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基本信息姓名: 付艳苹 出生年月: 1972.1性别: 女 硕/博导咨询QQ、微信:2544906;主持2. 粮食作物“基因对基因”病害的抗病品种布局技术研究与示范,农业公益性行业科研专项,2012-2016年,300万元;3. 油料作物菌核病综合防控技术研究与示范推广,农业公益性行业科研专项,2011-2015年,100万元;4. SSIL-05917基因在核盘菌菌核形成中的作用及其机理研究,国家自然科学基金,31071647,2010-2012年,33万元;主持5. 盾壳霉选择寄生核盘菌关键基因的鉴定及功能研究,国家自然科学基金,309718833,2009-2011年32万元,主持6. 盾壳霉ZS-1菌株孢子形成相关基因的克隆和功能研究,国家自然科学基金,30500337,2006-2008年,27万元;主持7. 从核盘菌生防真菌盾壳霉中克隆抗大豆菌核病的功能基因,转基因生物新品种培育重大专项,2009-2010年,20万元;6. 油菜菌核病早期诊断技术与成灾规律研究,农业公益性行业科研专项,2007-2010年,115万元;8. 水稻抗瘟性品种布局与稻瘟病防控技术,农业公益性行业科研专项,2008-2010年,30万元;9. 粮食作物“基因对基因”病害的抗病品种布局技术研究与示范,农业公益性行业科研专项,2012-2016年,100万元;10. 现代农业产业技术体系岗位,2008-2016年,135万元。<go link why wives cheat on husbands
发明专利及获奖情况1. 一种油菜菌核病的早期快速分子检测方法,授权专利号:ZL200810236958.52. 生防真菌盾壳霉产孢相关基因CmPex2及其应用,授权专利号:ZL2010101181281.73. 一株防治菌核病的生防菌盾壳霉ZS-1SB及制备方法与应用,授权专利号:ZL 200910062405.74. 水稻纹枯病生防菌枯草芽孢杆菌WJ-1及菌剂与应用,授权专利号:ZL201010175797.05. 一种农杆菌介导的核盘菌的遗传转化方法,授权专利号:ZL20101017526.36. 一种适用于核盘菌菌株抗药性检测试剂盒及检测核盘菌菌株抗药性的方法,授权专利号:ZL201010514797.97. 一株水稻纹枯病菌生防菌RS-BC及微生物菌剂与制备方法和应用,授权专利号ZL201110056038.78. 盾壳霉铁载体转运蛋白基因及制备方法和用途,ZL201210081535.79. 一种Microdochium bolleyi F10菌株菌剂及制备方法和应用,ZL201210233680.2
发表的论文及著作20151. Zhiyong Xu, Songsong Wu, Lijiang Liu, Jiasen Cheng, Yanping Fu, Daohong Jiang, Jiatao Xie. A mitovirus related to plant mitochondrial gene confers hypovirulence on the phytopathogenic fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Virus Research. 197:127-136.2. Lijiang Liu, Qihua Wang, Jiasen Cheng, Yanping Fu, Daohong Jiang, Jiatao Xie. Molecular characterization of a bipartite double-stranded RNA virus and its satellite-like RNA co-infecting the phytopathogenic fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Front. Microbiol. 6:406.3. Rong Liu, Jiasen Cheng, Yanping Fu, Daohong Jiang, Jiatao Xie. Molecular characterization of a novel positive-sense, single-stranded RNA mycovirus infecting the plant pathogenic fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Viruses 2 7, 2470-2484.
