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导师信息#兰州大学艺术学院导师介绍#周 亮

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周亮,女高音,汉族,甘肃西和人,音乐学硕士,文学博士,民族学博士后。音乐研究所声乐研究室副教授。中国音乐教育家协会会员,甘肃省音乐家协会会员。2002年9月至2005年6月,西北师范大学音乐学院硕士研究生。2007年9月至2010年6月,兰州大学文学院博士研究生。2010年7月至2013年5月,兰州大学西北少数民族研究中心博士后流动站做博士后。2005年7月至今,任教于兰州大学艺术学院。2011年1月至2012年1月,美国爱荷华州立大学音乐系访学。Email: zhouliang@lzu.edu.cn信箱:兰州市东岗西路199号兰州大学医学校区勤博楼艺术学院,730000教育与研究领域:研究方向:声乐、中国少数民族音乐、中国传统音乐研究、音乐美学、西北民族民间音乐研究、西北花儿研究。主讲课程:“声乐”、“音乐美学”、“舞台表演”等本科课程以及“专业英语”、“中国音乐史专题”等硕士研究生课程。主持及参与课题:主持教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目《通过高校音乐教育传承民间花儿的可行性研究》(项目批准号09XJC760002),2009-2013。主持文化部文化艺术科学研究项目《传统民歌花儿的当代演变研究》(项目批准号12DD16),2012。主持兰州大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金重点项目《西北多民族地区和谐之音——河湟花儿研究》(项目批准号13LZUJBWZD002),2013。主持兰州大学西北少数民族研究中心 “重点研究基地专项项目”《河湟花儿音乐表现中的多民族性研究》,2012-2013。主持2012年度兰州大学教材建设基金资助项目《西北花儿演唱教程》。2012-2013。主持2009年兰州大学与华池县政府合作联合开展华池地方民歌的传承保护研究项目,2009-2013。主持兰州大学教学研究项目《西北民族民间音乐高校教育传承模式的研究——以花儿为例》(项目编码201109),2011-2013。主持2009年兰州大学交叉学科青年创新研究基金项目《西北花儿的文学性与音乐性关系及传承研究》(项目批准号LZUJC200933),2009-2011。主持2009年兰州大学中央高校基本科研业务费自由探索项目《西北花儿地域文化成因及流布研究》(项目批准号09LZUJBWZY064),2009-2010。
个人获奖:2007年8月获第六届中国音乐金钟奖全国声乐比赛,荣获美声唱法二等奖。2006年11月论文《音乐剧民族化探究》在甘肃省文化艺术科学论文评奖中获二等奖。2006年1月获第十二届全国青年歌手电视大奖赛(甘肃赛区)二等奖。2005年12月获“甘肃省第二届声乐、器乐、舞蹈比赛”美声唱法青年组一等奖。2004年4月论文《情感表现是音乐的灵魂》在甘肃省文化艺术科学论文评奖中获二等奖。2004年6月获第十届全国推文艺新人大赛(甘肃赛区)美声唱法专业组一等奖。2003年9月获中国“金钟”奖(甘肃赛区)二等奖。2002年7月获中国艺术新人选拔大赛(甘肃赛区)青年美声专业组二等奖。2000年7月获第九届全国青年歌手电视大奖赛(甘肃赛区)美声专业组三等奖。教学获奖:2008年获兰州大学“隆基青年教师教学新秀奖”。2012年6月,所讲授课程《西北花儿演唱教学》在兰州大学青年教师教学技能竞赛中获二等奖。2012年12月份CCTV超级梦想全国才艺大赛上海国际特长生评选活动甘肃赛区,因指导学生获得三个一等奖,四个二等奖,获得优秀指导老师奖。2008年8月获第三届青春中国—甘肃省青少年才艺大赛优秀指导教师奖。2009年2月在第二届华夏之星中国优秀特长生选拔展演活动全国总评选中,荣获声乐类特殊贡献奖。2009年荣获第五届“海州杯”甘肃省校园歌手大赛优秀辅导教师奖。2009年在“全国校园艺术节”活动中,为发现、挖掘、培养、推出优秀艺术人才做出了卓越的贡献,荣获指导教师奖等。指导学生获奖:2013年3月,指导学生梁利获得CCTV青年歌手电视大奖赛甘肃赛区优秀奖。2012年10月份指导学生张亮伟获得第三届中国民族声乐敦煌奖全国总决赛优秀奖。2012年10月份指导学生梁利获得第三届中国民族声乐敦煌奖西北赛区民族组女声部一等奖。2012年5月指导学生梁利荣获第七届国际音乐艺术大赛中国赛区声乐专业成年个人项目银奖。2012年1月指导学生梁利荣获第七届海洲杯甘肃省校园艺术大赛大学组二等奖。2012年12月份CCTV超级梦想全国才艺大赛上海国际特长生评选活动甘肃赛区,梁利、张亮伟、黄建超分别获得一等奖;罗琳琳、侯翔、厉娇珍分别获得二等奖;符晓获三等奖。2009年,指导学生孙立东获第七届(萃英杯)中国音乐金钟奖全国声乐比赛甘肃选拔赛美声唱法优秀奖。2009年2月指导学生刘沁倩在第二届华夏之星中国优秀特长生选拔展演活动全国总评选中,荣获声乐类金奖。2008年10月指导学生冯晓楠荣获第四届“海洲杯”甘肃省校园歌手大赛二等奖。2008年8月指导学生崔一骞荣获中华青少年新文化艺术盛典全国总决赛声乐比赛金奖。2008年指导学生孙立东获兰州大学艺术学院技能大赛美声唱法第一名等。2008年指导学生刘永庆、王丹获“第四届青春中国—甘肃省青少年才艺大赛”甘肃总决赛青年美声组三等奖。2007年指导学生刘永庆、王丹获第三届华夏艺术风采国际交流选拔活动甘肃赛区声乐比赛青年美声组二等奖。发表论文:周亮.《民族民间音乐在高校传承的趋势——以花儿为例》(《甘肃社会科学》2013.1)周亮.《文化生态学视阈下的花儿民歌当代变异现象》(《甘肃社会科学》2012.4)周亮.《论河湟花儿特有的词曲关系及艺术功能》(《社科纵横》2012.5)周亮.《花儿文学性与音乐性的关系研究》(《社科纵横》2012.4)周亮.《河湟花儿的文化渊源研究》(《甘肃社科》,2011.5)周亮.《河湟花儿传唱的多民族性研究》(《兰州学刊》,2011.7)周亮.《河湟民族地区花儿现状与传承途径研究》(《科学.经济.社会》,2010.3)周亮.《花儿传播途径及分布区域分析研究》(《科学.经济.社会》,2010.4)周亮.《花儿的保护传承策略研究》(《中国音乐》,2009.2)周亮.《试论贤孝的艺术价值、社会功能和传承发展》(《科学.经济.社会》,2009.2)程金城,周亮.《试论文艺人类学的理论维度》(《贵州社会科学》,2009.11)周亮.《音乐的社会功能性探究——四川汶川抗震救灾歌曲创作的社会意义》(《兰州学刊》,2009.5)周亮.《美声唱法演唱汉语歌曲咬字吐字问题的对策分析》(《艺术教育》,2009.3)周亮.《美声唱法演唱汉语歌曲咬字吐字问题研究》(《艺术教育》,2009.6)周亮.