个人简介蔡崇法,1961年11月生于湖北钟祥,华中农业大学资源与环境学院教授,博士生导师。中国土壤学会常务理事,湖北省土壤肥料学会理事长,湖北省水土保持学会副理事长,湖北省水土保持学会水土保持监测委员会主任,红壤野外科学观测研究国家站学术会员会委员,教育部高等学校水土保持与荒漠化防治专业教材编写指导委员会委员,全国土壤质量标准化技术委员会委员,国家重点实验室评估专家,农业部耕地质量建设与管理专家指导组成员,享受湖北省政府津贴。《土壤学报》编委、《水土保持学报》编委、《土壤》编委、《华中农业大学学报》编委,《亚热带水土保持》副主编,Catena,Agroforestry Systems 等期刊审稿人。
教学情况(1) 本专科生 土壤地理学、资源调查与评价、土壤侵蚀原理、土壤与环境遥感、方案编制与监测、土壤学、地理信息系统、林业土壤学、地貌学、专业英语、水土保持径流实验 (2) 硕士生 水土保持信息系统、土壤地理、水土保持 (3) 博士生 高级土壤学、环境科学进展、资源环境信息研究进展、农业资源利用专题
科学研究(1) 红壤侵蚀与红壤结构变化的相互作用机理与调控(2) 南方红壤和紫色土丘陵区土壤侵蚀过程及影响因子定量评价专题(3) 中南贫瘠红壤地力提升关键技术模式研究与示范子项目(4) 南方红壤带北部低丘岗区农林复合发展模式与技术研究(5) 南水北调面源污染与水土保持(6) 等高绿篱—坡地农业复合系统土壤养分流失特性的研究(7) 等高绿篱—坡地农林复合系统组分间养分竞争特性(8) 等高绿篱对浅沟及泥沙淤积过程的影响(9) 中国东部坡地过程及其改良利用子课题(10) GIS支持下小流域土壤侵蚀预测与土地质量评价(11) 降雨过程中表土团聚体破碎机制及对孔隙性状的影响(12) 三峡库区节水技术研究与示范(13) 红壤团聚体稳定性及其在坡面侵蚀过程中的迁移与转化规律(14) 降雨过程中表土团聚体破碎机制及对孔隙性状的影响(15) 红壤水土流失阻控关键技术研究获奖及专利(1) 2000年,华中农业大学教学质量一等奖(2) 1992年,长江水利委员会科技进步二等奖(3) 1995年,中国科学院科技进步二等奖(4) 2002年,江西省科技进步二等奖(5) 2003年,湖北省科技进步叁等奖(6) 2004年,国家科技进步二等奖(7) 2006年,湖北省科技进步三等奖(8) 2008年,湖北省科技成果推广二等奖
主要论文[1] Xu QX, Wang TW, Cai CF, Li ZX, Shi ZH. 2010. Effects of soil conservation on soil properties of citrus orchards in the Three Gorges Area, China. Land Degradation and Development. DOI: 10.1002/ldr.1045.(SCI)[2] Xu QX, Wang TW, Li ZX, Cai CF, Shi ZH. 2010. Effect of soil conservation measurements on runoff, erosion and plant production: A case study on steeplands from the Three Gorges Area, China. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment. 2010:980-984. (SCI)[3] Yan FL, Shi ZH, Cai CF, Li ZXi. 2010. Wetting rate and clay content effects on interrill erosion in Ultisols of southeastern China. Pedosphere, 20(1):129?136. (SCI)[4] Huang L , Wang CY, Tan WF, Hu HQ, Cai CF, Wang MK. 2010. Distribution of organic matter in aggregates of eroded Ultisols, Central China. Soil & Tillage Research, 108: 59-67. (SCI)[5] Li L, Shi ZH, Yin W, Zhu D, Sai Leung Ng, Cai CF, Lei AL. 2009. A fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) approach to eco-environmental vulnerability assessment for the danjiangkou reservoir area, China. Ecological Modelling, 220: 3439-3447. (SCI)[6] Mo Q, Guo ZL, Cai CF, Zhang GB. 2010. Influence of Hedge Pruning Returning on Soil CO2 Flux in Subtropical China. Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, PP:1-4. (EI)[7] Shi ZH, Chen LD, Hao JP, Wang TW, Cai CF. 2009. The effects of land use change on environmental quality in the red soil hilly region, China: A case study in Xianning County. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 150: 295-306. (SCI)[8] Shi ZH, Yan FL, Li L, Li ZX, Cai CF. 2010. Interrill erosion from disturbed and undisturbed samples in relation to topsoil aggregate stability in red soils from subtropical China. Catena, 81: 240-248. (SCI)[9] Zhu D, Wang TW, Cai CF, Li L, Shi ZH. 2009. Large-scale assessment of soil erosion using a neuro-fuzzy model combined with GIS: A case study of Hubei Province, China. Land Degradation and Development., 20: 654-666. (SCI)[10] Rejaur