌介导下钙锰矿的形成途径与机制教育部“新世纪人才”计划(No. NCET-09-0399)
3. 2010.1—2012.12 表生环境中钙锰矿化学生成条件和动力学的实验研究国家自然科学基金(No. 40403009)
4. 2008.7—2011.7 Mn(III)在土壤锰矿物氧化As(III)/Cr(III)中的作用与行为霍英东高校青年教师基金(No. 111025)
5. 2007.12—2011.12土壤中锰氧化物的生物与化学成矿耦合机制及其环境效应研究高等学校全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项资金(No. 200767)
6. 2007.12—2008.12 土壤锰矿物氧化Cr(III)的动力学过程与反应途径及Mn(III)的环境意义湖北省自然科学基金计划青年杰出人才项目(No. 2007ABB014)
7. 2005.1—2007.12 表生环境中钙锰矿化学生成条件和动力学的实验研究国家自然科学基金(No. 40403009)
8. 2005.12—2008.12 模拟土壤环境条件下钙锰矿化学形成与转化的实验研究教育部科学技术研究重点项目(No.105122)
9. 2004.12—2006.12 大隧道氧化锰矿物的合成及表面化学性质校科研启动基金(No. 04004)
获奖及专利专利:1 冯雄汉, 刘凡, 谭文峰, 贺立源, 王贻俊. 一种3×3隧道构造锰氧八面体分子筛的制备方法. 中国发明专利: ZL.02147839.2(公告日:2005年7月27日)2 刘名茗, 周欣, 陈颍漪, 冯雄汉, 刘凡. 溶胶-凝胶离子液体固相微萃取头及其制备方法. 中国发明专利,专利号 ZL.20101026369.8,授权公告日2010年8月20日3 邱国红,殷辉,刘凡,冯雄汉,谭文峰,刘名茗,陈秀华,一种锰磷酸盐材料的制备方法,中国发明专利申请, 申请日, 2010.7,申请号: 201010223079.6
教学获奖:1. 获2004年湖北省优秀学士论文二等奖创新指导奖(学生:陈强)2. 获2005年湖北省优秀学士论文一等奖创新指导奖(学生:徐观君)3. 获2006年湖北省优秀学士论文二等奖创新指导奖(学生:邹睿)4. 获2009年校大学生毕业论文创新指导奖(学生:李敏)5. 获2010年湖北省优秀学士指导奖(学生:沈意)6. 获2012 湖北生优秀硕士论文指导奖(学生:周欣)7. 获2013年校大学生毕业论文创新指导奖(学生:柳飞)
1 Yan Y P, Liu F, Li W, Liu F, Feng X H*, Sparks, D L. Sorption and desorption characteristics of organic phosphates of different structures onto aluminum (oxyhydr)oxides. Eurpean Journal of Soil Science, 2013, On line, DOI: 10.1111/ejss.12119.2 Wang X M, Li W*, Harrington R, Liu F, Parise J B, Feng X H*, Sparks D L. Effect of ferrihydrite crystallite size on phosphate adsorption reactivity. Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47, 10322-10331.3 Wei L, Feng X H, Yan Y P, Sparks, D L, Phillips B L. Solid-state nuclear magnic resonance spectroscopic study of phosphate sorption mechanisms on Aluminium (hydr)oxides. Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47, 8308-8315.4 Yin H, Liu F, Feng X H, Hu T D, Zhen L R, Qiu G H, Koopal L K, Tan W F. Effects of Fe doping on the structures and properties of hexagonal birnessites-Comparison with Co and Ni doping. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2013, 117, 1-15.5 Wang X M, Liu F, Tan W F, Feng X H*, Koopal K L. Transformation of hydroxycarbonate green rust into crystalline iron (hydr)oxides: influences of reaction conditions and underlying mechanisms. Chemical Geology, 2013, 351(2): 57-65.6 Wang X M, Liu F, Tan W F, Li W, Feng X H*, Sparks D L. Characteristics of Phosphate Adsorption-Desorption onto Ferrihydrite: Comparison with Well-Crystalline Fe (hydr)oxides. Soil Science, 2013, 178, 1-11.7 Chen S L, Liu F, Xiang Q J, Feng X H, Qiu G H. Synthesis of Mn2O3 microstructures and their energy storage ability studies. Electrochimica Acta, 2013, 106, 360-371.8 Yin H, Tan W F, Zheng L R, Cui H J, Qiu G H, Liu F*, Feng X H*. Characterization of Ni-rich hexagonal birnessite and its geochemical effects on aqueous Pb2+/Zn2+ and As(III). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2012, 93, 47-62.9 Wang Y, Feng X H, Villalobos M, Tan W F, Liu F. Sorption behavior of heavy metals on birnessite: Relationship with its Mn average oxidation state and implications for types of sorption sites. Chemical Geology, 2012, 292-293:25-34.10 Wang M X, Tan W F, Feng X H, Koopal L K, Liu M M, Liu F. One-step synthesis of sea urchin-like -MnO2 using KIO4 as the oxidant and its oxidation of arsenite. Materials Letters, 2012, 77, 60-62.11 Zhao W, Liu F, Feng X H, Tan W F, Qiu G H, Chen X H. