在考研英语中,作文写作是考试的一个重点,其中大作文分值占到20分,可谓是考研英语中的重镇。考生要想写出一篇比较好的考研英语作文就需要注重对作文素材的积累,其中,对英语作文中常用语句的熟记,即我们常说的“作文模板”,无疑是写好作文的一条捷径。 积累作文模板,可以使我们迅速组织语言,节省考试中的宝贵时间,对大多数考生来说,这是面对考研英语作文的必备选择。文都教育老师建议2016考研考生可以提前准备写作模板,从而在2016考研英语考场上顺利展开写作思路,做到从容应对。
From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw conclusion that advantages of ______far outweight its disadvantages and it will still play essential roles in modern society.
A large number of people tend to live under the illusion that______ . Obviously,they seem to fail to take into account the basic fact that______.
There are three reasons to explain why it happens to________. Firstly,________, which resulted from________. Secondly, ________. Consequently, ________.
I maintain that effective measures should be taken to put an end to this phenomenon. Firstly, we need to endeavor to advocate________. Secondly, strict regulations should be enacted and enforced to create a harmonious and orderly society. Only through the combined efforts can we eliminate this ________ forcefully and completely.
总之,在面对考研英语作文写作时,套用先前熟记的模板是最为快捷有效的解题方法。只有下功夫熟记常用的模板,我们才能学习和积累考研英语作文的写作素材。但考生在应用模板时要注意:要活学活用,不要一字不差的照抄无误,而是要根据自己所要表达的内容进行更改。使用作文模板这一策略,目的在于让考生迅速整理思路,套用熟记的语句,增加英语作文的文采,减少词汇、句法错误,考生切不可生搬硬套,最终还要注重模板与作文主题的结合。小编预祝2016考研考生金榜题名。 |