Rahman MD, Shi ZH, Cai CF. 2009. Soil erosion hazard evaluation—An integrated use of remote sensing, GIS and statistical approaches with biophysical parameters towards management strategies. Ecological Modelling,220: 1724-1734. (SCI)[11] Shi ZH, Chen LD, Fang NF,Qin DF, Cai CF. 2009. Research on the SCS-CN initial abstraction ratio usingrainfall-runoff event analysis in the Three Gorges Area, China. Catena, 77: 1-7. (SCI)[12] Yan FL, Shi ZH, Li ZX, Cai CF. 2009. Wetting Rate and Clay Content Effectson Infiltration and Interrill Erosion in Ultisols from Southeastern China. Pedosphere. (inpress). (SCI)[13] Shi ZH, Chen LD, Cai CF*, Li ZX, Liu GH. 2009. Effect of long-term soil management effects on soil fertilityin contour hedgerow systems: A case study on steeplands from the Three GorgesArea, China.Nutrients cycling in agroecosystems,doi: 10.1007/s10705-008-9223-x.(SCI)[14] Shi ZH, Chen LD, Hao JP,Wang TW, Cai CF. 2008. The effects of land use change on environmental qualityin the red soil hilly region, China.Environmental Monitoring and Assessment,150(1-4): 295-306. (SCI)[15] Guo ZL, Zhong C,Cai CF*, Ding SW, Wang ZM. 2008.Nitrogen competition in contour hedgerow systems in subtropical China. Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems, 81:71-83. (SCI)[16] Guo ZL, Cai CF*, Li ZX, Wang TW, Zheng MJ. 2009. Crop performance, N2Oand CO2 emissions as affected by crop residues in agroforestrysystems in subtropical hilly region of China. Agroforestry systems, doi: 10.1007/s10457-008-9170-1. (SCI)[17] Mushtak TJ, Shi ZH, Wang TW, Cai CF*. 2006. Vegetation Change Prediction withGeo-Information Techniques in the Three Gorges Area of China. Pedosphere, 16(4):457-467. (SCI)[18] Li ZX, Cai CF*, Shi ZH, Wang TW. 2005. Aggregate stability and its relationship withsome chemical properties of red soil in subtropical China. Pedosphere, 15: 129-136. (SCI)[19] Shi ZH, Cai C.F,* Ding SW, Wang TW, Chow TL. 2004. Soiland water conservation planning at the small watershed level using RUSLE withGIS: A case study in Three Gorges Area of China. Catena, 55(1):33-48. (SCI)[20] Guo ZL, Cai CF*, Li ZX, WangTW, Zheng MJ. 2008.N2O and CO2 emissions from red soils followingland conversion in subtropical China.EPPH, pp. 4015-4018.(EI)[21] MushtakTJ, Cai CF*,Shi ZH, Wang TW. 2005. Application of Geo-information technology inthe study of soil and nutrients loss by water erosion for three different landcover. AmericanJournal of Applied Sciences, 22(6): 1065-1072. (EI)[22] Wang TW, Shi ZH, Li ZX, Cai CF*. 2008. Analysisof vegetation coverage change with multi-source data:A case study in Letianxi watershed of Three Gorges Area,China. ITESS, 3: 1214-1218[23] Li L, Shi ZH, Yu L. 2008. Monitoring Forest Dynamics Using SatelliteImagery-A Case Study in the Danjiangkou County in central China. ITESS, 1: 857-863.[24] Sun ZC, Shi ZH, NG SL, Li L, Li ZX,Cai CF. 2008. Mapping soil erosionrisk in著作教材《棕红壤丘陵区土壤资源特性与农业发展》《红壤质量演变与调控》
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