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy study of acid birnessites before and after Pb2+ adsorption. Clay Minerals, 2012, 47, 191-204.12 Yin H, Liu F, Chen X H, Qiu G H, Feng X H, Tan W F. Synthesis of hureaulite by a reflux process at ambient temperature and pressure. Microporous & Mesoporous Materials, 2012, 153, 115-123.13 Zhang Q, Chen X D, Feng X H*, Qiu G H, Tan W F, Liu F*. Large-scale size-controlled synthesis of cryptomelane-type manganese oxide OMS-2 in lateral and longitudinal directions. Journal of Material Chemistry, 2011, 21, 5223-5225.14 Zhao W, Tan W F, Feng X H*, Liu F, Xie Y N, Xie Z. XAFS studies on surface coordination of Pb2+ adsorbed on birnessites with different average oxidation states. Colloid Surface A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2011, 379, 86-92.15 Zhang Q, Chen X D, Zheng C, Feng X H, Qiu G H, Tan W F and Liu F. Roles of manganese oxides in degradation of phenol under UV-Vis irradiation: Adsorption, oxidation, and photocatalysis. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2011, 23, 1904-1910.16 Zhang Q, Xiao Z D, Feng X H, Tan W F, Qiu G H and Liu F. α-MnO2 nanowires transformed from precursor δ-MnO2 by refluxing under ambient pressure: The key role of pH and growth mechanism. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2011, 125, 678-685.17 Wei S Y, Liu F, Feng X H, Tan W F, Koopal L K. Formation and transformation of iron oxides-kaolinite associations in the presence of Fe(II). Soil Science Society of America Journal, 2011, 75, 45-55.18 Yin H, Feng X H, Qiu G H, Tan W F, Liu F. Characterization of Co-doped birnessites and application for removal of lead and arsenite Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 188, 341-349.19 Yin H, Liu F, Feng X H, Liu M M, Tan W F, Qiu G H. Co2+-exchange mechanism of birnessite and its application for the removal of Pb2+ and As(III). Journal of Hazardous Material, 2011, 196, 318-326.20 Qiu G H, Li Q, Yu Y, Feng X H, Tan W F, Liu F. Oxidation behaviors and kinetics of sulfide by synthesized manganese oxide mineral. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2011, 11, 1323-1333.21 Cui H J, Liu F, Tan W F, Feng X H. Effect of Cobalt-doped framework on formation of todorokite from layered manganese oxides with Mg2+/Co2+ ions as template. Pedosphere, 2011, 21(6): 730-737.22 Zhou X, Xie P F, Wang J, Zhang B B, Liu M M, Liu H L, Feng X H. Preparation and characterization of novel crown ether functionalized ionic liquid-based solid-phase microextraction coatings by sol-gel technology. Journal of chromatography A, 2011, 1218: 3571-3580.23 殷辉, 刘凡, 冯雄汉, 谭文峰, 邱国红, 陈秀华, 刘名茗. 常压回流条件下拉锰矿的合成及其影响因素. 无机材料学报, 2011, 26(3): 321-326.24 Feng X H, Zhu M Q, Ginder ? Vogel M, Ni C, Sanjai J P, Sparks D L. Formation of nano-crystalline todorokite from biogenic Mn oxides. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2010, 74, 3232-3245.25 Liu M M, Zhou X, Chen Y Y, Liu H L, Feng X H*, Qiu G H, Liu F, Zeng Z R. Innovative chemically bonded ionic liquids-based sol?gel coatings as highly porous, stable and selective stationary phases for solid phase microextraction. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2010, 683, 96-106.26 Cui H J, Feng X H, Tan W F, Zhao W, Wang M K, Tsao T, Liu F. Synthesis of a nanofibrous manganese oxide octahedral molecular sieve with Co(NH3)63+ complex ions as template via a reflux method. Crystal Growth & Design, 2010, 10, 3355-3362.27 Zhu M, Ginder-Vogel M, Parikh S J, Feng X H and Sparks D L. Cation effects on the layer structure of biogenic Mn-oxides. Environmental Science & Technology, 2010, 44, 4465-4471.28 Zhao W, Wang Q Q, Liu F, Qiu G H, Tan W F, Feng X H. Pb2+ adsorption on birnessite affected by Zn2+ and Mn2+ pre-treatments. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2010, 10, 870-878.29 Wang M X, Wang Y P, Tan W F, Liu F, Feng X H, Koopal L K. Effect of 1-1 electrolyte concentration on the adsorption/desorption of copper ion on synthetic birnessite . Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2010, 10, 879-885.30 Cui H J, Liu F, Feng X H, Tan W F, Wang M K. Aging promotes todorokite formation from layered manganese oxide at near-surface conditions. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2010, 10, 1540-1547.31 Qiu G H, Gao Z Y, Yin H, Feng X H, Tan W F, Liu F. Synthesis of MnPO4•H2O by refluxing process at atmospheric pressure. Solid State Science, 2010, 12, 808-813.32 Qiu G H, Wang J, Zhao W, Feng X H, Tan W F, Zhang Q, Liu F. Shape-controlled synthesis of nanostructure ramsdellite-type manganese oxide at atmospheric pressure, Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2010, 28, 2301-2307.33 Song C H, Li R Q, Liu F, Feng X H, Tan W F, Qiu G H. Cobalt-doped todorokites prepared by refluxing at atmospheric pressure as cathode materials for Li batteries. Electrochimica Acta, 2010, 55, 9157-9165.34 周 欣, 尚 佳, 刘名茗, 刘汉兰, 郝 蓉, 冯雄汉, 刘 凡. 新型溶胶-凝胶离子液体固相微萃取探头的研制. 化学学报,2010, 68(17): 1749-1757.35 Cui H J, You L, Feng X H*, Tan W F, Qiu G H, Liu F.. Factors governing the formation of lithiophorite at atmospheric pressure. Clays and Clay Minerals, 2009, 57, 353-360.36 Zhao W, Cui H J, Liu F, Tan W F, Feng X H*. The relation between the amount of Pb(II) adsorbed by birnessites and their average oxidation state of Mn. Clays and Clay Minerals, 2009, 57, 513-520.37 Cui H J, Feng X H, Tan W F, He J Z, Hu R G, Liu F. Synthesis of todorokite-type manganese oxide from Cu-buserite by controlling the pH at atmospheric pressure. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2009, 117(1-2): 41-47.38 Zhao W, Feng X H, Tan W F, Liu F, Ding S W. Pb2+ adsorption on birnessites with different average oxidation states of Mn and release characteristics of Mn2+ /H+ /K+. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2009, 21(4), 520-526.39 Cui H J, Qiu G H, Feng X H, Tan W F and Liu F. Birnessites with different average manganese oxidation states were synthesized, characterized, and transformed to todorokite at atmospheric pressure. Clays and Clay Minerals, 2009, 57, 6, 715-724.40 邱国红, 杨丹, 冯雄汉, 张旭亮, 陈秀华, 刘名茗, 刘凡*. Cu2+离子掺杂钙锰矿的合成及其电化学性质研究. 