《甘肃省高校音乐专业课程设置与当地民间音乐传承》(《甘肃联合大学学报》,2009.3)Liang ZhouLecturer of Music InstitutionSchool of arts, LanZhou University199 West Donggang RoadLanzhou, Gansu, China, 730000Email: zhouliang@lzu.edu.cnLiang ZhouBorn in Xihe County, Gansu Province, China. MA from Northwest Normal University and PhD from Lanzhou University. Currently she teaches vocal music at the School of Art, Lanzhou University, offering such courses as vocal music, musical Aesthetics, stage performance etc. Apart from teaching, she also takes roles in operas such as the Chinese classic Sister Jiang, and Verdi’s La Traviata. In the Spring Festival Celebration of 2007. She performed solo Festival Song in the presence of the Chinese President, Hu Jintao.Liang Zhou has conducted and completed 6 Young Scholars Projects in the Humanities organized by the Ministry of Education, and nine of her papers saw press in China’s top journals. Awarded prizes at the provincial level for 15 times. She is also honoured by 16 of her students awarded various prizes in singing competitions. She is particularly interested in the folk music of her hometown, Northwestern China and has conducted many field researches and collected a large body of first-hand documents about the folk music of this area.In 2011, Liang Zhou came to Iowa State University on a scholarship of the Chinese Ministry of Education. With valuable guidance from Professor Simon Estes and Professor Janet Alcorn. She has learned greatly about the vocal art of the West and the effective teaching methodology.Research AreaVocal music, Music of Chinese Ethnic Minority, Traditional Chinese Music, Northwestern Folk Music and Huaer Education BackgroundSept.2007-2010,Study in School of Chinese Literature,Lanzhou University for PhD degree.Sept.2002- 2005,Study in School of Music,Northwest Normal University,for MA degree.Working experienceJuly,2005- now,serving as a music and performance teacher in College of Art, Lanzhou University.a member of Music Education Branch of Chinese Society of Educationa member of Gansu Musicians UnionPublicationsIn charge of the project Research on the Feasibility of Inheriting Folk Huaer by Musical Education in Universities and Colleges from the Ministry of Education Humanity and Social Science Young Scientist Funds (Project Number, 09XJC760002)In charge of the project Research of the Clear Enunciation When singing Chinese Songs by Bel Conto from Lanzhou University Humanity and Social Science Subject Construction Funds, concluded in July, 2009.In charge of the research project of the inheritance and protection of the folk songs in Huachi, carried out by Lanzhou University and Huachi County together.In charge of the project the Relationship between Huaer’s Literariness and Musical Features and Its Inheritance from Lanzhou University Interdisciplinary Youth Innovation and Research Funds.In charge of the project Research on Huaer’s cultural origins and its distributions from 2009 Lanzhou University Central Universities Basic Scientific Research Free Exploration Funds (Project Number, 09LZUJBWZY064).Information on My Thesis“A Study of the Cultural Origin of the Huaer Music of the Huanghe and Huangshui River Valley Areas”,in Gansu Social Sciences, 20011.5“A Study of the multi-ethnic of the Huaer Music of the Huanghe and Huangshui River Valley Areas”,in Lanzhou Academic Journal, 2011.7“Huaer of transmission and distribution area analysis”,in Science, Economy and Society, 2010.4“A Study on The Status Quo and Inheritance Way of The“Huaer”In the HeHuang Ethnic Minorities Area”,in Science, Economy and Society, 2010.3 “Research on the Techniques of Protecting and Inheriting Huaer”,in China Music, 2009.2“A Tentative Study on the Artistic Value, Social Function and inheritance of Filial Piety” in Science, Economy and Society, 2009.2“On the Theoretical Dimension of Artistic Anthropology” in Guizhou Social Sciences, 