Associate Professor of Economics(2010- )
Email: mingzhetangatsdudotedudotcn
Ph. D. in Economics. Department of Economics, The Pennsylvania State University.
经济学硕士 复旦大学世界经济系
经济学学士 复旦大学世界经济系
研究方向(Research Interests)
实证产业组织经济学,应用微观经济学,电信经济学, 房地产经济学
(Empirical Industrial Organization, Applied Microeconomics, Real Estate Economics, Telecommunications Economics)
1.The impact of China's housing provident fund on homeownership, housing consumption and housing investment, with Ed. Coulson, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Volume 63, March 2017, Pages 25–37.
2. Institutional and Demographic Influences on the Presence, Scale and Geographic Scope of Individual Chinese Real Estate Investment.with Ed. Coulson,Regional Science and Urban Economics, vol.43(2), 187-196.
3.Diversification of Cable Television firms into broadband products.Telecommunications Policy,vol.35, p.951-969.
工作论文(Working Papers)
“Unbalanced urbanization and changing nonlinearity between land value and land size: evidence from Chinese urban cities (in progress,2015教育部人文社科面上规划项目)An Empirical Model of Investment by Cable Operators in Broadband Product ((In journal submission) (宽带数字服务有线运营商投资模型实证研究)Entry & Exit in Local Telephone Market (本地电话市场的厂商进入及退出)发表中文论文(Publication In Chinese)
“美国经济风光不在的背后”, 唐明哲、曾健,《国际经济合作期刊》 北京,2001年2月
讲授课程(Courses Taught)
Introduction to Econometrics, (Undergraduate, English) Shandong University
Empirical Methods for Applied Microeconomic Research (Graduate students, English), Shandong University
高级微观经济学(Advanced Microeconomics for Ph.D. students, English)山东大学经济学院,2010、2011秋
Statistical Methods for Business and Economics (College of Business and Economics, Lehigh University, 2008-2009)
Principles of Microeconomics
2008年第36届美国最高电信业政策研究会议学生论文一等奖 (The 36th Telecommunications Policy Research Conference Student Paper Award First Prize)
学术兼职(Professional Affiliation)
Member, American Economic Association
Member, Association of Christian Economists
Referee, The Information Society, Telecommunications Policy, International Review of Regional Science,Journal of Reginal Science. |