张文丽,讲师,药剂学博士,硕士生导师。2011年毕业于中国药科大学药剂学专业,留校任教至今,2012年12月至2014年3月赴新西兰奥克兰大学药学院进修博士后。主持“国家自然科学基金”(1项),“国家教育部博士点基金”(1项),“江苏省自然科学基金”(1项),作为骨干成员参与国家国际科技合作专项项目1项,国家自然科学基金项目4项,“国家重大新药创制平台”项目。近年来在Journal of Controlled Release, Biomaterials, Pharmerceutical Research, International Journal of Pharmaceutics等国外药剂学杂志发表SCI论文20多篇,其中以一作发表的论文累积影响因子达30分以上,并发表国内外会议论文4篇,授权发明专利1项。主要从事抗癌药物靶向传输和新型智能释药系统的研究。
1)Wenli Zhang, Guangji Wang, Esther See, John P. Shaw, Bruce C. Baguley, Jianping Liu, Satya Amirapu, Zimei Wu. Post-insertion of poloxamer 188 strengthened liposomal membrane and reduced drug irritancy and in vivo precipitation, superior to PEGylation. J. Control. Release. 2015, 203: 161-169.2)Zhang W, Wang G, Falconer JR, Baguley BC, Shaw JP, Liu J, Xu H, See E, Sun J, Aa J, Wu Z. Strategies to Maximize Liposomal Drug Loading for a Poorly Water-soluble Anticancer Drug. Pharm. Res. 2015, 32(4): 1451-1461.3)Wenli Zhang, Ji Wang, Junting Jia, Liang Chen, Zimei Wu, Jianping Liu. A Simple Method to Extract Whole Apolipoproteins for the Preparation of Discoidal Recombined High Density Lipoproteins as Bionic Nanocarriers for Drug Delivery. Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2015,18(2): 184-198.4)Hongxiang Yan, Jin Li, Zhenghua Li, Wenli Zhang*, Jianping Liu*. Tanshinone IIA-loaded pellets developed for angina chronotherapy: Deconvolution-based formulation design and optimization, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic evaluation. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2015, 76:156-164. (*co-corresponding author)5)Hongliang He, Mengyuan Zhang, Lisha Liu, Shuangshuang ZhangJianping Liu*, Wenli Zhang*. Suppression of Remodeling Behaviors with Arachidonic Acid Modification for Enhanced in vivo Antiatherogenic Efficacies of Lovastatin-loaded Discoidal Recombinant High Density Lipoprotein. Pharmaceutical Research. 2015 (*co-corresponding author),6)See E#, Zhang W#, Liu J, Svirskis D, Baguley BC, Shaw JP, Wang G, Wu Z. Physicochemical characterization of asulacrine towards the development of an anticancer liposomal formulation via active drug loading: Stability, solubility, lipophilicity and ionization. Int. J. Pharm. 2014, 473 (1–2): 528–535.(#co-first author)7)Wenli Zhang#, Hongliang He#, Jianping Liu, Ji Wang, Suyang Zhang, Shuangshuang Zhang, Zimei Wu. Pharmacokinetics and atherosclerotic lesions targeting effects of tanshinone IIA discoidal and spherical biomimetic high density lipoproteins. Biomaterials. 2013, 34(1): 306-19.(#co-first author)8)Zhang W, Li J, Liu J, Wu Z, Xu Y, Wang J. Tanshinone IIA-loaded reconstituted high density lipoproteins: Atherosclerotic plaque targeting mechanism in foam cell model and pharmacokinetics in rabbits. Pharmazie, 2012, 67(4): 324-330.9)Wenli Zhang, Yan Xiao, Jianping Liu, Zimei Wu, Xiao Gu, Yiming Xu, Hui Lu. Structure and remodeling behavior of drug-loaded high density lipoproteins and their atherosclerotic plaque targeting mechanism in foam cell model. Int. J. Pharm. 2011, 419: 314-321.10)Zhang WL, Gu X, Hui Bai, Ruhui Yang, Chendong Dong, Jianping Liu. Nanostructured lipid carriers constituted from high-densiy lipoprotein components for delivery of a lipophilic cardiovascular drug. Int. J. Pharm. 2010, 391: 313-321.11)Wenli Zhang, Jianping Liu, Suchun Li, Mengyuan Chen, Huan Liu. Preparation and evaluation of stealth Tashinone IIA-loaded solid lipid nanoparticles: Influence of Poloxamer 188 coating on phagocytic uptake. J. Microencapsul. 2008, 25(3): 203-209.
联系方式:025-83271293,zwllz@163.com |