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基本信息姓名: 张献龙 出生年月: 1963.3性别: 男 硕/博导: 博导民族: 汉 开设课程: 植物生物技术职称: 教授 研究方向: 棉花生物技术与育种学位: 博士
联系方式 办公电话:027-87280510电子邮件:xlzhang@mail.hzau.edu.cn
个人简介张献龙,男,华中农业大学教授、博士生导师。“万人计划”第一批百千万工程领军人才,国家教学名师,全国优秀教师,享受国务院政府特贴。兼任作物遗传改良国家重点实验室副主任、中国棉花学会副理事长、湖北省棉麻学会理事长、湖北省遗传学会副理事长、作物学报副主编、棉花学报副主编、华中农业大学学报主编、PLoS ONE、Plant Biotechnology Journal编委等。主要研究方向为棉花细胞离体发育及调控机制、棉花杂种优势利用、棉花纤维发育机制及关键基因功能分析、棉花抗黄萎病机制及防控。曾在加拿大、美国和英国分别从事访问研究。主持 “973”、“863”、“948”、国家自然科学基金、国家转基因植物研究专项、农业领域国家公益性行业专项等课题。带领的棉花科研团队是湖北省科技创新团队。培育出“华杂棉1号”、“华杂棉2号”、“华惠103”、“华杂棉H318”和“华杂棉4号”等棉花新品种。发表SCI论文80多篇,主编参编教材或专著8部。获国家科技进步二等奖1项,湖北省科技进步一等奖2项,发明二等奖1项,教育部自然科学二等奖1项。国家教学一等奖1项,湖北省教学成果特等奖1项。指导的博士学位论文获2008全国优秀百篇博士学位论文。另有两篇博士论文获全国优秀百篇博士论文提名,5篇博士论文当选湖北省优秀博士论文。
科研项目1.棉花抗病育种科学家岗位,国家棉花产业技术体系,2011-20152.长江中上游棉区转基因杂交棉新品种培育,转基因生物新品种培育重大专项,2011ZX08005-001, 2011—20153.棉花重要农艺性状的定位与功能研究,863项目,编号:2013AA102601-4,2013-20174. 钙信号及活性氧调控棉花纤维伸长及品质形成机理研究, 国家自然科学基金重点项目, 2013.01—2017.12,项目编号:312300565.国审高产棉花新品种“华杂棉H318”的中试与示范,国家农业科技成果转化资金,2010-20126.长江中游棉区转基因棉花中试与产业化基地,转基因生物新品种培育重大专项,2009ZX08018-006B, 参加,2009-20127.利用叶绿体转化生产高强度抗虫棉及其育种应用,国家基金重大国际合作,2009-20118.棉花纤维性状功能基因的分子标记及功能基因的筛选鉴定,863,2006-20109.转基因棉花杂交种选育,国家转基因植物研究专项,2008-201010.棉花黄萎病减灾技术体系研究,国家公益性行业科研专项,2007-2010
发明专利及获奖情况1. 2014年获“湖北十佳师德标兵”称号2. “棉花种质创新及强优势杂交棉新品种选育与应用”获2013年国家科技进步二等奖3.“强优势多抗杂交棉新品种‘华杂棉H318’的选育与应用”2012年获得湖北省科技进步一等奖4.“棉花原生质体不对称融合研究及原生质体细胞壁重建相关基因的表达谱分析”获2011年全国优秀百篇博士论文提名5. “棉花体细胞胚发生与合子胚发育相关基因的鉴定、克隆与功能分析”获2010年全国优秀百篇博士论文提名6. 2008年获湖北省科技发明二等奖7.“棉花原生质体培养和原生质体对称融合研究” 获2008度全国优秀百篇博士论文奖8.2008年获得“湖北省第四届优秀科技工作者”称号9.2007入选新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选10. 2006获“国家教学名师奖”11. 2005获湖北省教学成果特等奖12. 2005获国家教学成果一等奖13. 2005获“第四届大北农科技促进奖”14. 2005入选湖北省新世纪人才工程15.“棉花细胞工程体系构建及其应用基础研究”获2004湖北省科技进步一等奖16. 2004入选教育部新世纪人才支持计划17.2004获“全国优秀教师”称号18. 2004获“武汉市新长征突击手”称号19. 2001获湖北省杰出青年科学基金支持20.2000入选教育部骨干教师支持计划21.1993获教育部霍英东青年教师基金发表的论文及著作教材与著作:1. 《植物生物技术》,第二版,主编,2012,科学出版社2.《植物生物技术》,主编,2004,科学出版社,2006分别入选湖北省和国家精品课程3.《作物育种学总论》,副主编,2003,农业出版社4.《植物细胞组织培养》,参编,2002,中国农业大学出版社5.《遗传学》,副主编,2007,科学出版社6.Cotton Biotechnology: Challenge the Future for Cotton Improvement, In: Biotechnology in Crop Improvement,GP Rao (ed.), Studium Press, LLC, Houstan, Texas, USA. Pp. 241-3017.《中国棉花育种学》,参编,2003,山东科学技术出版社8.《湖北棉花》,参编,2004,中国农业出版社9. Developmental and molecular aspects of somatic embryogenesis (nonzygotic embryogenesis), In: Plant Tissue Culture, Development, and Biotechnology, Robert N. Trigiano and Dennis J. Gray Eds., CRC Press, 2011, p. 307-325
审定的品种:“华杂棉1号”2005通过湖北省审定“华杂棉2号”2005通过河南省审定“华惠103”2006通过江西省审定“华杂棉4号” 2009年通过江西省审定“华杂棉H318” 2009年通过国家审定
1. Longqing Sun, Longfu Zhu, Li Xu , Daojun Yuan, Ling Min & Xianlong Zhang*, 2014, Cotton cytochrome P450 CYP82D regulates systemic cell death by modulating the octadecanoid pathway, Nature Communications, 5:5372 doi: 10.1038/ncomms63722. Nian Liu, Lili Tu, Wenxin Tang, Wenhui Gao, Keith Lindsey and Xianlong Zhang*, 2014, Small RNA and degradome profiling reveals a role for miRNAs and their targets in the developing fibers of Gossypium barbadense, The Plant Journal, 80: 331–3443. Ling Min, Yaoyao Li, Qin Hu, Longfu Zhu, Wenhui Gao, Yuanlong Wu, Yuanhao Ding, Shiming Liu, Xiyan Yang, and Xianlong Zhang*, 2014, Sugar and auxin signaling pathways respond to high temperature stress during