2009.11“The Social Function of Music: A Study on the Social Significance of Musical Composition for Earthquake Relief Work in Wenchuan,Sichuan” in Lanzhou Academic Journal, 2009.5“A Study on Strategies of Pronunciation to bel canto Chinese Songs” in Art Education Journal, 2009.3“On Pronunciation Problems to bel canto Chinese Songs” in Art Education Journal, 2009.6“On the Relationship Between College Music Professional Curriculum Arrangement and Inheritance of Local Folk Music” in Gansu in Journal of Gansu Lianhe University, 2009.3“On Inspiration from Practice of Kodaly Musical Educational System” in Gansu Education Journal, 2005.7AwardsPersonal achievementsAwarded with the third prize in Bel canto Professional Group in the Ninth National Youth Singers CCTV Great Prix Competition (Gansu area) in July,2000.Awarded with the second prize in Youth Bel canto Professional Group in National Selective Competition for Promising Artists (Gansu area) in July,2002.Awarded with the second prize in National Jinzhong Award Competition (Gansu area) in September,2003.Article “Emotional Expression is the Soul of Music” was awarded with the second prize in candidate articles on Gansu culture and art in April,2004.Awarded with the first prize in Bel canto Professional Group in the Tenth National Selective Competition for Promising Artists (Gansu area) in June,2004.Awarded with the first prize in Bel canto Youth Group in the Second Vocal, Instrumental and Dancing Competition in Gansu in December,2005.Awarded with the second prize in the Twelfth National Youth Singers CCTV Great Prix Competition (Gansu area) in January,2006.Article “A Study on Nationalization of Musicals” was awarded with the second prize in candidate articles on Gansu culture and art in November,2006.Awarded with the second prize in Bel canto Group in the Sixth National Vocal Music Competition for Music Jinzhong Award in August,2007.Awarded with Excellent Instructor Award in the Third National Teenager Culture Competition in August,2008.Awarded with Excellent Instructor Award in Youth China: the Third Teenager Talent Competition of Gansu in August,2008.Awarded with Special Award of Merit in vocal music Group in Star of China: the Second National Selective Competition for Excellent Students in February,2009.My Students’ achievements under My GuidanceLiu Yongqing instructed by me was awarded with the second prize in Youth Bel canto Group in the Third Selective Competition of International Exchange of Chinese Artistic Achievements (Gansu area) in 2007.Wang Dan instructed by me was awarded with the second prize in Youth Bel canto Group in the Third Selective Competition of International Exchange of Chinese Artistic Achievements (Gansu area) in 2007.Liu Yongqing instructed by me was awarded with the third prize in youth Bel canto Group in Gansu Final of Youth China: the Fourth Teenager Talent Competition in 2008.Wang Dan instructed by me was awarded with the third prize in youth Bel canto Group in Gansu Final of Youth China: the Fourth Teenager Talent Competition in 2008.Sun Lidong instructed by me was awarded with the first prize in Bel canto Group in Talent Competition in School of Arts of Lanzhou University in 2008.Cui Yiqian instructed by me was awarded with Gold Award in National Final of Chinese Teenager Culture and Art Ceremony in August,2008.Feng Xiaonan instructed by me was awarded with the second prize in the