通讯地址天津大学 机械学院力学系,300072/ Dept.of Mechanics, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China
1975.10-1978.09,大连理工大学 数理力学系 工程力学专业,本科生
1978.10-1981.04,大连理工大学 工程力学所 计算力学专业,获工学硕士
1985.03-1988.12,美国 佐治亚理工学院 应用力学专业,获哲学博士 (Ph.D.)
1981 -1985,大连理工大学 工程力学所, 助教、讲师
1985 -1988,美国 佐治亚理工学院,研究助理
1989 -1991,美国 路易斯安那州立大学土木系,博士后
1991 -1995,香港科技大学机械工程系,研究员
1995 -2001,新加坡国立大学计算力学中心 / 新加坡高性能计算研究院, 首席研究工程师
2001 -2006 ,苏州大学材料工程学院,教授、博士生导师
2006 - 至今,天津大学机械工程学院力学系,教授、博士生导师
机算机建模及模拟 (CAE) 在产品虚拟开发与实验中的应用
材料力学 (本科生48学时)
工程力学 (本科生64学时)
近代固体力学及应用 (本科生32学时)
大型工程软件(CAE)及应用 (本科生24学时)
复合材料力学 (研究生24学时)
有限元理论及应用 (研究生32学时)
高等计算固体力学 (研究生40学时)
CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 编委
发表论文八十余篇,主持和参与了众多的产品研发中的计算机辅助工程(CAE)项目。五十多篇论文被SCI 和EI 收录。1997年获 ICES T.H.H. Pian 计算力学奖。
. 新型高效和高精度非线性固体壳单元研究, 国家自然科学基金, 项目负责人。
. 复合材料层合板的分析理论及计算机仿真建模, 应用技术, 项目负责人。
. 低速冲击下复合材料层合板逐渐损伤分析的高效仿真模型, 国家自然科学基金, 项目负责人。
. 复合材料层合板低速冲击损伤的高效计算机仿真模型, 天津科学基金, 项目负责人。
. 计算机辅助设计在唇腭裂整形手术方案设计中的应用,天津卫生局,主要参加者。
. 工程结构与材料非线性分析的建模与计算机模拟,天大985项目,项目负责人。
. 弹性力学的广义控制方程的弱形式及应用,教育部回国人员基金,项目负责人。
. 智能材料与智能结构分析的建模与计算机模拟,苏州大学,项目负责人。
. 穿甲弹冲击地质材料(沙、石、混凝土及钢筋混凝土) 中侵彻与贯穿的计算机模拟, (新加坡)。
. (飞行员) 颈椎骨在弹射出仓过程中的动态响应, (新加坡)。
. 汽车保险杆在汽车碰撞中的撞击模拟, (新加坡)。
. 大型烈性炸药库的安全分析, (新加坡)。
. 导弹穿甲行为模拟及智能弹壳设计, (新加坡)。
. 爆轰金属射流与穿甲弹高速穿击模拟及高效防护板设计, (新加坡)。
. 微机电系统(MEMS)加速度仪的静、动力分析及在汽车碰撞中的动力响应模拟, (新加坡)。
. 产品设计与试验中的计算机建模、模拟及虚拟设计, (新加坡)。
. 复合材料结构的高效分析模型与FEM , (新加坡)。
. 蜂窝状结构等效材料力学性能的多尺度分析及局部失稳分析, (香港)。
. NASA 航天飞机燃料仓的应力及稳定分析, (美国)。
. 大型柔性格构空间结构的非线性分析及压电晶体调节器对振动的最优控制, (美国)。
. Zhao P. and Shi G. (石广玉), Study of Poisson Ratios of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes based on an Improved Molecular Structural Mechanics Model, CMC: Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 147-168, 2011.
. Shi G. (石广玉) and Zhao P. A New Molecular Structural Mechanics Model for the Flexural Analysis of Monolayer Graphene, CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol. 71, No. 1, pp. 67-92, 2011.
. Yan. Y., Shi G. (石广玉) and Zhao P. Frequency Study of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes Based on a Space-frame Model with Flexible Connection, J. Computers, Vol. 6, pp.1125-1130, 2011.
. Shi, G. (石广玉) and Voyiadjis, G.Z. A Sixth-order Theory of Shear Deformable Beams with Variational Consistent Boundary Conditions, ASME J. Appl. Mech., Vol. 78, 021019, 2011.
. 赵鹏,石广玉,层合板界面层的弹簧界面元等效刚度计算模型,计算力学学报,Vol. 28(增刊), pp. 131-135, 2011.
. 闫英,石广玉, 碳纳米管的等价柔性节点空间框架模型,固体力学学报,Vol. 31专辑, pp. 6-11, 2010.
. Chen, R., Shi, G. (石广玉), Hou, M. and Zhang, X., Finite Element Modeling of Distraction Osteogenesis for a Maxilla with Severe Cleft Palate, Proc. of Int. Conf. BMEI 2010, Vol. 3, eds. Yu W. et al., IEEE, Danvers, MA, USA, pp.1194-1198, 2010.
. 候敏, 石广玉 等, 唇腭裂上颌复合体在不同类型上颌截骨外置式牵引下生物力学研究, 中华整形外科杂志,Vol. 26(4), pp. 248-251, 2010.