anther development as revealed by transcript profiling analysis in cotton, Plant Physiology,164: 1293-13084. Liu G, Li X, Jin S, Liu X, Zhu L, Yichun Nie, Xianlong Zhang*, 2014, Overexpression of Rice NAC Gene SNAC1 Improves Drought and Salt Tolerance by Enhancing Root Development and Reducing Transpiration Rate in Transgenic Cotton, PLoS ONE 9(1): e868955. Wenxin Tang, Lili Tu*, Xiyan Yang, Jiafu Tan, Fenglin Deng, Juan Hao, Kai Guo, Keith Lindsey, Xianlong Zhang* , 2014,The calcium sensor GhCaM7 promotes cotton fiber elongation by modulating ROS production, New Phytologist,202(2): 509-5206. Fangyan Jin+, Lisong Hu+, Daojun Yuan, Jiao Xu, Wenhui Gao, Liangrong He, Xiyan Yang*, Xianlong Zhang*, 2014, Comparative transcriptome analysis between somatic embryos and zygotic embryos in cotton: evidence for stress response functions in somatic embryo development, Plant Biotechnology Journal, 12:161-1732.7.Wei Gao, Lu Long, Longfu Zhu*, Li Xu, Wenhui Gao, Longqing Sun, Linlin Liu and XianLong Zhang*, 2013, Proteomic and virusinduced gene silencing (VIGS) analyses reveal that Gossypol, Brassinosteroids and Jasmonic acid contribute to the resistance of cotton to Verticillium dahlia, Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 12: 3690-37038. Ling Min, Longfu Zhu*, Lili Tu, Fenglin Deng, Daojun Yuan, and Xianlong Zhang*, 2013, Cotton GhCKI disrupts normal male reproduction by delaying tapetum programmed cell death via inactivating starch synthase, Plant Journal , 75: 823-8359. Jiafu Tan, Lili Tu, Fenglin Deng, Haiyan Hu, Yichun Nie, and Xianlong Zhang*, 2013, A Genetic and Metabolic Analysis Revealed that Cotton Fiber Cell Development Was Retarded by Flavonoid Naringenin, Plant Physiology, 162: 86-9510. Xiyan Yang, Lichen Wang, Daojun Yuan, Keith Lindsey , Xianlong Zhang*, 2013, Small RNA and degradome sequencing reveal complex miRNA regulation during cotton somatic embryogenesis, Journal of Experimental Botany,64(6): 1521-153611. Maojun Wang, Daojun Yuan*, Wenhui Gao, Yang Li, Jiafu Tan, Xianlong Zhang*, 2013, A Comparative Genome Analysis of PME and PMEI Families Reveals the Evolution of Pectin Metabolism in Plant Cell Walls, PLoS ONE 8(8): e7208212. Juan Hao, Lili Tu, Haiyan Hu, Jiafu Tan, Fenglin Deng, Wenxin Tang, Yichun Nie and Xianlong Zhang*, 2012, GbTCP, a cotton TCP transcription factor, confers fibre elongation and root hair development by a complex regulating system, J Exp Bot. 63:6267-628113. Xiyan Yang, Xianlong Zhang*, Daojun Yuan, Fangyan Jin, Yunchao Zhang and Jiao Xu, 2012, Transcript profiling reveals complex auxin signalling pathway and transcription regulation involved in dedifferentiation and redifferentiation during somatic embryogenesis in cotton, BMC Plant Biology, 12:11014. Guanze Liu, Shuangxia Jin, Xuyan Liu, Jiafu Tan, Xiyan Yang, Xianlong Zhang*, 2012, Overexpression of Arabidopsis cyclin D2;1 in cotton results in leaf curling and other plant architectural modifications, Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 110:261-27315. Shuangxia Jin, Xianlong Zhang, Henry Daniell, 2012, Pinellia ternate agglutinin expression in chloroplasts confers broad spectrum resistance against aphid, whitefly, lepidopteran insects, bacterial and viral pathogens, Plant Biotechnology J. 10:313-32716.Fenglin Deng, Lili Tu, Jiafu Tan, Yang Li, Yichun Nie and Xianlong Zhang*, 2012, GbPDF1 (PROTODERMAL FACTOR 1) is involved in cotton fiber initiation via the core cis-element HDZIP2ATATHB2, Plant Physiology,158: 890-90417. S.X. JIN, G.Z. LIU, H.G. ZHU, X.Y. YANG, X.L. 