联系电话咨询QQ、微信:2544906件的功能分析与同源转基因体系建立”(编号 31000736)参与
1) 柳俊,谢从华,胡建斌,宋波涛,严华兵,聂碧华,蔡兴奎,田振东,高小溪。魔芋组织培养繁殖与试管魔芋生产技术研究。湖北省科技厅成果鉴定,2006
2) 谢从华,柳俊,聂碧华,蔡兴奎,宋波涛,田振东。马铃薯试管薯高效生产技术及脱毒种薯体系创新。湖北省技术发明奖,一等奖,2007
1) Nie X*, Liang Z, Nie B, Murhpy A, Singh M. Studies on varietal response to different strains of Potato virus Y (PVY) reveal hypersensitive resistance in Exploits to PVYO and extreme resistance in F87084 to all PVY strains. Am. J. Potato Res. DOI 10.1007/s12230-014-9407-7
2) Yang L, Nie B, Liu J, Song B*. A Reexamination of the Effectiveness of Ribavirin on Eradication of Viruses in Potato Plantlets in vitro Using ELISA and Quantitative RT-PCR. Am. J. Potato Res.2014, 91:304–311
3) Nie B, Singh M, Murphy A, Sullivan A, Xie C, and Nie X*. Response of potato cultivars to five isolates belonging to four strains of Potato virus Y. Plant Dis. 2012, 96:1422-1429.
4) 聂碧华, 谢从华, 聂先舟*. 马铃薯抗病毒研究进展. 园艺学报, 2012, 39(9):1703-1714.
5) Nie B, Singh M, Sullivan N, Singh R P, Xie C and Nie X*. Recognition and molecular discrimination of severe and mild PVYO variants of Potato virus Y in potatoes in New Brunswick, Canada. Plant Dis. 2011, 95:113-119
6) Nie B, Nie X, Singh M, Sullivan A, Xie C. Responses of Potato Cultivars to Potato Virus Y Strain Groups (Abstract of the Papers Presented at the 95th Annual Meeting of the Potato Association of America). Am. J. Potato Res, 2011, 89(1):30-52.
7) 谢素柳,聂碧华,蔡兴奎,柳俊。不同接种方式的试管薯产量及其产业化生产效率分析。农业生物技术学报,2007,增刊:163-165
8) 柳俊,聂碧华,蔡兴奎,陈亮,谢从华。马铃薯二年制脱毒种薯体系建设及其关键技术改良. 中国马铃薯,2006,6:321-325
9) 柳俊,宋波涛,谢从华,黄健,聂碧华。马铃薯试管薯诱导过程中总RNA的变化。中国马铃薯,2002,16:1-4 |