高等学校化学学报, 2009, 30(8): 1481-1486.41 Cui H J, Liu X W, Tan W F, Feng X H*, Liu F, Ruan H D. Influence of Mn(III) availability on the phase transformation from layered buserite to tunnel-structured todorokite. Clays and Clay Minerals, 2008, 56(4): 397-403.42 Zhang L M, Liu F, Tan W F, Feng X H, Zhu Y G He J Z. Microbial DNA extraction and analyses of soil iron-manganese nodules. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2008, 40(6):1364-1369.43 Qiu G H, Feng X H, Liu M M, Tan W F, Liu F. Investigation on Electrochemical Reduction Process of Nb2O5 Powders in Molten CaCl2 with Metallic Cavity Electrode. Electrochimica Acta, 2008, 53, 4074-4081.44 Tan W F, Lu S J, Liu F, Feng X H, He J Z, Koopal L. Determination of point of zero charge of manganese oxides with different methods including an improved salt titration method. Soil Science. 2008, 173(4): 277-286.45 Feng X H, Zhai L M, Tan W F, Liu F, He J Z. Adsorption and redox reactions of heavy metals on synthesized Mn oxide minerals. Environmental Pollution, 2007, 147, 366-373.46 Feng X H, Zu Y Q, Tan W F, Liu F. Arsenite Oxidation by three types of manganese oxides. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2006, 18(2): 29-298.47 Feng X H, Zhai L M, Tan W F, Liu F, He J Z. The Controlling Effect of pH on Oxidation of Cr(III) by Manganese Oxide Minerals. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2006, 298, 258-266.48 Feng X H, Tan W F, Liu F, Ruan H D, He J Z. Oxidation of As(III) by several manganese oxide minerals in absence and presence of goethite. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 2006, 80(2): 249-25649 Cui H J, Feng X H, Liu F, Tan W F. Study on effects of reaction conditions on the formation of todorokite at atmospheric pressure. Clays and Clay Minerals, 2006, 54, 605-615.50 Feng X H, Tan W F, Liu F, Huang Q Y, Liu X W. Pathways of birnessite formation in alkali medium. Science in China, Ser. D, 2005,48(9): 1438-1451.51 Cui H J, Feng X H*, Tan W F, Liu F, He J Z. Factors governing formation of todorokite at atmospheric pressure. Science in China, Ser. D, 2005, 48(10): 1678-1689.52 Tan W F, Liu F, Feng X H, Huang Q Y, Li X Y. Adsorption and redox reactions of heavy metals on Fe?Mn nodules from Chinese soils. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2005, 284, 600-605.53 Feng X H, Tan W F, Liu F, Wang J B, Ruan H D. Synthesis of todorokite at atmospheric pressure. Chemistry of Materials, 2004, 16, 4330-4336.54 Feng X H, Zu Y Q, Tan W F, Liu F. Preparative parameter effects on synthesis of birnessite by O2 oxidation. Pedosphere, 2004, 14(1): 63-70.55 Feng X H, Liu F, Tan W F, Liu X W. Synthesis of birnessite by O2 oxidation in alkali medium: effects of synthesis conditions. Clays and Clay Minerals, 2004, 52, 240-250.56 Feng X H, Liu F, Tan W F, Liu X W, Hu H Q. Synthesis of todorokite by refluxing process and its primary characterization. Science in China, Ser. D, 2004, 47(8): 760-768.
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