教师姓名:乔金硕出生年月:1980年10月政治面貌:中共党员所在学科:能源化学工程职 称:实验师,硕士生导师联系电话:010-68918696邮 箱:qjinshuo@@bit.edu.cn通讯地址:北京市海淀区中关村南大街5号邮 编:100081
1998 年 9 月—2002 年 7 月,黑龙江科技学院化工工程与工艺,获得学士学位。2002 年 9 月—2004 年 7 月,哈尔滨工业大学工业催化专业,获得工学硕士学位。2004 年 9 月—2008 年 4 月,哈尔滨工业大学化学工程与技术专业,获得工学博士学位
2008 年 7 月—2010 年 9 月,哈尔工业大学基础与交叉科学研究院,工程师2010 年 9 月—至今,北京理工大学化工与环境学院化工学院化学分离与材料表征中心主任
2015 年教学工作
1.本科生《能源化工系工程技术》,96 学时;2.本科生《电源工艺学》,32 学时3.硕士研究生《电源工程与工艺》,24 学时;4.硕士研究生《化学化工类研究生创新实验》18 学时;5.博士研究生《特种电源工艺学》,18 学时;
2014 年教学工作
1.本科生《专业创新实验》,96 学时;2.本科生《能源化工系工程技术》,96 学时;3.本科生《电源工艺学》,32 学时4.硕士研究生《电源工程与工艺》,24 学时;5.硕士研究生《化学化工类研究生创新实验》18 学时;6.硕士研究所《现代电化学》,12 学时; 7.博士研究生《特种电源工艺学》,18 学时;
1.Jinshuo Qiao; Ning Wang; Zhenhua Wang; Wang Sun; Kening Sun. Porous bimetallic Mn2Co1Ox catalysts prepared by a one-step combustion method for the low temperature selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3. CatalysisCommunications,2015,72:111-115.2.Jie Feng, Jinshuo Qiao,*, Wang Sun , Peng Yang, Haiyang Li ,Zhenhua Wang , Kening Sun *. Characteristic and preparation of Ce0.5Zr0.5O2 as the anode support for solid oxide fuel cells by phase inversion technology. International journal o f hydrogen energy,2015,40:12784-12789.3.Yang, Guoquan; Feng, Jie; Sun, Wang; Dai, Ningning; Hou, Mingyue; Hao, Xiaoming; Jinshuo Qiao*; Sun, Kening*,The characteristic of strontium-site deficient perovskites SrxFe1.5Mo0.5O6-delta (x=1.9-2.0) as intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cell cathodes,Journal of Power source,2014,268:771-777. SCI IF( 5.2) 1 区4.Feng, Jie; Yang, Guoquan; Dai, Ningning; Wang, Zhenhua; Sun, Wang; Rooney, David; Jinshuo Qiao*; Sun, Kening*. Investigation into the effect of Fe-site substitution on the performance of Sr2Fe1.5Mo0.5O6-delta anodes for SOFCs,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2014,2(41):17638-17634 SCI IF(6.01) 1 区5.Dai, Ningning; Wang, Zhenhua; Jiang, Taizhi; Feng, Jie; Sun, Wang; Jinshuo Qiao*; Rooney, David; Sun, A new family of barium-doped Sr2Fe1.5Mo0.5O6-delta perovskites for application in intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells。JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2014,268:176-182。SCI IF( 5.2) 1 区6.Ningning Dai, Jie Feng, Zhenhua Wang, Taizhi Jiang, Wang Sun, Jinshuo Qiao* and Kening Sun*.Synthesis and characterization of B-site Ni-doped perovskitesSr2Fe1.5_xNixMo0.5O6_d (x = 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2,0.4) as cathodes for SOFCs. Journal ofMaterials Chemistry A. 2013,1: 14147 -14153. SCI IF(6.01) 1 区7.Ningning Dai, Zhongliang Lou, Zhenhua Wang, Xiaoxi Liu, Yiming Yan, JinshuoQiao*,Taizhi Jiang, Kening Sun*. Synthesis and electrochemical characterization of Sr2Fe1.5Mo0.5O6-Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.9 composite cathode for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells. Journal of PowerSource,2013,234:766-772. SCI IF( 5.2) 1 区8.Ningning Dai, Zhenhua Wang, Zhongliang Lou, Yiming Yan, Jinshuo Qiao*, JunPeng, Kening Sun*.One-step synthesis of high performance Sr2Fe1.5Mo0.5O6-e-Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.9 composite cathode for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells usinga self-combustion technique.Journal of Power Source, 2012,217: 519-523. SCI IF( 5.2) 1 区9.Qiao Jjinshuo, Zhang Naiqing, Wang Zhenghua Mao Yachun, Sun Kening and Yuan Yixing. Performance of mix-impregnated CeO2-Ni-YSZ anodes for direct oxidation of methane in solid oxide fuel cells. Fuel cells. 2009(9)5: 729-739.SCI IF2.36) 2 区10.Qiao Jinshuo, Cuiya Zhang, Xiaoju Yin, Kening Sun. Study on performance of transition metal-doped catalysts for DeNOx atlow-temperature. AdvancedMaterials Research, 873 (2014) pp 612-618. EI11.Jinshuo Qiao,Ning Wang,Cuiya Zhuang,Kening Sun*.Transition metal dopedMnOx-CeO2 catalysts by ultrasonic immersing for selective cata-lytic reduction ofNO with NH3 at low tem-perature, Modern Research in Catalysis.2015,4:13-1912.Qiao Jinshuo, Yuan Yixing, Shen Zhemin et al. Ni/YSZ anode modified by impregnated CeO2 for a SOFC with hydrogen and methane fuel. 12th Asian Conference on Solid State Ionics, Edited by B.V.R. Chowdari et al. Wuhan, China: pp747-756
1. Ce-Zr 固溶体基直接氧化 SOFC 阳极及积炭消炭机理研究,(国家自然科学基金青年基金,项目负责人)
1.一种烟气脱硝催化剂的制备方法及由该方法制备的烟气脱硝催化剂。专利号:200810209731.12.一种用于板式脱硝催化剂的测试夹具,专利号:201410305769.4. |