姓名 华波波
英文名:Hua, Bobo
E-mail:bobohua AT fudan.edu.cn
1. [Hua09] Bobo Hua, Generalized Liouville theorem in nonnegatively curved Alexandrov spaces, Chin. Ann. Math. Ser. B 30 (2009), no. 2, 111-128.
2. [BHK13] Frank Bauer, Bobo Hua and Matthias Keller, On the lp spectrum of Laplacians on graphs, Adv. Math., 248 (2013), 717-735.
3. [BHJ14]Frank Bauer, Bobo Hua and Juergen Jost, The dual Cheeger constant and spectra of infinite graphs, Adv. Math., 251 (2014), 147-194.
4. [HJL11]Bobo Hua, Juergen Jost and Shiping Liu, Geometric analysis aspects of infinite semiplanar graphs with nonnegative curvature, to appear in J. Reine Angew. Math., DOI:10.1515/crelle-2013-0015, 2011.
5. [HK13]Bobo Hua and Matthias Keller, Harmonic functions of general graph Laplacians, to appear in Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations, DOI:10.1007/s00526-013-0677-6, arXiv:1303.7198.
6. [HJ11]Bobo Hua and Juergen Jost, Geometric analysis aspects of infinite semiplanar graphs with nonnegative curvature II, to appear in Trans.Amer. Math. Soc., arXiv:1112.6282.
个人主页:http://homepage.fudan.edu.cn/bobohua/ |