Fourth Haizhou Cup Campus Singing Competition of Gansu in October,2008.Liu Qinqian instructed by me was awarded with Gold Award in Vocal Music Group in Star of China: the Second National Selective Competition for Excellent Students in February,2009.Sun Lidong instructed by me was awarded with Award of Excellence in Vocal Music Group in National Music Competition for Jinzhong Award (Gansu area) in 2009.PerformancesAttended the large-scale symphony concert conducted by American famous conductor Douglas and sang Brindisi: a song from an opera in September,2001. (Sponsored by Department of Culture of Gansu Province)Attended the large-scale evening party in memory of Red Army’s Long March army-joining in Huining, Gansu and sang “Drink to Our Motherland” in September,2001. (Sponsored by Gansu Provincial Propaganda Department)Acted as the leading singer of “In the Bright Sun” in Enter the New Age: evening party for The Tenth National Congress of Chinese Communist Party in November, 2002. (Sponsored by Gansu Provincial Propaganda Department and Gansu TV)Attended the New Year’s concert of Gansu and sang Brindisi: a song from an opera in 2004 and 2005. (Sponsored by Department of Culture of Gansu Province)Played the role of the general’s daughter in Musical “Flying Dream is Achieved” in 2004 New Year’s evening party of Gansu. ( Sponsored by Gansu Administration of Radio, Film and television and Gansu TV)Attended Golden Years: large-scale ridotto (Division one and two) in 2003 and 2004 and sang such songs as “My Motherland and Me”, “My Country, My Mother”, “We Set Out in the Morning” and “Djrowei electro remix”.(Sponsored by Department of Culture of Gansu Province)Sang “Beautiful Scenery”,my original song in Marching on the Bright Road: large-scale evening party in April,2004. (Sponsored by Gansu Administration of Radio, Film and television and Gansu TV)Sang “Xiaoping, You Are with Us Forever” in Symphony in spring: large-scale musical ridotto in August, 2004. (Sponsored by Gansu Administration of Radio,Film and television and Gansu TV)Acted as the leading singer of “Ode to My Motherland” in Son of the Chinese: large-scale concert of Gansu in memory of Deng Xiaoping’s100th birthday in August,2004. (Sponsored by Gansu Provincial Propaganda Department)Sang “My Country, My Mother” in Long Live My Motherland: large-scale evening party of Gansu to celebrate the 55th anniversary of PRC in October,2004. (Sponsored by Department of Culture of Gansu Province)Attended the evening party of Lanzhou University to welcome evaluation committee members from Ministry of Education and sang “The Spring of Science Has Come” and “Drink to Our Friendship” in October,2005.Attended the New Year’s concerts in Tianshui, Baiyin, Guangzhou, etc in 2006 and played an episode from Camille. (Sponsored by Department of Culture of Gansu Province)Attended Ode to Gansu: award party of song collection on Gansu TV in July, 2006 and my theme song sung at the very beginning was awarded with the second prize.Attended Readers’ Night: New Year’s concert and sang “Time to Say Goodbye” in December,2006. (Sponsored by Department of Culture of Gansu Province)Attended New Year’s evening party to welcome Secretary-general Hu Jintao’s coming to Gansu during the spring festival of 2007 and performed the solo “Festive Song of Joy” as well as more than 400 performances.
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