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专业介绍#辽宁工程技术大学硕士研究生专业介绍#电工理论与新技术 ...

发表于 2019-6-7 19:05:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
辽宁工程技术大学研究生电工理论与新技术专业介绍如下:电工理论与新技术学科(专业)硕士研究生培养方案  Training Program for Doctorate Disciplines of Theory and New Technology of Electrical Engineering      专业代码:080805 学科门类:工学  Code of Specialty: 080805 Department of Discipline: Industry Department  一级学科:电气工程 学分要求:33  First-grade Discipline: Electrical Engineering Credit Setting: 33  一、学科(专业)概况(Disciplines Instruction)  电工理论与新技术学科于2005年获得工学硕士学位授予权。电工理论与新技术涉及新材料、新工艺、新能源、环境保护、国防、医疗以及一些工业领域中的高新技术,是电工与其它学科相结合的产物,他的基础是电工基础理论与其它学科基础理论相结合而形成的。本学科基于电工理论与新技术,解决高功率脉冲技术、电接触理论及其在矿山中的应用、开关电源中平面集成磁技术设计理论及开关磁阻电机非线性理论的研究、生物医学、环境保护、电磁场对生态环境的效应等领域的问题。培养该领域的研究型、复合型、应用型高级科学技术人才事我们的主要培养目标。  该学科依托辽宁省重点实验室—工矿电气设备与电力电子技术实验室开展研究工作。近年来,该学科参与横、纵向课题近10项,获省部级奖励1项,发表论文30余篇,其中EI和ISTP收录近10余篇。本学科现有教师14人,其中教授3人,具有博士学位1人,副教授5人,讲师5人,助教1人。  Theory and New Technology of Electrical Engineering,the first batch of subjects received the right to grant master degree in engineering in 1993. Electrical theory and new technique relative with new material, new handicraft, new power, application of electrical contact theory in mines, study on the design theory of flat integrate magnetism in switch power and the non-linear theory of SRM (switched reluctance motor), environmental protection, national defense, medical treatment, and some of the new technique in Industry. It is the out coming of electrical and other disciplines. The basis takes from the basic theory of electrical and the relative disciplines. This discipline concentrate on using the Electrical theory and new technique to solve problems in high power impulse technique, biomedical engineering, environmental protection, effect from electro- magnetic to the ecology and environment. The main train objective of us will train our students to become the person who is studying, compound and applied senior science technician.  The subject carries out research relying on the Key Laboratory of Liaoning Province - Mining Electrical Equipment and Power Electronics Technology Laboratory. In recent years, this subject has more than 10 projects of horizontal and vertical issues and 1 Ministerial and Provincial-Level Science and Technology Award. More than 30 papers have been published, and nearly 10 of these papers were embodied in EI and ISTP. The amount of teachers of this subject is 14, including 3 professors, 1 doctor, 5 vice-professors, 5 lecturers and 1 teaching assistant.  二、研究方向(Research Orientation)
序号 serial number 名称 Name 研究方向的范围及特点概述 The Scope of Research Orientation and Brief account of the Characteristic
1 电接触理论及其在矿山中的应用 Application of Electrical contact theory in mines针对煤炭领域内的防爆电机与电气及其控制技术,及井下配电开关的特殊要求,通过对触点的电接触性能的研究,研制矿用开关及智能化隔爆馈电开关。 Study on the explosion proof motor and its control technology in mines and special requirements for optimal switch device to develop the switch applied in coal mine and the intelligent flameproof feed vacuum switch based on the Electric property of electric contact
2 开关电源中平面集成磁技术设计理论 Study on the design theory of flat integrate magnetism in switch power.对定子带极靴式开关磁阻电机的转矩脉动、非线性分析理论、正常及事故运行时的动态性能和暂态过程进行研究。在平面变压器和集成磁件的相关理论基础上,深入研究平面集成磁技术。 Study on the theory about the Pole-stator Switched Reluctance motor of the torque ripple, the nonlinear theory, the dynamic performance in normal or accident and the transient procedure.
3 开关磁阻电机非线性理论的研究 Study on the non-linear theory of SRM (switched reluctance motor)开关磁阻电动机运行理论,磁场分析及其驱动控制技术研究。 The running theory of the SRM, the magnetic field analyses and the study on its driver control technology
4 电工技术在生物医学中的应用 The application of electrical technology fields in biomedical- engineering?现代医疗仪器的研制和开发、生物体意识活动相关信息的识别、对活体生理活动及信息表达方式进行研究。认识生物体对电磁场(地矿磁场、人为设施导致的局域磁场等)的应激响应、长时间的电磁刺激会对动、植物的影响。 Study on the Modern medical treatment instrument, signal identify about bio-mental consciousness, physiology information expression, the effect from electromagnetic to the biology.
5 环境保护中的电工技术 Electrical Technology in Environmental Protection应用强磁分离技术、放电技术及静电技术等电工技术,有效地分离煤炭中的硫和灰粉、去除点源烟气中的SO2和NOX,以及在净化废水、废气、除尘、消毒等。 Study on removing sulfur and dust from coal, removing SO2 &NOX from point source flue gas, waste water treatment, waste gas purification, disinfect, etc. by electric technology, such as strong magnetism separate technique, discharge technique, electrostatic technique, etc.
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