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发表于 2020-1-21 22:35:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
姓 名  张兰慧      性 别  女   最高学历  研究生   最高学位  博士   职 务     职 称  讲师   联系方式  lhzhang@lzu.edu.cn   所在部门  水文与水资源研究所   研究方向  气候变化及其影响下的水文响应   学习经历 2008年9月-2011年7月 兰州大学大气科学学院,应用气象学,博士 2006年9月-2008年7月 兰州大学信息科学与工程学院,计算机软件与理论,硕士 1999年9月-2003年7月 兰州大学信息科学与工程学院,计算机科学与技术专业,学士    工作经历     主讲课程  流域水文模型   学术兼职     研究成果     获得荣誉     在研项目     发表论文  [1] LanHui Zhang, Shigong Wang, ChanSheng He, Xin Jin. Development of an instant correction and display system of Numerical Weather Prediction Products in China. Chinese Geographical Science. 2014 [2] Lanhui Zhang, Shigong Wang, ChanSheng He, Kezheng Shang, Lei Meng, Xu Li . A New Method for Instant Correction of Numerical Weather Prediction Products in China. Science China Earth Sciences. 2014. [3] He, C, L. Zhang, C. DeMarchi, and T.E. Croley II. 2014. Estimating point and nonpoint sources pollution loadings in the Saginaw Bay Watersheds. J. Great Lakes Research. 2014. doi:10.1016/j.jglr.2014.01.013. [4] Fu, Li, L. Zhang, and C. He*. 2014. Analysis of Agricultural Land Use Change in the Middle Reach of the Heihe River Basin, Northwest China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2014. doi:10.3390/ijerph110302698 [5] 张兰慧,王式功,尚可政,李旭. SharpMap在青海省气象信息网络数据库中的应用.气象科技. 2012, 40(1):57-60. [6] 张兰慧,尚可政, 程一帆,王式功. 数值预报产品的误差订正方法研究.兰州大学学报(自然科学版). 2011, 47(3):44-49. [1] He, C., L. Zhang, X. Zhang, and S. Eslamian. 2014. Chapter 28: Water Security: Concept, Measurement, and Operationalization. In: Saeid Eslamian (ed): Handbook of Engineering Hydrology, Vol. 3: Environmental Hydrology and Water Management (CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group) ISBN:9781466552494, pp.544-55. This book will be available March 20, 2014. [2] He,C., Lanhui Zhang, Li FU, Yi LUO, Lanhai LI, Carlo DeMarchi, 2013. Simulation of River Flow for Downstream Water Allocation in the Heihe River Watershed, Northwest China. In: Bojie Fu and Bruce Jones (ed): Landscape Ecology for Sustainable Environment and Culture (Springer ), p173-186 .  
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