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专业介绍#辽宁工程技术大学硕士研究生专业介绍#控制理论与控制工程 ...

发表于 2019-10-9 16:36:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
辽宁工程技术大学研究生控制理论与控制工程专业介绍如下:控制理论与控制工程学科(专业)硕士研究生培养方案  Training Program for Doctorate Disciplines of Control Theory and Control Engineering  专业代码:081101 学科门类:工学  Code of Specialty: 081101 Department of Discipline: Industry Department  一级学科:控制科学与工程 学分要求:33  First-grade Discipline : Control Science and Engineering Credit Setting: 33    一、学科(领域)概况(Disciplines Instruction)  控制理论与控制工程学科是1995年获得工学硕士学位授予权。控制理论与控制工程是一门研究控制的理论、方法、技术及其工程应用的学科。它是20世纪最重要的科学理论和成就之一,它的各阶段的理论发展及技术进步都与生产和社会实践需求密切相关。本学科以工程领域内的控制系统为主要对象,以数学方法和计算机技术为主要工具,研究各种控制策略及控制系统的建模、分析、综合、设计和实现的理论、技术和方法。  该学科现有辽宁省创新团队一个,并依托辽宁省重点实验室—工矿电气设备与电力电子技术实验室开展研究工作。近年来,该学科参与横、纵向课题20余项,出版著作1部,省部级奖励3项,表论文60余篇,其中EI和ISTP收录近40篇。该学科现有教师17人,其中教授4人,具有博士学位1人,副教授6人,讲师6人,助教1人,入选辽宁省“百千万人才工程”千人层次人选1人。该学科在国内有一定影响,在某些研究领域内达到国内领先水平。  Control Theory and Control Engineering,the first batch of subjects received the right to grant master degree in engineering in 1995. Control Theory and Control Engineering is a discipline researching control theory, methods, technology and application. It is one of the most important scientific theory and achievement in the 20th century. It’s theory development at every stages and technological progress are closely related to production and social work demand. This discipline researches different control strategy and modeling, analysis, design and realized theory, technology and methods of control system, regarding control system in the project field as the man target and mathematics method and computer technology as the main tool.  The subject has an innovative team of Liaoning Province, and carries out research relying on the Key Laboratory of Liaoning Province - Mining Electrical Equipment and Power Electronics Technology Laboratory. In recent years, this subject has more than 20 projects of horizontal and vertical issues and 3 Ministerial and Provincial-Level Science and Technology Awards ,a scholarly treatise and more than 60 papers have been published, and nearly 40 of these papers were embodied in EI and ISTP. The amount of teachers of this subject is 17, including 4 professors, 1 with the doctorate, 6 vice-professors, 6 lecturers, 1 teaching assistant. One of theses teachers is selected as a candidate from one thousand people in “Ten Million Talent Project” of Liaoning Provincial Education Department. This subject has a certain influence in the country, and reaches the lead position in domestic level in some areas.  二、研究方向(Research Orientation)
序号 serial number 名称 Name 研究方向的范围及特点概述 The Scope of Research Orientation and Brief account of the Characteristic
1电气传动系统自动化技术 Automation technology of power transmission system电力传动计算机控制系统设计,参数辩识、智能控制技术的应用,单片机、DSP、PC工业控制机的应用技术,传动系统CAD、PISPICE、MATLAB及相关仿真软件应用 Design of power transmission computer control system, application of parameter distinguishing and intelligence control technology, application technology of single-chip microcomputer, DSP, PC industry control machine system CAD, PISPICE, MATLAB and their software application.
2工业生产过程的计算机监控 Computer monitoring of industrial processes具有大滞后、非线性、多变量等特点的工业系统自动控制及生产过程优化, 现场总线技术、分布式控制技术、工业软件技术、数据库管理、CIMS与CIPS The automatic control of the industry systems and optimization of the production process with such characteristics as great lagging behind non-linear, multi-variables, etc. Field bus technology. Distribute control technology. Industrial software technology, data base administration. CIMS and CIPS.
3计算机测控技术及应用 Computer testing and control technology and application.计算机控制系统设计、参数辨识、接口技术、单片机、DSP、PC工业控制机的应用技术 Computer control system design, parameter identification, interface technology, simple-chip computer, DSP, PC of the industry control machine application technology.
4现代控制理论及其应用 Modern control theory and application系统参数辨识与建模、自适应控制、最优控制和随机控制理论及其在工业过程中的应用。 Systematic parameter identification and modeling, Adaptive control, Optimal control and Random control’s applications in the course of industrial production.
5智能控制与故障诊断技术 Technology of intelligent control and fault diagnosis模糊控制及应用、人工神经网络及应用、专家系统及应用、人工智能理论及应用以及故障诊断等。 The fuzzy control and application, artificial neural network and application, expert system and application, artificial intelligence theory and application , fault diagnosis etc.
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