Saudi Arabia and the United States
Awkward relations
The American president and the Saudi king will havean unusually edgy meeting
BARACK OBAMA may recall a tricky moment when hefirst met King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia five years ago. Bending to shake hands with theoctogenarian monarch, the taller American appeared to bow deeply. Republican snipers inAmerica gleefully blasted the president for “kowtowing” to rich Arabs. Such protocols should runmore smoothly when Mr Obama heads to Saudi Arabia on March 28th for his second time inoffice. Unfortunately, however, relations between the two countries have seldom been moreawkward.
Their close alliance dates to the end of the second world war, when an ailing Franklin Rooseveltmet Saudi Arabia's founding king, Abdul Aziz, aboard the cruiser Quincy in the Suez Canal.Then, and for decades after, the equation was simple: America would provide security, theSaudis oil. Those shared interests, cemented by a mutual loathing of communism (and a morerecently shared hatred of Iran's Shia theocracy and of al-Qaeda terrorists), papered overinevitable differences between a hermetic autocracy, backed by fearsomely puritanicalWahhabist clerics, and an ebullient, proselytising democracy.
Much of this aid does not necessarily flout America's wishes but, even where interestscoincide, friction can arise. Such as in Syria, where joint Saudi-CIA plans to supply anti-government rebels have consistently stumbled against what Saudi operatives view as quibblingAmerican qualms. The halting nature of such supplies, the Saudis complain, has emboldenedIslamist extremists who have more regular sources of funding and weapons and weakened theAmerican-backed political opposition. Last August, when Syria's president, Bashar Assad, wascaught red-handed gassing his own people in their hundreds, the Saudis saw a goldenopportunity to strike hard. Mr Obama instead shrank back, apparently satisfied with thenarrower aim of eliminating Mr Assad's chemical weapons.
Despite this growing list of grievances on both sides, the two countries need each other.America retains a strong military presence in the Gulf, and cannot be replaced as the ultimateguarantor of Saudi security in the foreseeable future. In the midst of turmoil across theregion, and with the threat of jihadist terrorism ever-present, America still relies heavily on theSaudis as the leading local policeman.
And the countries have other things in common, not all of them helpful. Decision-making inboth Riyadh and Washington has grown increasingly erratic, even dysfunctional, albeit fordifferent reasons. Saudi Arabia's senior rulers are old and weary, and prone to factionalrivalry as younger princes jostle for power in the inevitable succession to the king, who isthought to be at least 89. Mr Obama's administration, meanwhile, has been shackled by anunusually obstreperous legislature. He will not even be greeted in Riyadh by an Americanambassador. He nominated one in November, but Congress has refused so far to confirm hisappointment.
1.appear to 似乎;好像
例句:By all accounts, Rodger would appear to be afine fellow.
2.head to 引至,通到
例句:I let the horse drop his head to crop the springgrass.
3.depend on 依赖;依靠
例句:They depend on the goodwill of visitors to pick up rubbish.
4.such as 例如;譬如
例句:Issues such as these were not really his concern.
他其实并不关心诸如此类的问题。 |