Clean energy
Let the sun shine
The future is bright for solar power, even assubsidies are withdrawn
FORTY-FIVE minutes west of Las Vegas, dejected sinners may encounter a sight to lift theirsunken hearts: a sea of 347,000 mirrors, reflecting the rays of the desert sun on to boilersmounted on three 460-foot towers. The Ivanpah solar-thermal plant (pictured), which openedin mid-February, is the largest of its kind in the world. Fully ramped up, it will deliver around 377megawatts (MW) of power to 140,000 homes in southern California. Its backers compare it tothe nearby Hoover Dam; an astronaut claims to have spotted it from the international spacestation. It is a striking sight, even if the heat from its heliostats has roasted dozens ofunfortunate birds alive.
Solar power in America is growing rapidly, albeit from a small base (see chart). Last year itrepresented 29% of new electricity capacity, behind only natural gas at 46%. Solar output hasmore than doubled during Barack Obama's time in office; GTM, a research firm, reckons it willgrow another 26% in 2014. The Department of Energy wants solar to provide 27% of America'selectricity by 2050, up from less than 1% today.
Though dazzling, Ivanpah and large plants like it will not generate much of this growth. Thefederal loan guarantees that allowed their creation have expired. More important arephotovoltaic solar cells, a rival technology that converts sunlight directly to electricity. Theircost has fallen so quickly that in many places retail electricity customers are saving money byplacing panels on top of their houses or businesses; 200,000 have done so in the past twoyears. And there is a lot of room to grow. “There's no market saturation in any state; not evenclose,” says Lyndon Rive of SolarCity, a solar-installation firm. Even David Crane, the boss ofNRG, co-owner of Ivanpah, says that photovoltaic installations are the future.
尽管目前风头正盛,伊凡帕以及像它一样的大公司却不能从这样的增长中获益太多。因为作为用于保障他们创造的联邦贷款到期了。更重要的是光电太阳能电池,它是一种关键的技术能直接将太阳光转化成电力。由于该产品的价格急速下跌,许多地方的零售电力的客户将太阳能板安装在他们的屋顶或厂房房顶来发电来节省开支。过去的两年已经有20万人这么做了,并且其增长的空间很大。来自太阳城一家太阳能设备安装公司的Lyndon Rive称“目前不管在哪个州,都没有市场达到饱和,甚至是接近饱和。”甚至作为伊凡帕共有者的NRG能源电力的 David Crane也声称未来是光伏发电装置的天下。
Last year sun-soaked California accounted for over half of America's new photovoltaicinstallations. That, say solar fans, shows that the sector can thrive even after it loses itssubsidies. (The $2.2 billion California Solar Initiative, which gave cash to homes or firms thatwent solar, has largely expired.) Solar is also blossoming in unexpected places likeMassachusetts and North Carolina.
A bigger test will come in 2017, when the federal government's solar-investment tax creditdrops from 30% to 10% (unless Mr Obama can convince Congress otherwise). Still, saysShayle Kann at GTM, this will be no “death knell”; it will simply eliminate some marginalprojects. And by then there may be a revival of Ivanpah-style solar-thermal plants, as energy-storage technologies improve and utility firms look to them to provide steady powerthroughout the day.
更为严峻的挑战将在2017年拉开序幕。那时,联邦政府的太阳能投资税收抵免将由现在的30%骤降至10%,除非奥巴马总统能够说服国会不这么做。即便如此,GTM调查机构的Shayle Kann 声称,这也不是太阳能 发电的“死亡钟声”,而仅仅是终止一些边际项目。随后,随着储能技术的发展以及公共事业公司采用这一技术为全天提供稳定的电力,像伊凡帕这样的太阳能热电站还会再次兴盛起来。
Yet even if solar power is a boon to consumers, it threatens some utilities. Energy hastraditionally been generated centrally, distributed over power lines and sold to consumers.Distributed solar power—generated from rooftop panels—undermines that model (see article).The Edison Electric Institute (EEI), a trade group, warns that distributed generation could do toenergy companies what the internet did to newspapers.
