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基本信息姓名: 黄俊斌 出生年月: 1963.1性别: 男 硕/博导: 博导民族: 汉 开设课程: 农业植物病理学,真菌学职称: 教授 研究方向: 1.植物真菌病害2.分子植物病理学位: 理学博士
联系方式 电子邮件:junbinhuang@mail.hzau.edu.cn
发明专利及获奖情况1. 黄俊斌,李其利,郑露. (2011). 一株生防球孢链霉菌及在防治柑橘青霉病中的应用.专利授权号:201010162467.82. 黄俊斌,罗朝喜,贾切,郑露. (2011). 一种高效稳定的稻曲病菌室内接种方法及专用菌株.专利申请号:201110028735.1发表的论文及著作2014年:1. Effect of rice growth stage, temperature, relative humidity and wetness duration on infection of rice panicles by Villosiclava virens. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2014, DOI:10.1007/s10658-014-0516-4(通讯作者)2. Prevalence and diversity of mycoviruses infecting the plant pathogen Ustilaginoidea virens. Virus Research, 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.virusres.2014.08.022(通讯作者)3. 大蒜白斑病菌SS-毒素结构鉴定.植物病理学报, 2014, 刊印中(通讯作者)4. Identification and characterization of Fusarium species associated with wilt of Eleocharis dulcis (Chinese water chestnut) in China. Plant Disease, 2014, 98:977-987(通讯作者)5. The complete genomic sequence of a second novel partitivirus infecting Ustilaginoidea virens. Achives of Viology, 2014, 159:1865-1868(通讯作者)
2013年:1. Identification of virulence genes in the crucifer anthracnose fungus Colletotrichum higginsianum by insertional mutagenesis. Microbial Pathogenesis, 2013, 64: 6-17(通讯作者)
2012年:1. Effects of volatile substances of Streptomyces globisporus JK-1 on control of Botrytis cinerea on tomato fruit. Biological Control, 2012, 61: 113-120(通讯作者)2. Fusarium wilt of Coleus forskohlii caused by Fusarium oxysporum in China. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 2012, 34: 310-314(通讯作者)3. 生防菌盾壳霉ZS-1菌株对油菜菌核病的田间防治效果.植物保护学报,2012,39(2): 191-192(通讯作者)4. 不同培养条件对球孢链霉菌JK-1生长及产生抗菌物质的影响. 南方农业学报,2012,43(11):1682-1687(通讯作者)
2011年:1. First report of stem blight of Eleocharis dulcis caused by Phoma bellidis in China. Plant Disease, 2011, 95: 1190(通讯作者)2. Suppression of Magnaporthe oryzae by culture filtrates of Streptomyces globisporus JK-1. Biological Control, 2011, 58:139-148 (通讯作者)3. First report of leaf spot of Houttuynia cordata caused by Alternaria alternata in China. Plant Disease, 2011, 95: 359 (通讯作者)
2010年:1. Integrated control of garlic leaf blight caused by Stemphylium solani in China. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 2010, 32: 135-145 (通讯作者).2. Effect of SS-toxin, a metabolite of Stemphylium solani, on H+-ATPase activity and standard redox system in plasma membranes from garlic (Allium sativum) seedling leaves. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2010, 127: 419-425 (通讯作者).3. Isolation, purification and biological activity of a phytotoxin produced by Stemphylium solani. Plant Disease, 2010, 94: 1231-1237 (通讯作者)4. Fumigant activity of volatiles of Streptomyces albolongus JK-1 against Penicillium italicum on Citrus microcarpa. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2010, 58: 157-165 (通讯作者)5. A leaf spot of figwort (Scrophularia ningpoensis) caused by Phoma sp. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 2010, 32: 493-495 (通讯作者)
