华中农业大学园艺林学学院 林学与茶学系,湖北,武汉,430070
1998.9-2002.6 华中农业大学 资源与环境学院 获学士学位
2002.9-2008.6 华中农业大学 资源与环境学院 获博士学位
2008.7-2012.6 中国科学院武汉植物园
2012.7-2014.6 华中农业大学 作物学科研流动站
2014.7- 华中农业大学 园艺林学学院
1. 茶树种质资源养分性状评价、养分高效机理研究
国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于关联分析的川续断种质资源产量和品质性状道地性形成机理解析. 31470406(主持)
国家自然科学基金青年基金:中国芒抽穗期与分蘖相关基因等位变异与功能标记开发研究. 31100243(主持)
1)Lindsay V. Clark; Joe E. Brummer; Katarzyna G?owacka; Megan C. Hall; Kweon Heo; Junhua Peng; Toshihiko Yamada; Ji Hye Yoo; Chang Yeon Yu; Hua Zhao; Stephen P. Long; Erik J. Sacks A footprint of past climate change on the diversity and population structure of Miscanthus sinensis.Ann Bot. 2014, 114(1), 97-107.
2)Hua Zhao, Zexun Huai, Yingjie Xiao, Jiangyan Yu, Lei Yu, Guangda Ding, Junhua Peng*. Natural variation and genetic analysis of the tiller angle gene MsTAC1 in Miscanthus accessions. Planta. 2014, 240,161-175.
3)Hua Zhao, Qian Li, Junrong He, Jiangyan Yu, Junpin Yang, Chunzhao Liu, Junhua Peng* Genotypic variation of cell wall composition and its conversion efficiency in Miscanthus sinensis, a potential biomass feedstock crop in China. GCB Bioenergy. 2013, Doi: 10.1111/gcbb.12115.
4)Hua Zhao#, Bo Wang#, Junrong He, Junpin Yang, Lei Pan, Dongfa Sun*, Junhua Peng*. Genetic diversity and population structure of Miscanthus sinensis germplasm in China. Plos One. 2013, 8 (10), e75672.
5)Hua Zhao, Jiangyan Yu, You FM, Luo MC, Junhua Peng*. Transferability of microsatellite markers from Brachypodium distachyon to Miscanthus sinensis, a potential biomass crop. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 2011, 53, 232-245.
6)Hua Zhao, Lei Shi, Xiaoli Duan, Fangsen Xu*, Yunhua Wang, Jinlin Meng. Mapping and validation of chromosome regions conferring a new boron efficient locus in Brassica napus. Mol. Breeding. 2008, 22, 495-506.
7)Lei Yu, Guangda Ding, Zexun Huai, Hua Zhao*. Natural variation of biomass yield and nutrient dynamics in Miscanthus. Field Crop. Res. 2013, 151, 1-8.
8)Hua Zhao, Lei Yu, Zexun Huai, Xiaohua Wang, Guangda Ding, Shuisen Chen, Peng Li, Fangsen Xu*.Mapping and candidate gene identification defining BnChd1-1, a locus involved in chlorophyll biosynthesis in Brassica napus. Acta Physiol. Plant. 2014. 36, 859-870.
9) Hua Zhao, Jia Liu, Lei Shi, Fangsen Xu*, Yunhua Wang. Development of boron-efficient near isogenic lines of Brassica napus and their response to low boron stress at seedling stage. Russ. J. Genet. 2010, 46(1), 66-72.
10)Zhang Didi, Hua Zhao, Lei Shi, Fangsen Xu*. Physiological and genetic responses to boron deficiency in Brassica napus: a review. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 2014, 1-10, DOI:10.1080/00380768.2014.893537.
11)Guangda Ding, Lei Shi, Hua Zhao, Hongmei Cai, Kede Liu, Fangsen Xu*. Genetic analysis of seed mineral accumulation affected by phosphorus deprivation in Brassica napus. Euphytica 2013, 193(2), 251-264.
12)淮泽勋,赵华*. 8个不同基因型芒(Miscanthus sinensis)的离体培养再生能力及细胞壁组分分析. 农业生物技术学报.2013, 21(10), 1159-1165.
13)赵华,徐芳森*,石磊,王运华. 植物根系形态对低磷胁迫应答的研究进展. 植物学通报. 2006, 23(4), 409-417.
14)蔡郁,赵华,陈晓东,吴国江,彭俊华*. 中国麻风树种质资源SSR遗传多样性的研究初报. 植物科学学报. 2011, 29(1), 074-080.
15)石磊,赵华,徐芳森,段海燕,年夫照,孟金陵,王运华*. 硼磷缺乏对不同基因型甘蓝型油菜苗期生长的影响. 中国油料作物学报. 2004, 26(3), 51-53.
16)石磊,年夫照,赵华,徐芳森,孟金陵,王运华*. 7个甘蓝型油菜品种对缺硼反应的差异. 中国油料作物学报. 2004, 26(1), 47-49.
17)刘琳, 俞斌, 黄鹏燕, 贾军, 赵华, 彭俊华, 陈鹏, 彭良才*. 芒不同基因型愈伤组织诱导及分化的差异. 植物学报. 2013, 48(2), 192-198. |