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Lisong Hu, Xiyan Yang, Daojun Yuan, Fanchang Zeng, Xianlong Zhang*, 2011, GhHmgB3 deficiency deregulates proliferation and differentiation of cells during somatic embryogenesis in cotton, Plant Biotechnology J. 9:1038-104822. Li Xu, Longfu Zhu, Lili Tu, Xiaoping Guo, Lu Long, Longqing Sun, Wei Gao, Xianlong Zhang* , 2011, Differential gene expression in the cotton defense response to Verticillium dahliae by SSH, J of Phytopathology, 159:606-61523.Zhu Longfu, He Xin, Yuan Daojun, Xu Lian, Xu Li, Tu Lili, Shen Guoxin, Zhang Hong, Zhang Xianlong*, 2011, Genome-wide identification of genes responsive to ABA and cold/salt stresses in Gossypium hirsutum by data-mining and expression pattern analysis, Agricultural Science in China, 10 (4): 499-50824. Xiyan Yang and Xianlong Zhang*, 2010, Regulation of Somatic Embryogenesis in Higher Plants, Critical Review in Plant Science,29: 36-5725. M. Farooq Hussain Munis, Lili Tu, Fenglin Deng, Jiafu Tan, Li Xu, Shicheng Xu, Lu Long and Xianlong Zhang*, 2010, A thaumatin-like protein (PR-5) gene of cotton (Gossypium barbadence L.) involved in fiber secondary cell wall development enhances resistance against Verticillium dahliae and other stresses in transgenic tobacco, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,393: 38-4426. Yunjing Li, Diqiu Liu, Lili Tu, Xianlong Zhang*, Li Wang, Longfu Zhu, Jiafu Tan, Fenglin Deng, 2010, Suppression of GhAGP4 gene expression repressed the initiation and elongation of cotton fiber, Plant Cell Reports, 29: 193-20227. Xiyan Yang, Xianlong Zhang*, Lili Fu, Ling Min, Guanze Liu, 2010, Multiple shoots induction in wild cotton (Gossypium bickii) through organogenesis and the analysis of genetic homogeneity of the regenerated plants, Biologia, 65: 496-50328. M. Farooq Hussain Munis, Lili Tu, Khurram Ziaf, Jiafu Tan, Fenglin Deng, Xianlong Zhang*, 2010, Critical osmotic, ionic and physiological indicators of salinity tolerance in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) for cultivar selection, Pak. J. Bot., 42(3): 1685-169429. FU LiLi, YANG XiYan, ZHANG XianLong*, WANG ZhiWei, FENG ChangHui, LIU ChuanXiang, JIANG PeiYong & ZHANG JinLong, 2009, Regeneration and identification of interspecific asymmetric somatic hybrids obtained by donor–recipient fusion in cotton, Chinese Science Bulletin, 54: 3035-304430. Zhongxu Lin, Yanxin Zhang*, Xianlong Zhang, Xiaoping Guo, 2009, A high-density integrative linkage map for Gossypium hirsutum, Euphytica, 166: 35-4531. Xiyan Yang, Lili Tu, Longfu Zhu, Ling Min, Lili Fu, Xianlong Zhang*, 2008, Expression profile analysis of genes involved in cell wall regeneration during protoplast culture in cotton by suppression subtractive hybridization and macroarray, Journal of Experimental Botany, 59: 3661-367432. ZHU HuaGuo, TU LiLi, JIN ShuangXia, XU Li, TAN JiaFu, DENG FengLin, ZHANG XianLong*, 2008, Analysis of genes differentially expressed during initial cellular dedifferentiation in cotton, Chinese Science Bulletin, 53: 