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发表于 2019-12-27 12:43:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
姓名 胡红红 性别
职称 教授 学位 博士
电话 027-87385931 邮箱 huhh@mail.hzau.edu.cn
工作单位 华中农业大学生命科学技术学院
研究方向 (1)植物信号传导,主要是CO2和heat等调控气孔运动和发育的分子机制; (2)植物抗逆生物学(特别是水分利用率和耐热)
教育经历 1998.7-2002.7:华中农业大学,生物技术专业,理学学士。 2002.9-2007.1: 华中农业大学,生物化学和分子生物学专业,理学博士。
主要职历 2007.3-2012.3: 美国加州大学圣地亚哥生物学博士后。 2012.3-今: 华中农业大学生命科学技术学院教授。
科研成果 近年来所开展研究工作已在国际权威杂志Annul Review of Plant Biology, Nature cell Biology, EMBO J, PNAS, Plant Physiology等发表多篇学术论文,申请多项国际国内专利。开展研究获国家自然科学基金,新世纪优秀人才计划,国家千人计划青年项目,沙特KAUST基金等资助。 代表性研究论文
    Engineer, C., Ghassemian, M., Anderson, J., Peck, S., Hu, H., Schroeder, J. Carbonic anhydrases, EPF2 and a novel protease mediate CO2 control of stomatal development. Nature 513: 246-250 (2014) Hu, H., Xiong, L. Genetic engineering and breeding of drought- resistant crops. Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 65, 715-741 (2014). You, J., Zong, W., Du, H., Hu H., Xiong, L. A special member of the rice SRO family, OsSRO1c, mediates responses to multiple abiotic stresses through interaction with various transcription factors. Plant Mol. Biol. 84(6), 693-705 (2014). Merilo, E., Lbbnemets, K., Hu, H., Xue, S., Jakobson, L., Tulva, I., Gonzalez-Guzman, M., Rodriguez, P., Schroeder, J., Broschè, M., and Kollist., H. PYR/RCAR receptors contribute to ozone-, reduced air humidity-, darkness-, and CO2-induced stomatal regulation. Plant Physiol. 162(3): 1652-1668 (2013). You, J., Zong, W., Li, X., Ning, J., Hu, H., Xiao, J., Xiong, L. The SNAC1-targeted gene OsSRO1c modulates stomatal closure and oxidative stress tolerance by regulating hydrogen peroxide in rice. J. Exp. Bot. 64(2):569-83 (2013) You, J., Hu, H., Xiong, L. An ornithine δ-aminotransferase gene OsOAT confers drought and oxidative stress tolerance in rice. Plant Sci. 197: 59-69 (2012) Brandt, B., Brodsky, D.E., Xue, S., Negi, J., Iba, K., Kangasjarvi, J., Ghassemian, M., Stephan, A.B., Hu, H., and Schroeder, J.I. Reconstitution of abscisic acid activation of SLAC1 anion channel by CPK6 and OST1 kinases and branched ABI1 PP2C phosphatase action. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 109:10593-10598 (2012). Xue, S*., Hu, H.* Ries, A., Merilo, E., Kolist, H., and Schroeder, J.I. Central functions of bicarbonate in S-type anion channel activation and OST1 protein kinase in CO2 signal transduction in guard cells. EMBO J 30, 1645-1658 (2011) (*co-first author) Hu, H.*, Boisson-Dernier, A.*, Israelsson-Nordstrom, M.*, Bohmer, M., Xue, S., Ries, A., Godoski, J., Kuhn, J.M., and Schroeder, J.I. Carbonic anhydrases are upstream regulators of CO2-controlled stomatal movements in guard cells. Nat. Cell Biol. 12(1), 87-93 (cover paper) (2010). (*co-first author) Kim, T.H.,# Bohmer, M.,# Hu, H., Nishimura, N., and Schroeder, J.I. Guard cell signal transduction network: advances in understanding abscisic acid, CO2, and Ca2+ signaling. Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 61, 561-591 (2010). Fang, Y., Xie, K., Hou, X., Hu, H., and Xiong, L. Systematic analysis of GT factor family of rice reveals a novel subfamily involved in stress responses. Mol. Genet. Genomics 283, 157-169 (2010). Hu, H., Dai, M., Yao, J., Xiao, B., Li, X., Zhang, Q., Xiong, L. Overexpressing a NAM, ATAF, and CUC (NAC) transcription factor enhances drought resistance and salt tolerance in rice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 103: 12987-12992 (2006). Hu, H., You, J., Fang, Y., Zhu, X., Qi, Z., Zhang, Q., Xiong, L. Characterization of transcription factor gene SNAC2 conferring cold and dehydration tolerance in rice. Plant Mol. Biol. 67: 169-181 (2008). Ning, J., Liu, S., Hu, H., Xiong, L. Systematic analysis of NPK1-like genes in rice reveals a stress-inducible gene cluster co-localized with a quantitative trait locus of drought resistance. Mol. Genet. Genomics, 280: 535-546 (2008). Hu, H., Xiong, L., Yang,Y. Rice SERK1 gene positively regulates somatic embryogenesis of cultured cell and host defense response against fungal infection. Planta, 222(1): 107-17 (2005).
1. PCT号: PCT/CN2005/002251. The transcription factor gene OsNACx from rice and use for improving tolerance of plants to drought and salt thereof. 发明人:胡红红、熊立仲;国际公布号: WO 2006/066498. 2. PCT号: PCT/CN2008/000483. Improving cold- and salt-tolerant performance of plants with transcription factor gene SNAC2 from rice.发明人:胡红红、熊立仲;国际公布号:WO/2008/110073. 3. PCT号: PCT/US08/061654. Plant CO2 sensors:Nucleic acids encoding them, and methods for making and using them. 发明人: Julian Schroeder, Maria Israelsson-Nordstorm, Honghong Hu, Aurel Boisson, Josef M. Kuhn, Yingzhen Yang. 国际公布号: WO 2008/134571 A1. 4. PCT号: PCT/US2012/022331. Compositions and methods for Controlling CO2-regulated stomatal apertures, water transpiration and water use efficiency in plants. 发明人:Julian Schroeder, Honghong Hu, Shaowu Xue.申请日:2012.1.24. 国际公布号: WO 2012/106145 A2.
备注 荣誉和奖励: 1. 获得湖北青年五四奖章(2013) 2. 获得湖北省自然科学一等奖(2013) 3. 入选国家青年千人计划(2013) 4. 入选教育部新世纪人才计划(2012) 5. 被聘为楚天学者特聘教授(2012) 6. 获得KAUST fellowship (2008) 7. 获湖北省自然科学论文奖一等奖 (2008) 8. 获湖北省优秀博士论文 (2008) 9. 获先正达农业教育基金(2006) 欢迎对逆境感兴趣的有志于从事生命科学研究的同学加入本课题组,本课题组长期招聘优秀研究生和博士后。

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