基本信息姓名: 朱龙付 出生年月: 1976.1性别: 男 硕/博导: 博导民族: 汉族 开设课程: 基础生物化学、植物生理生化实验职称: 教授 研究方向: (1)棉花与黄萎病菌互作分子机制研究(2)植物基础免疫系统与调控(3)棉花早熟多抗育种学位: 农学博士
联系方式 办公电话:027-87283955电子邮件:lfzhu@mail.hzau.edu.cn
1、棉花与黄萎病菌互作分子机制研究;棉花黄萎病是当前影响我国棉花生产的主要真菌病害,具有发病广、影响周期长和危害重等特点。目前生产没有高抗黄萎病的陆地棉品种应用导致该病蔓延,每年在我国各棉区均有发生并在部分年份大面积暴发而导致棉花减产严重。在海岛棉及其他植物物种,如番茄,中存在高抗黄萎病的种质材料。 我们以棉花、拟南芥、番茄和烟草为材料通过研究植物抗病基因及信号路径与黄萎病菌效应子的互作机制,理解植物抗病和黄萎病菌致病机理可为抗黄萎病种质资源创制提供理论基础。通过遗传转化或分子聚合可为棉花生产创制抗病材料与品种。目前利用cDNA文库构建、大规模表达谱和转录组比较测序,已分离获得了一批参与海岛棉抗黄萎病 反应的基因,并有数十个基因被克隆和功能鉴定中。棉花黄萎病菌与番茄黄萎病菌在进化与致病力分化上的差异也是研究关注的重点。2、棉花基础免疫信号网络与调控;植物在长期进化过程中已形成一套精密的信号系统来调节抗病反应和与其他性状的平衡,能够作为信号的生物分子是什么,如何合成、代谢与调控是重要的基础理论问题。此外植物抗病系统的激活通常会影响产量、品质,表明植物体内存在多种信号路径的互作。利用表达谱分析、生物信息学分析已分离获得了部分参与棉花基础免疫系统调控及同时影响抗性与生长发育的关键基因。对这些基因功能、代谢及信号路径的研究将为阐述早熟多抗棉花新材料与新品种培育提供理论参考。3、棉花早熟多抗分子育种;通过基因功能鉴定和转基因棉花安全评价,筛选获得具有生产应用价值的棉花新材料;借助分子标记辅助选择和聚合筛选将有利于提高棉花抗病、抗逆及产量与品质的基因导入棉花杂交亲本或优良棉花品系中,通过常规和杂交育种技术创制优质、高产、早熟的棉花新材料与新品种。
科研项目目前主持或参与开展的课题:1. 棉花杂种优势机理研究与应用,863,2011-2015 (子课题)2. SSN基因家族调控棉花抗黄萎病反应的功能解析,国家自然科学基金,2013-2016 (主持)3. 抗黄萎病棉花种质创新与育种应用,转基因专项,2014-2016 (主持)4. 基于GbWRKY1与GhPHO2研究磷稳态调控棉花生长发育与多抗的分子机制,国家自然科学基金,2015-2018(主持)
参与完成的主要科研项目:1. 棉花抗黄萎病基因表达谱分析及抗病基因的克隆,国家自然科学基金, 2006-20082. 赤霉素调控棉花纤维发育的信号转导及相关基因的克隆与鉴定,国家自然科学基金, 2007-20093. GbEIN2与GbERF1在棉花与黄萎病菌互作中的功能鉴定,国家自然科学基金,2010-20124. 棉花黄萎病减灾技术体系研究,“公益性行业(农业)科研专项”,2007-20105. 棉花纤维发育的代谢调控,863, 2008-20106. 转基因耐旱耐盐碱棉花新品种培育,转基因专项,2008-20127. 长江流域转基因棉花中试与产业化基地建设,转基因专项
发明专利及获奖情况获得的科技成果奖励:1. 张献龙,聂以春、朱龙付,郭小平,卢怀玉,刘立清,林忠旭,涂礼莉,杨国正,金双侠. 棉花种质创新与强优势杂交棉新品种培育与应用. 国家科技进步二等奖,2013
2. 张献龙,聂以春,朱龙付,林忠旭,郭小平,卢怀玉,杨国正,余宏章,涂礼莉. 强优势多抗杂交棉新品种“华杂棉 H318”的选育与应用. 湖北省科技进步一等奖,20123. 张献龙,林忠旭,朱龙付,涂礼莉,金双侠,郭小平. 棉花分子育种技术体系建立与应用. 湖北省技术发明二等奖,2008
获得的教学工作奖励:1. 华中农业大学第10届青年教师讲课竞赛二等奖,2011年2. 华中农业大学教学质量优秀二等奖,2011年
发明专利:1、张献龙,朱龙付,涂礼莉,聂以春,郭小平,曾范昌,刘迪秋. 从棉花组织中抽提RNA的方法. 专利号: ZL 2004 1 0060637.62、张献龙,朱龙付,闵玲. 一种棉花酪蛋白激酶基因及其应用. 专利申请号:201110231724.33、张献龙,朱龙付,徐理. 一种棉花WRKY类转录因子及应用. 专利申请号:201110432296.04、张献龙,朱龙付,孙龙清. 一种棉花细胞色素P450基因及应用. 专利号:ZL 201210084887.8 申请日 20120328 授权公告201503045、朱龙付,高巍,龙璐,张献龙,聂以春,袁道军. 棉花硬脂酰去饱和化酶GbSSI2基因及应用. 专利号:ZL 201310019959.5 申请日 20130118 授权公告201503046、张献龙,朱龙付,闵玲,胡琴. 介导棉花广谱抗性的棉花Lac1基因及应用. 专利号:ZL 201310109621.9 申请日 20130329 授权公告201504017、朱龙付,张献龙,高巍,龙璐. 棉花同源结构域转录因子基因GbHDTF1及应用. 专利号:ZL 201310345168.1 申请日 20130809 授权公告20150422
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1. Yanqin Wang, Shuangxia Jin, Ling Min, Xin He, Yaoyao Li, Yi Zhu, Yichun Nie, Xianlong Zhang, Longfu Zhu*. The H+-PPase gene SaVP1 from Sophora alopecuroid confers multiple abiotic stress tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant Molecular Biology Report, Accepted doi:10.1007/s11105-014-0801-6 2014 IF 2.374 (通讯作者)
2014年1. Longqing Sun, Longfu Zhu, Li Xu, Daojun Yuan, Ling Min & Xianlong Zhang*. Cotton cytochrome P450 CYP82D regulates systemic cell death by modulating the octadecanoid pathway. Nature Communication, 2014,5:5372. doi: 10.1038/ncomms6372 2014 IF: 10.742