2014年1. Xueqiong Xiao, Jiatao Xie, Jiasen Cheng, Guoqing Li,Xianhong Yi, Daohong Jiang, Yanping Fu*. Novel Secretory Protein Ss-Caf1 of the Plant-Pathogenic Fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Is Required for Host Penetration and Normal Sclerotial Development. Mol Plant Microbe Interact. 27(1):40-55.影响因子4.307,通讯作者2. Lijiang Liu, Jiatao Xie, Jiasen Cheng, Yanping Fu, Guoqing Li, Xianhong Yi, and Daohong Jiang. Fungal negative-stranded RNA virus that is related to bornaviruses and nyaviruses. Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 影响因子9.7373. Zijin Hu, Songsong Wu, Jiasen Cheng , Yanping Fu, Daohong Jiang, Jiatao Xie. Molecular characterization of two positive-strand RNA viruses co-infecting a hypovirulent strain of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Virology 影响因子3.3674. Xueqiong Xiao, Jiasen Cheng, Jinghua Tang, Yanping Fu, Daohong Jiang, Timothy Baker, Said Ghabrial, and Jiatao Xie. A novel partitivirus that confers hypovirulence on plant pathogenic fungi. Journal of Virology2014, 88 (17): 10120&ndash;10133 影响因子5.07
2013年1. Wei Wei, Wenjun Zhu, Jiasen Cheng, Jiatao Xie, Bo Li, Daohong Jiang, Guoqing Li, Xianhong Yi, Yanping Fu*. CmPEX6, a gene involved in peroxisome biogenesis, is essential for parasitism and conidiation by the sclerotial parasite Coniothyrium minitans.Appl Environ Microbiol. 79(12):3658-66.影响因子3.67,通讯作者2. Hamid MI, Fangyun Zeng,Jiasen Cheng, Daohong Jiang, Yanping Fu*. Disruption of heat shock factor 1 reduces the formation of conidia and thermotolerance in the mycoparasitic fungus Coniothyrium minitans. Fungal Genet Biol.53:42-9. 影响因子3.26,通讯作者3. Xiao Yu, Bo Li, Yanping Fu, Jiatao Xie, Jiasen Cheng, Said A. Ghabrial, Li G, Xianhong Yi, Daohong Jiang. Extracellular transmission of a DNA mycovirus and its use as a natural fungicide. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 110(4):1452-1457. 影响因子9.7374. Wenjun Zhu, Wei Wei, Yanping Fu, Jiasen Cheng, Jiatao Xie, Guoqing Li, Xianhong Yi, Zhensheng Kang, Dickman MB, Daohong Jiang. A secretory protein of necrotrophic fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum that suppresses host resistance. PLoS One. 8(1):e53901. 影响因子3.735. Daohong Jiang, Yanping Fu, Guoqing Li, Said A. Ghabrial.Viruses of the plant pathogenic fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum.Adv Virus Res. 2013;86:215-48.
2012年1. Yang Yu, Daohong Jiang, Jiatao Xie, Jiasen Cheng, Guoqing Li, Xianhong Yi, Yanping Fu*. Ss-Sl2, a novel cell wall protein with PAN modules, is essential for sclerotial development and cellular integrity of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. PLoS One. 7(4):e34962.影响因子4.09,通讯作者2. Fanyun Zeng, Xiaoyan Gong, Mahammad I Hamid, Yanping Fu, Jiatao Xie, Jiasen Cheng, Guoqing Li, Daohong Jiang. The fungal cell wall integrity-associated MAP kinase cascade in the sclerotia mycoparasite fungus Coniothyrium minitans is required for conidiation and mycoparasitism. Fungal Genetics and Biology 49:347-357. 影响因子3.733. Huiquan Liu, Yanping Fu, Jiatao Xie, Jiasen Cheng, Said A Ghabrial, Guoqing Li, Xianhong Yi, Daohong Jiang. Discovery of novel dsRNA viral sequences by in silico cloning and implications for viral diversity, host range and evolution. PLoS One 7(7):e42147.影响因子 4.094. Huiquan Liu, Yanping Fu, Jiatao Xie, Jiasen Cheng, Said A Ghabrial, Guoqing Li, Xianhong Yi, Daohong Jiang. Evolutionary genomics of mycovirus-related dsRNA viruses reveals cross-family horizontal gene transfer and evolution of diverse viral lineages. BMC Evolutionary Biology 12:91.影响因子 3.525. Jiahong Zhou, Yanping Fu, Jiatao Xie, Bo Li, Daohong Jiang, Guoqing Li, Jiasen Cheng. Identification of microRNA-like RNAs in a plant pathogenic fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum by High-throughput sequencing. Mol Genet Genomics 278(4):275-282.影响因子2.579
