姓 名:赵宇,教授,博士导师
学 科:生物化学与分子生物学
电 话:18607426382
通讯地址:湖南长沙岳麓区湖南师范大学生命科学学院, 410081
2005年获中国科学院研究生院博士学位,毕业后赴美学习、工作十余年,先后在美国福克斯切斯癌症中心(FCCC)和俄克拉荷马大学医学院(OUHSC)从事博士后研究,2012-2017年在圣路易斯华盛顿大学医学院(WUSTL)从事蛋白质功能与生物医学研究工作,2017年回国受聘为湖南师范大学生命科学学院教授、博士生导师、"潇湘学者"特聘教授,致力于基础科学与疾病病理的交叉研究,研究涉及泛素化、磷酸化等蛋白质修饰的机制,及其与DNA损伤、肿瘤、糖尿病和炎症等疾病的关联,研究论文发表在Nature、Molecular Cell、EMBO J和Diabetes等国际重要SCI学术期刊。
1. Zhao, Yu,Mudge MC, Soll JM, Rodrigues RB, Byrum, AK, Schwarzkopf EZ, Bradstreet TR, Gygi SP, Edelson BT, Mosammaparast N., OTUD4 is a phospho-activated K63 deubiquitinase that regulates MyD88-dependentsignaling. Molecular Cell. 2017 Dec (SCI一区, IF 14.7, accepted)
2.Brickner JR, Soll JM, Lombardi PM, V?gb? CB,Mudge MC, OyeniranC, Rabe R,Jackson J, Sullender ME, Blazosky E,Byrum AK, Zhao Yu, Corbett MA, GéczJ, Field M, Vindigni A,Slupphaug G, Wolberger C, Mosammaparast N. A ubiquitin-dependent signalling axis specific for ALKBH-mediated DNA dealkylation repairNature. 2017 Nov 16;551(7680):389-393 (SCI一区, IF 40.1)
3. Zhao, Yu, Majid MC,SollJM,Brickner JR, Dango S, Mosammaparast N., Noncanonical regulation of alkylation damage resistance by the OTUD4 deubiquitinase. EMBO Journal.2015 Jun 12;34(12):1687-703. (SCI一区, IF 9.79)
4.Zhao, Yu,Brickner JR, Majid MC, Mosammaparast N., Crosstalk between ubiquitin and other post-translational modifications on chromatin during double-strand break repair. Trends Cell Biol.2014 Jul;24(7):426-34. (SCI一区, IF 15.33)
5. Zhao, Yu, Wu J, Zhu H, Song P, Zou MH. Peroxynitrite-dependent zinc release and inactivation of guanosine 5'-triphosphate cyclohydrolase 1 instigate its ubiquitination in diabetes. Diabetes.2013 Dec;62(12):4247-56.(SCI一区, IF 8.68)
6. Zhao, Yu,Zhu H, Zou MH. Non-covalent interaction between polyubiquitin and GTP cyclohydrolase 1 dictates its degradation. PLoS One2012;7(9):e43306.(SCI, IF 2.8)
7. Mosammaparast N, Kim H, Laurent B, Zhao, Yu, Lim HJ, Majid MC, Dango S, Luo Y, Hempel K, Sowa ME, Gygi SP, Steen H, Harper JW, Yankner B, Shi Y., The histone demethylase LSD1/KDM1A promotes the DNA damage response. J Cell Biol.2013 Nov 11;203(3):457-70. (SCI一区, IF 7.95)
8. Zhu H, Moriasi CM, Zhang M, Zhao, Yu, Zou MH. Phosphorylation of serine 399 in LKB1 protein short form by protein kinase Cζ is required for its nucleocytoplasmic transport and consequent AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activation. J Biol Chem.2013 Jun 7;288(23):16495-505. (SCI, IF 4.12)
9. Zhao, Yu, Zhu, H.P.,Zou, M.H. 2012. Identification of a Ubiquitin-Binding Domain (UBD) in GTP cyclohydrolase 1. The FASEB Journal.2012; (Abstract) 26: 754.6. (SCI, IF 5.49)
10. Lake RJ, Geyko A, Hemashettar G, Z, Zhao, Yu, Fan HY. UV-Induced Association of the CSB Remodeling Protein with Chromatin Requires ATP-Dependent Relief of N-Terminal Autorepression. Molecular Cell. 2010; 37(2), 235-246. (SCI一区, IF 14.7)
11. Gu Y, Chen W, Zhao, Yu, Chen, L, Peng, T., Quantitative analysis of elevated serum Golgi protein-73 expression in patients with liver diseases. Ann ClinBiochem. 2009; 46(Pt 1), 38-43. (SCI, IF 2.02)
12. Liu J, Wu Q, Pi C, Zhao, Yu, Zhou M, Wang L, Chen S, Xu A., Isolation and characterization of a t-superfamily conotoxin from conuslitteratus with targeting tetrodotoxin-sensitive sodium channels. Peptides. 2007; 28:2313-2319 (SCI, IF 2.61)
13. Pi, C., Liu, J., Peng, C., Liu, Y., Jiang, X., Zhao, Yu, Tang, S., Wang, L., Dong, M., Chen, S., Xu, A., Diversity and evolution of conotoxins based on gene expression profiling of Conuslitteratus. Genomics. 2006; 88(6), 809-819. (SCI, IF 2.8)
14. Zhao, Yu,Jin, Y., Lee, W.H., Zhang, Y., Purification of a lysozyme from skin secretions of Bufoandrewsi. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. C ToxicolPharmacol. 2006; 142(1-2), 46-52. (SCI, IF 2.41)
15. Zhao, Yu,Jin, Y., Wei, S.S., Lee, W.H., Lai, R., Zhang, Y., Purification and characterization of an irreversible serine protease inhibitor from skin secretions of Bufoandrewsi.Toxicon.2005; 46(6), 635-640. (SCI, IF 1.92)
16. Zhao, Yu,Jin, Y., Lee, W.H., Zhang, Y., Isolation and Preliminary Characterization of A 22-kDa Protein with Trypsin Inhibitory Activity from Toad Bufoandrewsi Skin. Toxicon. 2005; 46(3), 277-281. (SCI, IF 1.92)
17. Zhao, Yu,Jin, Y., Wang, J.H., Wang, R.R., Lee, W.H., Zheng, R.T., Zhang, Y., A novel heme-containing protein with anti-HIV-1 activity from skin secretions of Bufoandrewsi. Toxicon.2005; 46(6), 619-624. (SCI, IF 1.92)
18. Lai, R., Zhao, Yu, Liu, H., Zhang, Y.J., Lee, W.H., Zhang, Y., Bioactive substance of amphibian skin and a study on protection and utilization of Chinese amphibian resources. Zoological Research. 2002; 23(1), 65-70.
19. 赖仞,赵宇,杨东明,查宏光,李文辉,张云, 六种常见两栖类动物皮肤分泌物的生物活性比较. Zoological Research.2002; 23(2), 113-119. |