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导师信息#北京交通大学通信与信息系统研究生导师介绍#谭中伟 ...

发表于 2020-1-23 14:52:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. 期 刊->Ren, Wenhua, and Zhongwei Tan. "A study on the coupling coefficients for multi-core fibers." Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 127.6 (2016): 3248-3252.
2. 期 刊->Jian Sun, Zhongwei Tan,* Tangjun Li, and Muguang Wang, All-optical correlator based on modal dispersion in, Optical Engineering, Vol.55, No.3, 2016.3, 031119-1-7.
3. 期 刊->李卡; 谭中伟*,空间散射光到单模光纤的耦合,红外与激光工程,2016.1, 0122005-1-7
4. 期 刊-> Wenhua Ren, Zhongwei Tan, Guobin Ren, Analytical formulation of super-modes in multi-core fibers with hexagonally distributed cores , IEEE photonics Journal, 2015, 2, 1943-0655
5. 期 刊-> Zhongwei Tan, Ka Li, Fengjie Qin, The Impact of Different Light Sources on the Optical Correlator Based on Fiber Dispersion, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol.57, No.2, February 2015 441-445.
6. 期 刊-> Zhi-Bo Liu, Zhongwei Tan, Bin Yin, Yunlong Bai, Shuisheng Jian,Refractive index sensing characterization of a singlemode-claddingless-singlemode fiber structure based fiber ring cavity laser, Optics Express 03/2014; 22(5):5037-42.
7. 期 刊-> Tan Zhongwei, Wenhua Ren, Zhibo Liu, Suchun Feng, Zhiwei Chen, A novel fiber Bragg grating sensor interrogator based on 2-D imaging system, Applied Optics, 2014.8, Vol. 53, Issue 23, pp. 5259-5263.
8. 期 刊-> 谭中伟†,赵峰,李睿,何飞,改进的锯齿形光谱滤波器,光电子.激光,2013.10,vol24,10, 1855-1861
9. 期 刊-> 谭中伟*,秦凤杰,任文华,刘艳,光纤色散在光信息处理中的应用,激光与光电子学进展2013,7 (50) 70008 1-10
10. 期 刊-> 谭中伟、陈志伟、沈笑笑、任文华、刘艳、延凤平、简水生,“基于虚像相位阵列的二维光谱映射”,红外与激光工程,2013,s01,123-127
11. 期 刊-> 秦凤杰 谭中伟(通信作者),宁提纲, 光源带宽对基于光纤色散的光学相关器影响的研究, 光学学报,2013.10,Vol.33, 1006004. 1-6
12. 期 刊-> 陈志伟,谭中伟(通信作者),基于虚像相位阵列的高分辨率光纤光栅传感解调,光学学报,2013.,4,vol.33, 422003.1-7
13. 期 刊-> 谭中伟,陈志伟,张晓兴,王目光,基于啁啾光纤光栅的时间展宽模数转换系统,光学学报,2012年12,s106001,1
14. 期 刊-> 李博,娄淑琴,谭中伟,苏伟.两种基于交叉相位调制的光脉冲压缩方案[J]。物理学报,2012-10,19(61),194203:194203
15. 期 刊-> 李博,谭中伟,张晓兴.利用交叉相位调制和四波混频制作的时间透镜的仿真分析[J]。物理学报,2012-01,1(61),14203:14203
16. 期 刊-> 谭中伟,陈志伟,张晓兴,王目光.基于啁啾光纤光栅的时间展宽模数转换系统[J]。光学学报,2012-12,32(12),106001:106001
17. 期 刊-> 沈笑笑,谭中伟.虚像相位阵列的二维成像原理及其应用[J]。光电技术应用,2012-08,27(4),59:63
18. 期 刊-> 陈志伟,谭中伟.光纤光栅传感系统的信号解调[J]。光电技术应用,2012-04,27(2),47:52
