2017考研的小伙伴们,经历了四月的慷慨激昂,暑期的挥汗如雨,九月的短暂调整,接下来11月紧张忙碌,剩下的日子里,坚定自己的步伐,按部就班的来,踏踏实实,做好每一天,每一周的复习规划,不抛弃,不放弃,坚持自己的初心。Keep going, you will own a brand new ending. 在最后的日子里,我们一起努力,把近几年考试的真题研究起来,特别是最后的写作题目。写作题作为一道主观题,英语一占了30分,英语二25分,分值都比较重。而且这道题目复习时间短,见效快。因此,本期文章,我们先一起看2016小作文的真题。
Suppose you are a librarian in your university. Write a notice of about 100 words, providing the newly-enrolled international students with relevant information about the library.
You should write neatly on the ANSHWER SHEET.
Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.
Do not write the address. (10 points)
关键词:librarian 图书管理员;notice 通知;provide 提供;newly-enroll 新入学的;
international students 留学生;relevant 相关的;
写作思路:首先,通知与书信的写作格式是不一样的,注意通知的写作格式,包括开头,日期(月日年),正文(三段都采用缩进式,每一段开头向右缩进4个英语字母)和最后的署名(在右下角)。 接下来,梳理一下三段的写作思路。
第一段,通知的第一段要开门见山,表明通知的目的。 就此题而言,可以先表示欢迎(extend warm welcome),再说提供一些图书馆的相关信息。(offer some specific information relating to library)
Dec. 26, 2015
It gives me great pleasure to welcome the newly-enrolled international students to our university. To make sure you can adapt to a new campus life quickly, I would like to offer you some information concening our library.
First and foremost, our school library usually opens at 8:00 a.m and closes at 22:00 p.m in weekdays. During weekends and some holidays, the opening time will be adjusted according to practical situation. Please check the time before you visit the library. Moreover, our library boasts a vast of book collections as well as different types of the latest journals and magazines. With your student’s identity card, you are allowed to borrow ten books at most and reading rooms are in the second floor.
Once again, welcome to our university and I hope you can enjoy a convenient and pleasant school life. If you have any questions, please do no hesitate to contact me.
Li Ming总结:在英语一的历年真题中,通知考过两次,分别是2010年和2016年。虽然考过的次数比较少,但是作为新兴起的一种应用文类型,值得大家好好关注。 |