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导师信息#天津大学流体力学研究生导师介绍#周 恒

发表于 2019-6-9 02:09:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
姓名(中文/汉语拼音)周 恒
办公室电话+86(0)22 27890533
传真+86(0)22 27407025
1950.08 国立北洋大学水利系毕业
1950.09-至今 北洋大学、天津大学力学教研室、基础科学系、力学系助教、讲师、教授(1979.09)
1993.11-至今 当选为中国科学院院士
1986 国家教委科技进步1等奖
1987 国家自然科学2等奖
1. 罗纪生,周恒,湍流边界层外区大尺度相干结构的理论模型及与实验的比较,中国科学,A辑, 23(1): 56-62,1993 Luo J.S.,Zhou H.,A theoretical model for the large scale coherent structures in the outer region of a turbulent boundary layer and its comparison with the experimental observations,Science in China,Series A,36(7): 825-832, 1993
2. 周恒,尤学一,流动稳定性弱非线性理论中的问题及其改进,力学学报,25(5): 515-528, 1993 Zhou H.,You X.Y.i,On problems in the weakly nonlinear theory of hydrodynamic stability and its improvement,ACTA Mechanica Sinica,9(1):1-12, 1993
3. 周恒,熊忠民,湍流边界层近壁区相干结构起因的研究,中国科学,A辑,24(9): 941-948, 1994 Zhou H.,Xiong Zh.M.,The mechanism for the generation of coherent structures in the wall region of a turbulent boundary layer, Science in China,Series A,38(2): 188-198, 1995
4. 周恒,陆利蓬,压力梯度对湍流边界层相干结构的影响,中国科学,A辑,27(2): 173-179, 1997 Zhou H.,Lu L.P.,Effect of pressure gradient on coherent structures in a turbulent boundary layer,Science in China,Series A,40(4): 441-448, 1997
5. 周恒,滕村薰,流动稳定性弱非线性理论的近一步改进,中国科学,A辑,12, 1997 Zhou H.,K. Fujimura,Further improvement of weakly nonlinear theory of hydrodynamic staility,Science in China,Series A,41(1): 84-92, 1998
6. Luo J.S.,Zhou H.,A theoretical investigation of the development of stationary crossflow vortices in the boundary layer on a swept wing, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 14(2): 97-103 , 1998
7. 周恒,马峥,张哲,湍流边界层近壁区的传热问题,中国科学,A辑,28(6): 529-534, 1998 Zhou H.,Ma Z.,Zhang Z.,The heat transfer problem in the wall region of a turbulent boundary layer,Science in China, Series A,41(11), 1216-1222, 1998
8. 袁湘江,周恒,考虑流向曲率和压力梯度的可压缩边界层稳定性分析,空气动力学学报, 16(3): 276-281, 1998
9. 周恒,陆昌根,罗纪生,湍流边界层近壁区单个相干结构的模拟,中国科学,A辑, 29(4): 366-372, 1999 Zhou H.,Lu Ch.G.,Luo J.S.,Modeling of individual coherent structures in wall region of a turbulent boundary layer. Science in China,Series A,42(6): 627-635, 1999
10. 袁湘江,周恒,计算激波的高精度数值方法,应用数学和力学,21(5): 441-450, 2000 Yuan X.J., Zhou H., Numerical schemes with high order of accuracy for the computation of shock waves, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(English Edition), 21(5): 489-500, 2000
11. 罗纪生,张哲,周恒,增强可压缩混合层混合的一种方法,中国科学,30(11): 1033-1039, 2000 Zhang Zh., Luo J.S.,Zhou H., Method of enhancing the mixing of a compressible mixing layer,Science in China,Series A,43(12): 1332-1339, 2000
12. 曹伟,周恒,二维超音速混合层中小激波的存在及其对流场结构的影响,中国科学,A辑, 31(5): 439-444, 2001
Existence of shocklets in a two-dimensional supersonic mixing layer and its influence on the flow structure,Science in China,Series A,44(9): 1182-1188, 2001
13. 曹伟,周恒,二维超音速混合层增强混合的研究,中国科学,A辑,32(2): 150-157, 2002 Cao W.,Zhou H.,The enhancement of the mixing of a 2D supersonic mixing layer, Science in China,Series A,45(7): 874-883, 2002
14. Zhou H,Coherent Structure Modeling and its Role in the Computation of Passive Quantity Transport in Turbulent Boundary Layer,JSME International Journal, Series B, 41(1): 137-144, 1998
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