19. 期 刊-> 谭中伟.Real-time wavelength and bandwidth-independent optical integrator based on modal dispersion [J]。Optics Express,2012-06,13(20),14109:14116
20. 期 刊-> 谭中伟.Jammed- wideband sawtooth filter[J]。OPTICS EXPRESS,2011-11,24(19),24563:24568
21. 期 刊-> 李博,谭中伟.利用电光相位调制和交叉相位调制制作时间透镜的实验及仿真分析[J]。物理学报,2011-08,8(60),1:8
22. 期 刊-> 宁提纲,裴丽,胡旭东,李晶,冯素春,许鸥,鲁韶华,谭中伟,刘艳.A novel switchable single polarized Er-doped PMF linear cavity laser based on two PMF gratings[J]。Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics,2010-12,121(13),
23. 期 刊-> 宁提纲,童治,裴丽,谭中伟,刘艳,陆玉春,耿蕊,简水生.光纤激光器的调制实验研究[J]。激光技术,2008-12,32(1),
24. 期 刊-> 谭中伟.A novel method to suppress the crosstalk of the system with dispersion compensated by fiber gratings[J]。Optics Communications,2007-12,269(1),
25. 期 刊-> 谭中伟,李彬.光纤的紫外曝光引起的背景损耗[J]。中国激光,2007-12,34(2),
26. 期 刊-> 谭中伟.Cross-phase modulation in long-haul systems with chirped fiber-Bragg gratings based dispersion compensators[J]。OPTIK,2007-12,118(2),
27. 期 刊-> 谭中伟,曹继红.低串扰的多波长光纤光栅色散补偿器[J]。物理学报,2007-12,56(1),
28. 期 刊-> 宁提纲,刘艳,裴丽,谭中伟,童治,张帆,王春灿,简水生.单偏振的双波长光纤激光器的实验研究[J]。半导体光电,2007-12,28(1),
29. 期 刊-> 刘艳,李彬,郑凯,谭中伟.Temperature or strain induced adjustable-chirp characteristics of uniform fibre grating with tapered metal coating[J]。Chinese Physics(中国物理),2007-12,16(6),
30. 期 刊-> 宁提纲,谭中伟,刘艳.光纤光栅不同温度下偏振模色散的研究[J]。压电与声光,2006-12,28(5),
31. 期 刊-> 宁提纲,裴丽,谭中伟.利用光栅研究保偏光纤温度特性[J]。中国激光,2006-12,33(8),
32. 期 刊-> 刘艳,郑凯,谭中伟,李彬,陈勇,宁提纲,简水生.非对称单侧曝光切趾使啁啾光纤光栅获得优化性能[J]。物理学报,2006-12,55(11),
33. 期 刊-> 宁提纲,裴丽,谭中伟,郑凯,董小伟.Dispersion Compensation of 2x10Gb/s 1000km Long-haul fiber using only CFBGs[J]。Optical Engineering,2006-12,45(11),
34. 期 刊-> 宁提纲,裴丽,刘艳,谭中伟,童治,延凤平,简水生.电子束刻蚀分步啁啾相位掩模板的优化[J]。光电子.激光,2006-12,17(12),
35. 期 刊-> 谭中伟.基于啁啾光纤光栅的色散管理[J]。物理学报,2006-12,55(6),
36. 期 刊-> 谭中伟.The suppress of the interaction of the gratings in DWDM system[J]。Chinese physics,2006-12,15(8),
37. 期 刊-> 谭中伟.基于啁啾光纤光栅的色散补偿器在超长距离密集波分复用系统中的应用[J]。物理学报,2005-12,54(11),
38. 期 刊-> 谭中伟.8*10Gbit/s transmission system over 1500km on G.652 fiber dispersion compensated by chirped fiber gratings[J]。chinese optics letters,2005-12,3(8),
39. 期 刊-> 宁提纲,谭中伟,刘艳,裴丽,简水生.High-birefringence fiber effects on transmitted pulses and mitigated by pulses’ reshaper[J]。OPTIK,2005-12,35(2),
40. 期 刊-> 宁提纲,谭中伟,裴丽,简水生,简伟,刘艳.40Gbps OTDM传输光纤光栅补偿色散研究[J]。光学学报,2004-12,24(8),
