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国家有突出贡献中青年专家,国家蔬菜改良中心华中分中心主任,湖北省马铃薯工程技术研究中心主任。中国作物学会马铃薯专业委员会副主任委员,农业部马铃薯专家指导组成员,英国Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology 副主编,《中国农业科学》、《华中农业大学学报》、《中国马铃薯》等杂志编委。 主要从事马铃薯遗传育种、栽培生理和生物技术领域的研究,先后主持国家自然科学基金、863、948、国家支撑计划、农业成果转化、国际合作等项目30多项。育成鄂马铃薯1号、3号、4号、6号、华恩1号、华薯1号等新品种。主持研究的马铃薯试管薯高效生产技术获国家发明专利,以此为基础创造了国内外周期最短的马铃薯繁殖技术体系。获湖北省科技进步一等奖、技术发明一等奖、农业部丰收计划一等奖等多项。发表论文150多篇。
1. Zhang H, Liu J, Hou J, Yao Y, Lin Y, Ou Y, Song B, Xie C. The potato amylase inhibitor gene SbAI regulates cold-induced sweetening in potato tubers by modulating amylase activity. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2014, doi: 10.1111/pbi.12221
2. Wang H, Sun C, Jiang R, He Q, Yang Y, Tian Z, Tian Z, Xie C, The dihydrolipoyl acyltransferase gene BCE2 participates in basal resistance against Phytophthora infestans in potato and Nicotiana benthamiana. Journal of Plant Physiology. 2014, 171:907-914
3. Zhou J, Fang H, Shan J, Gao X, Chen L, Xie C, Xie T, Liu J. A major QTL located on chromosome V associates with in vitro tuberization in a tetraploid potato population. Molecular Genetics and Genomics. 2014, DOI 10.1007/s00438-014-0832-6
4. Zhang H, Hou J, Liu J, Xie C, Song B. Amylase analysis in potato starch degradation during cold storage and sprouting. Potato Research. 2014, 57:47-58
5. Chen L, Guo X, Xie C, He L, Cai X, Tian L, Song B, Liu J. Nuclear and cytoplasmic genome components of Solanum tuberosum + S. chacoense somatic hybrids and three SSR alleles related to bacterial wilt resistance. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 2013, 126:1661-1872
6. Du J, Tian Z, Liu J, Vleeshouwers,V G A A, Shi X, Xie C. Functional analysis of potato genes involved in quantitative resistance to Phytophthora infestans. Molecular Biology Reports. 2013, 40:957-967
7. He L, Liu J, Torres G A, Zhang H, Jiang J, Xie C. Interstitial telomeric repeats are enriched in the centromeres of chromosomes in Solanum species. Chromosome Research. 2013, 21:5-13
8. Jin H., Liu J, Song B, Xie C. Impact of plant density on the formation of potato mimitubers derived from microtubers and tip-cuttings in plastic houses. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2013, 12:1008-1017
9. Lin Y, Liu J, Liu X, Ou Y, Li M, Zhang H, Song B, Xie C. Interaction proteins of invertase and invertase inhibitor in cold-stored potato tubers suggested a protein complex underlying post-translational regulation of invertase. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry.2013, 73:237-244
10. Liu X, Cheng S, Liu J, Ou Y, Song B, Chang C, Lin Y, Li X-Q, Xie C. The potato protease inhibitor gene, St-Inh, plays roles in the cold-induced sweetening of potato tubers by modulating invertase activity. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 2013, 86:265-271
11. Liu X, Lin Y, Liu J, Song B, Ou Y, Zhang H, Li M, Xie C. StInvInh2 as an inhibitor of StvacINV1 regulates the cold-induced sweetening of potato tubers by speci?cally capping vacuolar invertase activity. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2013, 11:640-647
12. Ou Y, Song B, Liu X, Xie C, Li M, Lin Y, Zhang H, Liu J. Promoter regions of potato vacuolar invertase gene in response to sugars and hormones, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2013, 69:9-16
13. Shan J, Song W, Zhou J, Wang X, Xie C, Gao X, Xie T, Liu J. Transcriptome analysis reveals novel genes potentially involved in photoperiodic tuberization in potato. Genomics. 2013, 102:388-396
14. Zhang H, Liu J, Ou R, Lin Y, Li M, Song B, Xie C. A novel RING finger gene, SbRFP1, increases resistance to cold-induced sweetening of potato tubers. FEBS Letters. 2013, 587: 749-755
15. Chen X, Song B, Liu J, Yang J, He T, Lin Y, Zhang H, Xie C. Modulation of gene expression in cold induced sweetening resistant potato species Solanum berthaultii exposed to low temperature. Molecular Genetics and Genomics. 2012, 287:411–421
16. Gao W, Tian Z, Liu J, Lin Y, Xie C. Isolation, characterization and functional analysis of StRab, a cDNA clone from potato encoding a small GTP-binding protein. Scientia Horticulturae. 2012, 135: 80–86.