2. Chao Li, Xin He, Xiangyin Luo, Li Xu, Linlin Liu, Ling Min, Li Jin, Longfu Zhu*, Xianlong Zhang. Cotton WRKY1 Mediates the Plant Defense-to-Development Transition during Infection of Cotton by Verticillium dahliae by Activating JASMONATE ZIM-DOMAIN1 Expression. Plant Physiology, 2014, 166(4): 2179-2194 doi:10.1104/pp.114.246694 2014 IF 7.394 (通讯作者)
3. Lian Xu, Wenwen Zhang, Xin He, Min Liu, Kun Zhang, Muhammad Shaban, Longqing Sun, Jiachen Zhu, Yijing Luo, Daojun Yuan, Xianlong Zhang, and Longfu Zhu*. Functional characterization of cotton genes responsive to Verticillium dahliae through bioinformatics and reverse genetics strategies. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2014, 65(22):6679-6692 doi:10.1093/jxb/eru393 2014 IF: 5.794 (通讯作者)
4. 刘琳琳, 张文文, 周易, 苗玉焕,许莲,刘敏,张坤,张献龙,朱龙付*. 棉花与番茄抗棉花黄萎病不依赖于 Ve1. 中国科学: 生命科学, 2014, 44: 803-814 (通讯作者)Liu L L, Zhang W W, Zhou Y, Miao Y H, Xu L, Liu M, Zhang K, Zhang X L, Zhu L F*. The resistance of cotton and tomato to Verticillium dahliae from cotton is independent on Ve1. SCIENTIA SINICA Vitae, 2014, 44: 803–814, doi: 10.1360/052014-90
5. Ling Min, Yaoyao Li, Qin Hu, Longfu Zhu, Wenhui Gao, Yuanlong Wu, Yuanhao Ding, Shiming Liu, Xiyan Yang, and Xianlong Zhang*. Sugar and auxin signaling pathways respond to high temperature stress during anther development as revealed by transcript profiling analysis in cotton. Plant Physiology, 2014, 164(3): 1293-1308 doi: 10.1104/pp.113.232314 2014 IF:7.394
6. Guanze Liu, Xuelin Li, Shuangxia Jin, Xuyan Liu, Longfu Zhu, Yichun Nie, Xianlong Zhang. Overexpression of Rice NAC Gene SNAC1 Improves Drought and Salt Tolerance by Enhancing Root Development and Reducing Transpiration Rate in Transgenic Cotton. PLoS One. 2014, 9(1):e86895. doi: 10.1371/ journal.pone.0086895
7. Lu Long, Wei Gao, Li Xu, Min Liu, Xiangyin Luo, Xin He, Xiyan Yang, Xianlong Zhang and Longfu Zhu*. GbMPK3, a mitogen-activated protein kinase from cotton, enhances drought and oxidative stress tolerance in tobacco. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 2014, 116(2): 153-162 DOI: 10.1007/s11240-013-0392-1 2014 IF:2.612 (通讯作者)
2013年1. Wei Gao, Lu Long, Longfu Zhu*, Li Xu, Wenhui Gao, Longqing Sun, Linlin Liu and Xianlong Zhang*. Proteomic and virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) analyses reveal that Gossypol, Brassinosteroids and Jasmonic acid contribute to the resistance of cotton to Verticillium dahliae. Molecular Cellular Proteomics, 2013, 12: 3690-3703 doi: 10.1074/mcp.M113.031013 2013 IF:7.251 (共同通讯作者)
2. Ling Min, Longfu Zhu*,Lili Tu,Fenglin Deng,Daojun Yuan,Xianlong Zhang*. Cotton GhCKI disrupts normal male reproduction by delaying tapetum programmed cell death via inactivating starch synthase. The Plant Journal, 2013, 75: 823–835. doi: 10.1111/tpj.12245 2013 IF:6.582 (共同通讯作者)
3. Wang Y, Jin S, Wang M, Zhu L*, Zhang X (2013) Isolation and Characterization of a Conserved Domain in the Eremophyte H+-PPase Family. PLoS ONE 8(7): e70099. 2013 IF:3.73 (通讯作者)