Bet your bottom dollar
Regulations are adapting to this shift: all but seven states have adopted net-metering policies,which credit solar-enabled homes and businesses for the excess energy they feed back intothe grid. At least 22 states allow consumers to buy the electricity produced by solar panels thata third party installs on their homes. This lets people take advantage of solar's savings withouthaving to pay the hefty up-front installation costs. In 2013, third-party-owned systemsaccounted for most solar installations in California, Arizona, Colorado and Massachusetts.
Some utilities grumble that customers who benefit from net metering escape the costs ofmaintaining the grid they depend on. Last year Arizona Public Service, the state's biggestelectric firm, urged regulators to slash the savings that new solar customers would derive fromnet metering. After a fierce campaign their call was rejected, though the regulator approved asmall solar surcharge. Georgia Power also proposed a fat tariff; it too was defeated.
Julia Hamm of the Solar Electric Power Association identifies three ways regulators could helputilities cope with these changes. First, they could demand monthly infrastructure fees fromsolar users. Second, they could list every component of value separately rather than wrappingthe cost of infrastructure maintenance, for instance, into usage charges. Third, they couldsplit energy used and consumed into separate transactions, meaning that a solar customersells all his energy to a utility before buying what he needs.
美国太阳能电力协会的Julia Hamm 提出三种解决方案帮助公共事业公司面对当前的变化。第一,公共事业公司每月向太阳能使用者收取基础设施使用费。第二,单独列出每个组件的价值而不是将基础设施维护费均摊到电价中。第三,他们可以将使用的能源和消耗的能源分开处理,即太阳能消费者将其生产的电卖给公共电力公司然后再向他们购买他们需要的电。
Yet those last two proposals leave unanswered the question of what rate utilities should paycustomers for their power—or more broadly, what the price of solar, with all externalitiesfactored in, ought to be. And more battles loom; California's regulator must make an importantdecision on net metering this month. Further ahead the growth of distributed solar will poseother threats to the utilities' traditional business model. “Net metering is just the pointy edgeof the wedge,” says Adam Browning of Vote Solar, an advocacy group.
然而后面的两个提议依然没有解决公共电力公司应该按照什么样的比例购买消费者家多余的电的问题,或者更明确的说,考虑到所有的外部因素,太阳能电的价格应该怎样确定。这一问题似乎一直都若隐若现。这个月,加州的监管者必须就电价扣减这一问题作出重要的决定。分散的太阳能发电的进一步发展将会对公共电力公司传统的商业模式构成其他威胁。“电价扣减仅仅只是楔子最尖锐的部分(电价扣减只是利用太阳能问题中最尖锐的问题,还有其他的问题)”拥护太阳能的 Adam Browning 如是说。
Still, while user-generated solar power makes utilities skittish, many have rushed to embrace iton the supply side. In 2013 they installed roughly 4,100MW of solar capacity, up from2,390MW in 2012. Renewable portfolio standards, which in 30 states force utilities togenerate a certain share of their electricity from clean sources, are part of the reason. But sois hard economics: low installation and labour costs, clean power delivery at peak midday hoursand a hedge against fuel-price volatility.
Many of these gains have already been banked. Photovoltaic modules have become slightlydearer lately; costs will rise further if the Commerce Department heeds protectionist calls bysome domestic manufacturers and expands tariffs on imports from China and Taiwan. Yet solarfirms are not short of ideas to cut costs elsewhere: third-party financing, for example, orsecuritising pools of solar leases to reduce financing costs. For makers and users of solarpower, the future looks bright.
1.compare to 比喻为;比作
例句:Shall I compare you to a summer's day?
2.claim to 声称
例句:That year, at the request of Qatari nobles, theBritish negotiated the termination of the Al Khalifaclaim to Qatar.
同年,应卡塔尔贵族的要求,与英国人谈判终止了Al Khalifa对塔尔的要求。
3.even if 即使
例句:Everbridge allows single entities to send thousands of messages at the push of a button,even if cell towers are down.
4.natural gas 天然气
例句:Japanese researchers working for the government were the first to tap natural gas fromseabed methane hydrates this March.
今年三月份,为日本政府工作的研究人选率先从海底的甲烷水合物中提取天然气。 |