17. He T, Song B, Liu J, Chen X, Ou Y, Lin Y, Zhang H, Xie C. A new isoform of thioredoxin h group in potato, SbTRXh1, regulates cold-induced sweetening of potato tubers by adjusting sucrose content. Plant Cell Reports. 2012, 31: 1463-1471
18. Li J, L-K Hannele, Tian Z, Liu J, Song B, Landeo J, Portal L, Gastelo M, Frisancho J, Sanchez L, Meijer D, Xie C, Bonierbale M. Conditional QTL underlying resistance to late blight in a diploid potato population. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 2012, 124:1339–1350
19. Shi X, Tian Z, Liu J, Xie C. A potato pathogenesis-related protein gene, StPRp27, contributes to race-nonspecific resistance against P. infestans. Molecular Biology Reports. 2012, 39:1909–1916
20. Yao C, Song B, Liu J, Wu C, Cheng Q, Li D, Xie C. Population improvement of resistance to late Blight in tetraploid Potato: acase study in combination with AFLP marker assisted background selection. Agricultural Sciences in China. 2011, 10 (8): 1177-1187.
21. Liu X, Zhang C, Ou Y, Lin Y, Song B, Xie C, Liu J, Li X. Systematic analysis of potato acid invertase genes reveals a cold-responsive member, StvacINV1, regulates cold-induced sweetening of tubers. Molecular Genetics and Genomics. 2011, 286 (2): 109-18.
22. Nie B, Singh M, Sullivan N, Singh R P, Xie C and Nie X. Recognition and molecular discrimination of severe and mild PVYO variants of Potato virus Y in potatoes in New Brunswick, Canada. Plant Disease. 2011, 95: 113-119.
23. Li J, Liu J, Zhang H, Xie C. Identi?cation and transcriptional pro?ling of differentially expressed genes associated with resistance to Pseudoperonospora cubensis in cucumber. Plant Cell Reports. 2011, 30:345–357
24. Guo X, Xie C, Cai X, Song B, He L, Liu J. Meiotic behavior of pollen mother cells in relation to ploidy level of somatic hybrids between Solanum tuberosum and S. chacoense. Plant Cell Reports. 2010, 29: 1277-1285.
25. Liu X, Song B, Zhang H, Li X, Xie C, Liu J. Cloning and molecular characterization of putative invertase inhibitor genes and their possible contributions to cold-induced sweetening of potato tubers. Molecular Genetics and Genomics. 2010, 284(3): 147-59.
26. Ni X, Tian Z, Liu J, Song B, Li J, Shi X, Xie C. StPUB17, a novel potato UND/PUB/ARM repeat type gene, is associatedwith late blight resistance and NaCl stress. Plant Science. 2010, 178:158-169.
27. Ni X, Tian Z, Liu J, Song B, Xie C. Cloning and molecular characterization of the potato RING finger protein gene StRFP1 and its functionin potato broad-spectrum resistance against Phytophthora infestans. Journal of Plant Physiology. 2010, 167:488-496.
28. Simon R, Xie C, Jansky SH, Halterman D, Conner T, Knapp S, Brundage J, Symon D, Spooner D. Wild and cultivated potato (Solanum sect. Petota) escaped and persistent outside of its natural range. Invasive Plant Science and Management. 2010, 3:286-293.
29. Tian Z, Zhang Y, Liu J, Xie C. Novel potato C2H2-type zinc finger protein gene StZFP1, which responses to bio- and abiotic, may play a role in salt tolerance. Plant Biology. 2010, 12: 689-697.
30. Jansky SH, Jin L, Xie K, Xie C, Spooner DM. Potato Production and Breeding in China. Potato Research. 2009, 52: 57–65.
31. Li M, Zhao X, Hong S,Zhang X,LiP, Liu J, Xie C. Cryopreservation of plantlet nodes of Dioscorea opposita Thunb. using vitrification method. CryoLetters. 2009, 30: 19-28.
32. Li Y, Tian Z, Liu J and Xie C. Comparative cDNA-AFLP analysis reveals that DL-β-amina-butyric acid induces resistance through earlyactivation of host-defense genes in potato. Physiogia Plantarum. 2009, 135: 136: 19-29.
33. Wu T, Tian Z, Liu J, Xie C. A novel ankyrin repeat-rich gene in potato, Star, is involved in response to late llight. Biochemical Genetics. 2009, 47: 439-450.
34. Wu T, Tian Z, Liu J, Xie C. A novel leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase gene in potato, StLRPK1, is involved in response to diverse stresses. Molecular Biology Reports. 2009, 36: 2365-2374.
35. 谢从华. 马铃薯产业的现状与发展. 华中农业大学学报(社会科学版). 2012,97 (1): 1-4.
36. 李亚军,田振东,柳俊,谢从华. 利用病毒诱导的基因沉默(VIGS)技术快速鉴定两个马铃薯晚疫病抗性相关EST片段 EL732276和EL732318的功能。农业生物技术学报,2012,20 (1): 16-22
37. 尚小红,田振东,柳 俊,谢从华. 马铃薯晚疫病抗性相关基因定位及QTL位点分析。南方农业学报,2011, 42 (7): 689-695
38. 刘影,田振东,宋波涛,柳 俊,谢从华. 马铃薯StERF3超量表达载体转基因植株矮化原因初探。2011,华中农业大学学报30(6):663-666
39. 吴田,谢从华. 马铃薯蛋白激酶基因StPK1启动子的克隆及活性分析. 中国农业科学 2011, 44 (5):867-873
40. 吴田,谢从华.4种信号分子处理后马铃薯Star基因表达的RT-PCR分析. 华中农业大学学报. 2010 , 29(3): 268-271
41. 樊荣,宋波涛,谢从华,柳俊. 秋两季马铃薯微型薯休眠期及发芽特性比较分析. 中国马铃薯,2009, 23(5):277-280
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