4. Lian Xu, Kashif Rafiq Zahid, Liangrong He, Wenwen Zhang, Xin He, Xianlong Zhang, Xiyan Yang and Longfu Zhu*. GhCAX3, a novel Ca2+/H+ exchanger from cotton, confers regulation of cold response and ABA induced signal transduction. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(6): e66303. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0066303 2013 IF:3.73 (通讯作者)
5. He L, Yang X*, Wang L, Zhu L, Zhou T, Deng J, Zhang X. Molecular cloning and functional characterization of a novel cotton CBL-interacting protein kinase gene (GhCIPK6) reveals its involvement in multiple abiotic stress tolerance in transgenic plants. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2013, 31;435(2): 209-215 doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2013.04.080
2012年1. Li Xu, Li Jin, Lu Long, Linlin Liu, Xin He, Wei Gao, Longfu Zhu*, Xianlong Zhang. Overexpression of GbWRKY1 positively regulates the Pi starvation response by alteration of auxin sensitivity in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Reports, 2012, 31(12): 2177-2188, doi:10.1007/s00299-012-1328-7. 2012 IF:2.509 (通讯作者)
2. 徐理,朱龙付,张献龙. 棉花抗黄萎病机制研究进展. 作物学报,2012,38 (09): 1553-1560 DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2012.01553XU Li, ZHU Long-Fu, ZHANG Xian-Long. Research on Resistance Mechanism of Cotton to Verticillium Wilt[J]. Acta Agron Sin, 2012, 38(09): 1553-1560.
3. Manoj Banjara, Longfu Zhu, Guoxin Shen, Paxton Payton and Hong Zhang. Expression of an Arabidopsis sodium/proton antiporter gene (AtNHX1) in peanut to improve salt tolerance. Plant Biotech. Rep., 2012, 6(1), 59-67 2012 IF:1.051
2011年1. Xu, L., Zhu, L., Tu, L., Liu, L., Yuan, D., Jin, L., Long, L., and Zhang, X. Lignin metabolism has a central role in the resistance of cotton to the wilt fungus Verticillium dahliae as revealed by RNA-Seq-dependent transcriptional analysis and histochemistry. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2011, 62(15): 5607-5621 (2012年湖北省自然科学优秀论文奖一等奖) 2011 IF:5.3642. Xu, L., Zhu, L., Tu, L., Guo, X., Long, L., Sun, L., Gao, W., and Zhang, X. Differential Gene Expression in Cotton Defence Response to Verticillium dahliae by SSH. Journal of Phytopathology, 2011, 159: 606-615 2011 IF:0.9373. ZHU Long-fu, HE Xin, YUAN Dao-jun, XU Lian, XU Li, TU Li-li, SHEN Guo-xin, ZHANG Hong, ZHANG Xian-long.Genome-Wide Identification of Genes Responsive to ABA and Cold/Salt Stresses in Gossypium hirsutum by Data-Mining and Expression Pattern Analysis. Agricultural Sciences in China, 2011, 10(4): 499-508 2011 IF:0.54. Vijaya Pasapula, Guoxin Shen, Sundaram Kuppu, Julio Paez-Valencia, Marisol Mendoza, Pei Hou, Jian Chen,Xiaoyun Qiu, Longfu Zhu, Xianlong Zhang, Dick Auld, Eduardo Blumwald, Hong Zhang, Roberto Gaxiola, and Paxton. Expression of an Arabidopsis vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase gene (AVP1) in cotton improves drought- and salt-tolerance and increases fiber yield in the field conditions. Plant Biotechnology J, 2011, 9: 88-99 2011 IF:4.8
2010年1. 宋俊乔, 孙培均, 张霞, 张献龙, 聂以春, 郭小平, 朱龙付*.棉仁高油分材料筛选及其脂肪酸发育分析.棉花学报,2010,22(4):291-296 (华中农业大学大学生科技创新基金资助, 湖北省优秀学士学位论文二等奖) |