. Wang C.,Shi, G. (石广玉) and Wang, X.,On Finite Element Modeling of Clamped Boundary Conditions of Shear Flexible Beams, Proc. ICEC 2010, ed. Yang P., London Science Publishing Ltd, pp. 54-57, 2010.
. 候敏,石广玉 等, 唇腭裂上颌复合体在不同类型上颌截骨内置式牵引下生物力学研究, 中华整形外科杂志,Vol. 25(9), pp. 368-372, 2009.
. Shi, G. (石广玉) and Zhang, H., Modeling of Adhesive Layers of Laminated Plates in Delamination Simulation, Paper No. F9:1, in ICCM-17, Edinburgh, UK, 2009.
. Shi, G. (石广玉) and Tang L., Weak Forms of Generalized Governing Equations in Theory of Elasticity’, Int. J. Multiscale Mechanics, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2008.
. 石广玉,‘聚能射流长靶距下的侵彻仿真模型’,《解放军理工大学学报(自然科学版)》, Vol. 8, No.5, pp.496-500, 2007.
. Shi, G. (石广玉), ‘A new simple third-order shear deformation theory of plates’, Int. J. Solids & Structures,Vol. 44, pp.4399-4417, 2007.
. Shi, G. (石广玉) and Sun M., ‘On computational material modeling of concrete subjected to high strain rate, highpressure and failure’, Advances in Computational Sciences,Tech Science Press ,V.2, pp. 2833-2838, 2005.
. 石广玉,‘压电材料的电热函及机-电耦合分析’,《复合材料学报》,Vol. 20, No.6, pp.115-120, 2003.
. Guo J. and Shi, G. (石广玉), ‘Efficient modelling of panel-like structures in perforation simulation’. Computers and Structures. Vol. 81, pp. 1-8, 2002.
. Shi, G. (石广玉), 'On Superconvergent Timoshenko beam elements and Reissner-Mindlin plate elements’, Advances in Computational Engineering and Sciences, eds. S.N. Atluri & F.W. Brust. Tech Science Press, pp. 566-571, 2000.
. Zhu, W.H, Shi, G. (石广玉) and Tanimura, S., 'Effect of soft materials on insulating impact pressure into explosives’, Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 177-180, pp. 237-242, 2000.
. Shi. G. (石广玉) and Tong, P. (董平), 'A new model for in-plane buckling analysis of honeycomb cellular structures', Computer Modeling and Simulation in Engineering, Vol. 4, pp. 50-57, 1999.
. Shi, G. (石广玉) and Lan KY, 'Finite element vibration analysis of composite beams based on higher-order theory’, Journal of Sound and Vibration., Vol. 219, pp. 707-721, 1999.
. Shi, G. (石广玉), Lam, KY, and Tay, TE, ‘On efficient finite element modeling of plates and beams based on higher-order theory and an new composite beam element ', Composite Structures Vol. 41, pp. 159-165, 1998.
. Shi, G. (石广玉) and Voyiadjis, G. Z., 'A new free energy for plastic damage analysis ', Mech. Res. Commun., Vol. 24, pp. 377-383, 1997.
. Shi, G. (石广玉) and Tong. P. (董平), 'Assumed stress C0 quadrilateral/triangular plate elements by interrelated edge displacements ', Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng., Vol. 39, pp. 1041-1051, 1996.
. Shi, G. (石广玉) and Tong. P. (董平), 'The derivation of equivalent constitutive equations of honeycomb structures by a two-scale method', Computational Mechanics, Vol. 15, pp. 395-407, 1995.
. Shi, G. (石广玉) and Tong. P. (董平), 'Local buckling of honeycomb sandwich plates under action of transverse shear forces', AIAA J., Vol. 32, pp.1520-1524, 1994.
. Shi, G. (石广玉) and Voyiadjis, G. Z., 'A computational model for FE ductile plastic damage analysis of plate bending', J. Appl. Mech., Vol. 60, pp.749-758, 1993.
. Shi, G. (石广玉) and Voyiadjis, G. Z., 'Nonlinear post-buckling analysis of plates and shallow shells by four-noded quadrilateral strain element', AIAA J., Vol.30, pp.1110-1116, 1992.
. Shi, G. (石广玉) and Voyiadjis, G. Z., 'Efficient and accurate four-node quadrilateral C0 plate bending element based on assumed strain fields', Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng., Vol.32, pp.1041-1055, 1991.
. Voyiadjis, G. Z. and Shi. G. (石广玉), 'A refined two-dimensional theory for thick cylindrical shells', Int. J. Solids & Structures, Vol.27, pp.261-282, 1991.
. Shi. G. (石广玉) and Atluri. S.N., 'Active control of nonlinear dynamic response of space-frames using peizo-electric actuators', Computers & Structures, Vol.34, pp.549-564, 1990.
. Shi. G. (石广玉) and Atluri. S.N., 'Static and dynamic analysis of steel frames with nonlinear flexible connections', Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng., Vol.28, pp.2635-2650, 1989.
. Shi. G. (石广玉) and Atluri. S.N., 'Elasto-plastic large deformation analysis of space frames: A plastic-hinge and stress-based explicit derivation of tangent stiffness', Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng., Vol.26, pp.589-615, 1988 |