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基本信息 The basic information
姓名: 崔荣鑫
学院: 航海学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
学位: 博士
职称: 教授
职务: 院长助理
学科: 控制科学与工程,兵器科学与技术
邮箱: r.cui@nwpu.edu.cn
电话: 029-88492945
工作经历 Work Experience
2015.5至今 西北工业大学 航海学院 教授
2010.8至2015.4 西北工业大学 航海学院 副教授
2008.8至2010.8 新加坡国立大学 近岸工程与研究中心 Research Fellow (博士后)
教育经历 Education Experience
教育教学 Education And Teaching
1. 《机器人导论》(高年级本科生、硕士生)、《水下航行器协调控制技术》(硕/博)
招生信息 Admission Information
荣誉获奖 Awards Information
科学研究 Scientific Research
1、 国家自然科学基金面上项目61472325(2015~2018),负责人
2、 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目51209174(2013~2015),负责人
3、 国家自然科学基金国际合作与交流项目51311130137(中英合作,2013~2014),负责人
4、 机器人技术与系统国家重点实验室开放课题(2013~2014),负责人
5、 863课题(2014~2015),负责人
6、 其他企业委托课题
1、在《Autonomous Robots》、《Ocean Engineering》等刊物上发表20余篇,其中SCI、EI收录20余篇;申报、授权专利8项。
学术成果 Academic Achievements
Y. Li, R. Cui, Z. Li, et al., Neural Network Approximation-based Near-optimal Motion Planning with Kinodynamic Constraints Using RRT , IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, DOI:10.1109/TIE.2018.2816000,2018.
X. Guo, W. Yan, R. Cui, Neural network-based nonlinear sliding mode control for an AUV without velocity measurements, International Journal of Control, DOI:10.1080/00207179.2017.1366669, 2018.
H. Xiao, R. Cui, D. Xu, A sampling-based Bayesian approach for cooperative multi-agent online search with resource constraints, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 48(6): 1773-1785, 2018
R. Cui, L. Chen, C. Yang, et al., Extended State Observer-Based Integral Sliding Mode Control for an Underwater Robot with Unknown Disturbances and Uncertain Nonlinearities, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 64(8): 6785-6795, 2017
S. Zhao, Z. Li, R. Cui, et al., Brain-machine Interfacing-based Teleoperation of Multiple Coordinated Mobile Robots, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 64 (6): 5161-5170, 2017
R. Cui, C. Yang, Y. Li, et al., Adaptive Neural Network Control of AUVs With Control Input Nonlinearities Using Reinforcement Learning, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 47 (6):1019-1029, 2017
R Cui, X Zhang, D Cui, Adaptive sliding-mode attitude control for autonomous underwater vehicles with input nonlinearities, Ocean Engineering, vol.123, pp. 45-54, 2016
R Cui, Y Li, W Yan, Mutual information-based multi-AUV path planning for scalar field sampling using multidimensional RRT*, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 46 (7), 993-1004, 2016
Z Zhu, J Yuan, J Song,R Cui, An improving method for micro-G simulation with magnetism-buoyancy hybrid system, Advances in Space Research, vol. 57, 2548-2558, 2016
L Zuo, W Yan,R Cui, J Gao, A coverage algorithm for multiple autonomous surface vehicles in flowing environments, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 14 (2), 540-548, 2016
L Zuo, R Cui, W Yan, Terminal sliding mode-based cooperative tracking control for non-linear dynamic systems,Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 39(7), 1081–1087, 2017
R. Cui, J. Guo, Z. Mao, Adaptive backstepping control of wheeled inverted pendulums models, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2015, 79(1): 501-511.
C. Yang, Z. Li, R. Cui, et al. Neural network-based motion control of an underactuated wheeled inverted pendulum model, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2014, 25(11): 2004-2016.
R. Cui, J. Guo, and B. Gao, Game theory-based negotiation for multiple robots task allocation, Robotica, vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 923–934, 2013.
R. Cui, W. Yan, Mutual synchronization of multiple robot manipulators with unknown dynamics, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 105–119, 2012.
R. Cui, B. Ren, and S. S. Ge, Synchronised tracking control of multi-agent system with high-order dynamics, IET Control Theory & Applications, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 603–614, 2012.
R. Cui, B. Gao, and J. Guo, Pareto-optimal coordination of multiple robots with safety guarantees, Autonomous Robots, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 189–205, 2012.
R. Cui, W. Yan, and D. Xu, Synchronization of multiple autonomous underwater vehicles without velocity measurements, Science China Information Sciences, vol. 55, no. 7, pp. 1693–1703, 2012.
R. Cui, S. S. Ge, V. E. B. How, and Y. S. Choo, Leader-follower formation control of underactuated autonomous underwater vehicles, Ocean Engineering, vol. 37, no. 17–18, pp. 1491–1502, 2010.
社会兼职 Social Appointments
1、 Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems(SCI源刊), 编委(Editor)(2013~)
综合介绍 General Introduction
崔荣鑫,男, 1982年3月出生,教授,航海学院院长助理。
现为Springer出版社SCI期刊Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems编委。
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