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10. 邢誉峰,曹雪利,结构多点弹性正撞问题的解法,力学学报,29(5),1997
11. 邢誉峰,诸德超,复合材料叠层梁的固有振动特性,应用力学学报,14(SI),1997
12. Yufeng, Xing and Dechao, Zhu, Analytical Solutions of Impact Problems of Rod Structures with springs, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,160,1998
13. 邢誉峰,诸德超,乔元松,复合材料梁和金属梁的固有振动特性,力学学报,30(5),1998
14. 邢誉峰,诸德超,杆和梁在锁定过程的响应,计算力学学报,15(2),1998
15. 邢誉峰,梁结构线弹性碰撞的解析解,北京航空航天大学学报,24(6),1998
16. 邢誉峰,诸德超,两杆纵向非线性弹性碰撞的瞬间响应,北京航空航天大学学报,24(1),1998
17. 诸德超、邢誉峰、李敏. 结构弹性碰撞问题注. 工程力学进展,北京大学出版社,1998:175-180.
18. 诸德超、邢誉峰、李敏. 结构弹性碰撞问题讨论. 航天器工程,1998,7(3): 59-65
19. 邢誉峰,有限长Timoshenko梁碰撞接触瞬间的动态特性,力学学报,31(1),1999
20. Yufeng Xing, Abdulatif M.R.Milad. The Wave Propagation Characteristics of Laminated Beam Subjected to Impact of Particle With A Lower Velocity, 13th International Conference on Composite Materials(ICCM-13), Beijing, June 25-29, 2001
21. Xing Yufeng. Wave Propagation Of Impacted Laminated Beam, ICVE5(5th International Conference on Vibration Engineering), Nanjing, China, September 18-20, 2002
22. Yufeng Xing, Yuansong Qiao, Dechao Zhu and Guojiang Sun. Elastic Impact Problems of Finite Timoshenko Beam,ACTA MECHANICA SINACA(English Series), 2002,18(3)咨询QQ、微信:2544906及其应用,航空学报,2007,28(4):881-885
34. 邢誉峰,冯伟,李级数法与Runge-Kutta法,振动工程学报,2007年第5期
35. 邢誉峰,杨阳,形函数分段定义的弯矩梁特征单元,力学学报,2008,40(2)咨询QQ、微信:2544906解法,北京航空航天大学学报,2012
61. Xing YF, Guo J, A Newmark Method with Zero phase error, ISCMIII-CSEII,5-7Dec, 2011, Taipei, Taiwan, National Taiwan University press,400-401
62. Xing YF, Liu B, Exact characteristic equations for some of classical BCs of vibrating thin orthotropic circular cylinder shells, ICCS16, 28-39, 2011, Jun Porto, Portugal
63. Y.F. Xing, L. Chen,Accuracy of multiscale asymptotic expansion method,Composite Structures 112 (2014) 38–43
64. B. Liu, Y.F. Xing, M. Eisenbergerb, A.J.M. Ferreira,Thickness-shear vibration analysis of rectangular quartz plates by a numerical extended Kantorovich method,Composite Structures 107 (2014) 429–435
65. Yufeng Xing, Bo Liu, Tengfei Xu,Exact solutions for free vibration of circular cylindrical shells with classical boundary conditions,International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 75 (2013) 178–188
66. Y.F. Xing, T.F. Xu,Solution methods of exact solutions for free vibration of rectangular orthotropic thin plates with classical boundary conditions,Composite Structures 104 (2013) 187–195
67. 邢誉峰,谢珂,潘忠文,变质量系统振动分析的两种方法,北京航空航天大学学报, 39(7)858-862,2013
68. 邢誉峰,谢珂,潘忠文,纵向过载环境下变质量欧拉梁动态特性的分析方法,北京航空航天大学学报,39(8)999-1003,2013
69. 潘忠文,曾耀祥,廉永正,邢誉峰,运载火箭结构动力学模拟技术研究进展,力学进展,42(4) 406-415,2012
70. 刘滢滢,邢誉峰,超弹性橡胶材料的改进Rivlin模型,固体力学学报,33(4)408-414,2012
71. 邢誉峰,郭静,与结构动特性协同的自适应Newmark方法,力学学报, 44(5), 904-911, 2012
72. 郭静,邢誉峰, 微分求积时间单元方法, 振动工程学报, 25(1), 84-89, 2012
73. Xing Yufeng, Guo Jing,Differential quadrature time element method for structural dynamics,Acta Mechanica Sinica, 28(3), 782-792, 2012
74. B. Liu, Y.F. Xing, M.S. Qatu, A.J.M. Ferreira, Exact characteristic equations for free vibrations of thin orthotropic circular cylindrical shells, Composite Structures, 94: 484–493, 2012
75. Yufeng Xing, Bo Liu, Research advances of exact solutions for free vibrations of plates and shells, XXIII ICTAM, 19-24 August 2012, Beijing, China
76. Y.F. Xing, L. chen, Accuracy of multiscale asymptotic expansion method,Composite Structures 112 (2014) 38–43
77. Y.F. Xing, L. chen, Physical interpretation of multiscale asymptotic expansion method, Composite Structures 116 (2014) 694–702
78. YF Xing, C.Y. DU, An improved multiscale eigenelement method of periodical composite structures, Composite Structures 118 (2014) 200–207
79. B. Liu, Y.F. Xing, M. Eisenberge, A.J.M. Ferreira, Thickness-shear vibration analysis of rectangular quartz plates by a numerical extended Kantorovich method, Composite Structures 107 (2014) 429–435
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