2009年:1. Host range and phytotoxicity of Stemphylium solani, causing leaf blight of garlic (Allium sativum) in China. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2009, 124, 21-30(通讯作者)2. An Outbreak of Head Rot of Cabbage Caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG2-1 in Central China. Plant Disease, 2009, 93: 109 (通讯作者)3. First report of leaf spot of Smilax china L. caused by Alternaria longipes in China. Plant Pathology, 2009, 58: 800 (通讯作者)4. Isolation of genes expressed during compatible interactions between powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis) and wheat. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 2009, 73: 61-66 (通讯作者)5. 几种杀菌剂对大蒜白斑病的防治效果. 华中农业大学学报. 2009,28(2):151-155(通讯作者)
2008年:1. First Report of Leaf Blight of Garlic (Allium sativum) Caused by Stemphylium solani in China .Plant Pathology, 2008. 57:380(通讯作者)2. 稻曲病菌无性孢子萌发及在不同培养基上生长特性. 植物保护学报,2008,35(1):23-26(通讯作者)3. 大蒜白斑病菌生物学特性及其寄主范围. 植物保护学报,2008,35(2):117-122(通讯作者)4. 大蒜根蛆发生规律及防治技术研究. 湖北农业科学,2008,47(8):917-919(通讯作者)
2007年:1. First report of brown leaf spot caused by Bipolaris australiensis on Cynodon in China. Plant Pathology. 2007. 56:349. (通讯作者)2. 苍术黑斑病菌(Alternaria tenuissima)生物学特性研究. 植物保护,2007,33(3):107-110(通讯作者)3. 日本结缕草叶斑病病原鉴定及其生物学特性研究.草业科学,2007,24(2):81-84(通讯作者)4. 十种杀菌剂对稻曲病菌无性孢子的毒力测定. 湖北农业科学,2007,46(2):239-240(通讯作者)5. 苍术白绢病病原菌生物学特性初步研究. 湖北农业科学,2007,46(2):241-243(通讯作者)
2006年:1. 苍术黑斑病病原鉴定. 植物病理学报. 2006,36(5):477-480.(通讯作者)2. 高羊茅叶斑病病原鉴定及生物学特性研究. 草地学报, 2006,14(4)(通讯作者)3. 水稻白叶枯病成株抗性相关基因的表达谱. 分子植物育种, 2006,4(4)(第三作者)4. 大豆疫霉根腐病抗源筛选. 植物遗传资源学报,2006,7(1):24-30(第四作者)
2005年:1. First report of leaf spot caused by Curvularia verruculosa on Cynodon sp.in Hubei, China. Plant Pathology. 2005,54(2):253.(第一作者)2. Analysis of DNA methylation related to rice adult plant resistance to bacterial blight based on methylation-sensitive AFLP. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 2005,275:1390-1395.(第二作者)3. Turfgrass Disease of the Central Yangtze River Basin in China. International Turfgrass Research Journal, 2005, 10:202-205.(第一作者)狗牙根黑斑病病原鉴定及生物学特性研究. 草业科学,2005, 22(6):85~88.(第一作者)4. 杂交狗牙根叶枯病病原鉴定及其生物学特性研究. 植物保护学报,2005, 32(3):275-279.(通讯作者)5. 草莓白绢病病原鉴定及生物学特性研究. 华中农业大学学报,2005,24(3):250-253.(通讯作者)6. 逆转座子Tos17的激活与水稻白叶枯病成株抗性的关系. 遗传,2005,27(2):181-184.(第二作者)7. 抗大豆疫霉根腐病野生大豆资源的初步筛选. 植物遗传资源学报,2005,6(2):136-141.(第四作者)8. 防卫基因PAL、LOX和PBL1在水稻白叶枯病成株抗性中的作用. 中国生物化学和分子生物学学报,2005, 21(2):159-163.(第三作者)
2000-2004年:1. First report of leaf spot caused by Curvularia affinis on Festuca arundinacea in Hubei, China. Plant Disease, 2004, 88(9):1048.(第一作者)2. Analysis of simple sequence repeats markers derived from Phytophthora sojae expressed sequence tags. Chinese Science Bulletin,2004, 49(19):2041-2046.(第四作者)3. Peroxidase accumulates in barley attacked by the powdery mildew fungus. ВЕСТНИК, 2002,1, 39-42.(第一作者)4. Clonal and sexual propagation in Botrytis elliptica, Mycological Research. 2001, 105:833-842.(第一作者)5. Occurrence of Kabatina juniper in Ontario and genetic analysis using RAPD markers. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 2000, 22:79-88.(第二作者)6. The use of RAPD markers to distinguish among juniper and cedar cultivars. Canadian Journal of Botany, 2000, 78(5): 655-659.(第二作者)7. 水稻白叶枯病成株抗性与过氧化氢含量及几种酶活性变化的关系. 植物病理学报, 2004,34(4):340-345.(第二作者)8. 苍术白绢病发生规律与防治方法的初步研究. 湖北农业科学, 2003,3:70-71.( 第一作者)
著作:1. 《农业植物病理学》(第二版).科学出版社,2014(主编)2. 《中药材种植必读》. 湖北科学技术出版社, 2009(主编)3. 《园艺植物病理学》(第二版). 中国农业大学出版社, 2009(副主编)4. 《绿色大蒜种植及加工必读》. 湖北科学技术出版社, 2008(主编)5. 《农业植物病理学实验实习指导》(第二版). 中国农业出版社, 2007(参编)6. 《农业植物病理学》. 科学出版社, 2006(主编)7. 《植物病理学》.农业出版社, 2006(参编)
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