2011年1. Li Qin, Xiaoyan Gong, Jiatiao Xie, Daohong Jiang, Jiasheng Cheng, Guoqing Li, Junbin Huang, Yanping Fu*. Phosphoribosylamidotransferase, the first enzyme for purine de novo synthesis, is required for conidiation in the sclerotial mycoparasite Coniothyrium minitans. Fungal Genetics and Biology 48(10): 956-965.影响因子3.34,通讯作者2. Li Qin, Yanping Fu*, Jiatao Xie, Jiasen Cheng, Daohong Jiang, Guoqing Li, and Junbin Huang. A nested-PCR method for rapid detection of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on petals of oilseed rape (Brassica napus). Plant Pathology 60: 271-277.影响因子 2.4,通讯作者4. Huiquan Liu, Yanping Fu, Bo Li, Xiao Yu, Jiatao Xie, Jiasen Cheng, Said A Ghabrial, Guoqing Li, Xianhong Yi and Daohong Jiang. Widespread horizontal gene transfer from circular single-stranded DNA viruses to eukaryotic genomes. BMC Evolutionary Biology 11: 276.影响因子3.75. Jiatao Xie, Xueqiong Xiao, Yanping Fu, Huiquan Liu, Jiasen Cheng, Said A. Ghabrial, Guoqing Li, Daohong Jiang. A novel mycovirus closely related to hypoviruses that infects the plant pathogenic fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Virology 418, 49-56.影响因子3.36. Huiquan Liu, Yanping Fu, Daohong Jiang, Guoqing Li, Jiatao Xie, Jiasen Cheng, Youliang Peng, Said A Ghabrial, and Xianhong Yi. Widespread Endogenization of Densoviruses and Parvoviruses in Animal and Human Genomes. Journal of Virology 85(19): 9863-9876. 影响因子5.33
2010年前1. Huiquan Liu, Yanping Fu, Daohong Jiang, Guoqing Li, Jiatao Xie, Jiasen Cheng, Youliang Peng, Said A Ghabrial, and Xianhong Yi. 2010. Widespread horizontal gene transfer from double-stranded RNA viruses to eukaryotic nuclear genomes. Journal of Virology. 84: 1876-1887. 影响因子5.3322. Bo Li, Yanping Fu, Daohong Jiang, Jiatao Xie, Jiasen Cheng, Guoqing Li, Mahammad Imran Hamid, Xianhong Yi. 2010. Cyclic GMP as a second messenger in the nitric oxide mediated conidiation of the mycoparasite Coniothyrium minitans. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 76: 2830-2836. 影响因子3.83. Liu Huiquan, Fu Yanping, Jiang Daohong, Li Guoqing, Xie Jun, Peng Youliang, Yi Xianhong, Ghabrial Said A. 2009. A novel mycovirus that is related to the human pathogen Hepatitis E virus and rubi-like viruses. Journal of Virology 83: 1981-1991. 影响因子5.3324. Liyan Zhang, Yanping Fu, Jiatao Xie, Daohong Jiang, Guoqing Li, Xianhong Yi. 2009. A novel virus that infecting hypovirulent strain XG36-1 of plant fungal pathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Virology Journal 6: 96, 影响因子1.8825. Xie Jiatao, Fu Yanping, Jiang Daohong, Li Guoqing, Huang Junbin, Li Bo, Hsiang Tom and Peng Youliang. 2008. Intergeneric transfer of ribosomal genes between two fungi. BMC Evolutional Biology 8: 87. 影响因子4.0916. Li Hua, Fu Yanping, Jiang Daohong, Li Guoqing, Ghabrial Said A and Yi Xianhong. 2008. Down-regulation of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum gene expression in response to infection with Sclerotinia sclerotiorum debilitation-associated RNA virus. Virus Research 135: 95-106. 影响因子2.8107. Yang Liping, Xie Jiaotao, Fu Yanping, Jiang Daohong, Li Guoqing and Lin Fangcan. 2008. Antifungal substances produced by Penicillium oxalicum strain PY-1-potential antibiotics against plant pathogenic fungi. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 24: 909-915. 影响因子0.7458. Gong Xiaoyan, Fu Yanping, Jiang Daohong, Li Guoqing and Yi Xianhong. 2007. L-arginine is essential for conidiation in the filamentous fungus Coniothyrium minitans. Fungal Genetics and Biology 44: 1368-1379. 影响因子3.4259.游景茂, 谢甲涛,付艳苹﹡,程家森,姜道宏,李国庆.除草剂精禾草克和乙草胺对生防菌盾壳霉寄生腐烂核盘菌的影响.中国生物防治, 2010,26(3):340-34710.吕锐玲,谢甲涛,付艳苹﹡,姜道宏草莓褐斑病病原鉴定及其生物学特性初步研究. 华中农业大学学报. 2010,411.付艳平(苹). 姜道宏. 真菌病毒的研究进展. 2005. 第七届海峡两岸真菌学学术研讨会论文集. p23-33.
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