★ pessimistic
【例】Markets are pessimistic about Ukraine for two reasons.对乌克兰市场表示悲观主要有两个原因。
【同义替换】gloomy, cheerless, negative
【派生】pessimist n.悲观主义者 pessimistically ad.悲观地 pessimism n.悲观主义
【真题】This long perspective makes the pessimistic view of our prospects seem more likely to be a passing fad.这种更远的视角使得对于我们未来悲观的观点看起来更像是一种消逝的潮流。
★ legislation
【例1】As a former lawyer, Mr. Medvedev has started with legislation.律师出身的梅德韦杰夫从立法开始着手。
【例2】In 2007 President George Bush signed legislation requiring a fivefold increase in biofuels production, to 36 billion gallons by 2022. 2007年布什总统签署了一项法令,要求生物燃料产量在2022年以前增加到目前规模的五倍,总产量达到360亿加仑。
【派生】legislate v.立法
【真题1】Now the company is suddenly claiming that the 2002 agreement is invalid because of the 2006 legislation, and that only the federal government has regulatory power over nuclear issues.现在,该公司突然声称因为2006年出台的法规,2002年签订的协议无效。不但如此,它还声称只有联邦政府才对核事件有管辖权。
【真题2】The panel has not yet reached agreement on a crucial question, however, whether to recommend legislation that would make it a crime for private funding to be used for human cloning.然后,该小组尚未在一个关键问题上达成一致,即是否建议立法机关把将私人资金用于克隆人的行为视为犯罪。
★ certify
【例】Two witnesses must certify that this is your signature.必须有两个见证人证明这确实是你的签字。
【同义替换】verify, guarantee, confirm, substantiate, endorse
【派生】certificate n.证(明)书,执照 certificated a.授予证明书的,合格的 certification n.证明
考研英语复习贵在坚持,这点在背单词上面体现得尤为明显,记忆单词不是一朝一夕之功,必须长期的有计划的去完成。没有什么万能的方法,如果有,那也是个人根据个人的实际情况,总结出来的适合自己的万能秘笈。希望各位考生都能够找到属于自己的那本通关秘笈,早日到达理想的彼岸。 |