★ participate
【例】Visitors are allowed to participate in the simulative wedding ceremony.游客可参加模拟婚礼活动。
【同义替换】join; share; contain, include
【派生】participation n.分享;参与 participator n.参与者
【真题】Without the ability to think critically, to defend their ideas and understand the ideas of others, they cannot fully participate in our democracy.没有批判思考的能力,没有捍卫他人的观念并理解他人观念的能力,他们就不可能充分参与我们的民主。
★ saturate
【例1】I went out in rain and got saturated.我冒着雨出门,浑身都淋透了。
【例2】So many refugees have arrived that the camps have reached saturation point.来了那么多的难民,营房都住满了。
【同义替换】drench, soak
【派生】saturated a.饱和的;渗透的 saturation n.饱和;渗透
★ infrastructure
【例1】We actively press ahead with the infrastructure development plan.我们积极推进基础建设计划。
【例2】Urban infrastructure facilities have improved considerably.城市基础设施有了很大改观。
【同义替换】base, substructure
【派生】infrastructural a.基础的;基础结构的(尤指社会、国家赖以生存和发展的)
【真题】Countries that still think foreign investment is an invasion of their sovereignty might well study the history of infrastructure (the basic structural foundations of a society) in the United States.那些认为外国投资是对本国主权的侵犯的国家最好还是研究一下美国的基础建设历史(社会的基本结构基础)。
★ imply
【例】According to Bloomberg, citing CMA Datavision, spreads at the current level imply a 69.6% chance of default in two years and a 91.8% chance in five years.彭博资讯引自CMA Datavision的分析表明,目前的溢价水平意味着2年内发生违约的概率为69.6%,而在5年内发生违约的概率将高达91.8%。
【同义替换】hint, suggest, indicate
【真题】That concept implies educational opportunity for all children—the right of each child to receive help in learning to the limits of his or her capacity, whether that capacity be small or great.这一概念暗示了所有儿童都有受教育的机会——这个机会就是每个孩子拥有一种权利,使其能够在学习上获得最大限度的帮助,无论学生本身的能力大小。
考研英语复习贵在坚持,这点在背单词上面体现得尤为明显,记忆单词不是一朝一夕之功,必须长期的有计划的去完成。没有什么万能的方法,如果有,那也是个人根据个人的实际情况,总结出来的适合自己的万能秘笈。希望各位考生都能够找到属于自己的那本通关秘笈,早日到达理想的彼岸。 |