41. 期 刊-> 宁提纲,裴丽,刘艳,谭中伟,简水生.Impacts of delay ripple of cascaded gratings on dispersion compensation of long-haul fiber transmission system[J]。Microwave and optical technology Letters,2004-12,42(2),
42. 期 刊-> 谭中伟,简水生.“10Gb/s Transmission over 1400km on G.652 Fiber with Dispersion Compensation by Chirped FBG“[J]。Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,,2004-12,42(3),
43. 期 刊-> 刘艳,谭中伟.非保偏光纤环形激光器输出激光偏振状态的分析[J]。中国激光,2004-12,31(5),
44. 期 刊-> 谭中伟,刘艳.The generation of group delay ripple of chirped fiber gratings[J]。Chinese optics letters,2004-12,2(1),
45. 期 刊-> 宁提纲,谭中伟,刘艳.光纤光栅时延波动对传输系统性能的影响[J]。光学学报,2003-12,23(9),
46. 期 刊-> 谭中伟,刘艳,傅永军.光纤激光器的混沌现象分析[J]。中国激光,2003-12,30(4),
47. 期 刊-> 傅永军,刘艳,谭中伟.光纤光栅偏振模色散研究[J]。半导体光电,2003-12,14(1),
48. 期 刊-> 刘艳,傅永军,谭中伟.基于高非线性光纤四波混频的全光纤波长交换[J]。半导体光电,2003-12,24(2),
49. 期 刊-> 谭中伟,傅永军.光纤激光器研究与进展[J]。现代有线传输,2002-12,
50. 期 刊-> 宁提纲,谭中伟.用级联光纤光栅补偿色散在G652光纤上4*10Gb/s无线中继低代价传输640Km[J]。电子学报,2002-12,
51. 会议论文-> 谭中伟.All-Optical Passive Periodic Sawtooth Filter and its Application to Fast Interrogation of Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor 。美国光纤通讯展览会及研讨会,洛杉矶,1:1,2012-03
52. 会议论文-> 宁提纲,谭中伟,裴丽,童治.8x10Gb/s transmission system over more than 2000km with dispersion compensation by cascaded chirped fiber Bragg gratings。APOC2006,韩国,2006-12
53. 会议论文-> 刘艳,李彬,谭中伟,郑凯,宁提纲,陈勇,简水生.System performance degradation caused by group delay ripples of chirped fiber Bragg grating dispersion compensators。APOC2006,韩国光州,2006-12
54. 会议论文-> 谭中伟,刘艳.The non-ideal group delay and reflection characteristics of chirped fiber grating dispersion compensator induced by the method for the side writing。APOC,北京,2005-12
55. 会议论文-> 谭中伟,刘艳.The non-ideal group delay and reflection characteristics of chirped fiber grating dispersion compensator induced by the method for the side writing。,2004-12
56. 会议论文-> 谭中伟,简水生.“10Gb/s Transmission over 1400km on G.652 Fiber with Dispersion Compensation by Chirped FBG“。Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,,2004-12
57. 会议论文-> 宁提纲,谭中伟.用高PMD光纤进行光速率传输影响的仿真与实验。APOC 2000,上海,2002-12
谭中伟;刘艳;苏晓星;张建勇;秦曦,“大长度光纤光栅的涂覆装置及其涂覆方法” ,中国,ZL200610169896.1。
谭中伟;任文华;陶配琳;宁提纲;王燕花;裴丽;简水生,“一种数字式高速波长解调器” ,中国,ZL200810222755.0。
获奖与荣誉2013年入选 北京高等学校“青年英才计划”
2009年入选 北京交通大学“红果园人才计划”
Journal of Lightwave technology ;Photonics Technology Letters; 物理学报;光学学报;中国激光;光子学报等期刊审稿人
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