3666-367633. Shuangxia Jin, Ramesh Mushke, Huaguo Zhu, Lili Tu, Zhongxu Lin, Yanxin Zhang, Xianlong Zhang*, 2008, Detection of somaclonal variation of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) using cytogenetics, flow cytometry and molecular markers, Plant Cell Reports, 27:1303-131634. Yanxin Zhang, Zhongxu Lin, Qizhong Xia, Mingju Zhang, Xianlong Zhang*, 2008, Characteristics and analysis of simple sequence repeats in the cotton genome based on a linkage map constructed from a BC1 population between Gossypium hirsutum and G. barbadense, Genome, 51:534-54635. Diqiu Liu, Lili Tu, Li Wang, Yunjing Li, Longfu Zhu, Xianlong Zhang*, 2008, Characterization and expression of plasma and tonoplast membrane aquaporins in elongating cotton fibers, Plant Cell Reports , 27: 1385-139436. Diqiu Liu, Lili Tu, Li Wang, Yunjing Li, Longfu Zhu, Xianlong Zhang*, 2008, Genes encoding fasciclin-like arabinogalactan proteins are specifically expressed during cotton fiber development, Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 26: 98-11337. He DH, Lin ZX, Zhang XL*, Zhang YX, Li W, Nie YC and Guo XP, 2008, Dissection of genetic variance of fiber quality in advanced generations from an interspecific cross of Gossypium hirsutum and G. barbadense, Plant Breeding, 127: 286-29438. Hongmei Wang, Zhongxu Lin, Xianlong Zhang, Wei Chen, Daohua He, Xiaoping Guo, Yichun Nie, Yunhai Li, 2008, Mapping and quantitative trait loci analysis of Verticillium wilt resistance genes in cotton, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology,50:174-18239. Fanchang Zeng, Xianlong Zhang*, Longfu Zhu, Liping Chen, Zhongxu Lin, Lei Cheng, Jinglin Cao, Lili Tu and Xiaoping Guo, 2007, A Draft Gene Regulatory Network for Cellular Totipotency Reprogramming during Plant Somatic Embryogenesis, Genomics,90: 620-62840. Lili Tu, Xianlong Zhang*, Diqiu Liu, Shuangxia Jin, Jinglin Cao, Longfu Zhu, Fenglin Deng, Jiafu Tan, Cunbin Zhang, 2007, Suitable internal control genes for qRT-PCR normalization in cotton fiber development and somatic embryogenesis, Chinese Science Bulletin, 52:3110-311741. Daohua He, Zhongxu Lin, Xianlong Zhang*, Yichun Nie, Xiaoping Guo and Yanxin Zhang, 2007,QTL mapping for economic traits based on a dense genetic map of cotton with PCR-based markers using the interspecific cross of Gossypium hirsutum × G. barbadense, Euphytica,153:181-19742. X. Guo, C. Huang, S. Jin, S. Liang, Y. Nie and X. Zhang*, 2007, Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Cry1C, Cry2A and Cry9C genes into Gossypium hirsutum and plant regeneration, Biologia Plantarum,51(2): 242-24843. Li-Li Tu, Xian-Long Zhang*, Shao-Guang Liang, Di-Qiu Liu, Long-Fu Zhu, Fan-Chang Zeng, Yi-Chun Nie, Xiao-Ping Guo, Feng-Lin Deng, Jia-Fu Tan, Li Xu, 2007, Genes expression analyses of sea-island cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.) during fiber development, Plant Cell Reports, 26: 1309-132044. Xiyan Yang, Xianlong Zhang*, Shuangxia Jin, Lili Fu, Linggang Wang, 2007, Production and characterization of asymmetric hybrids between upland cotton Coker201 (Gossypium hirsutum) and wild cotton (Gossypium klozschianum Anderss), Plant Cell Tissue Organ Culture, 89:225-23545. Fanchang Zeng, Xianlong Zhang*, Longfu Zhu, Zhongxu Lin, Xiaoping Guo, and Yichun Nie, Lei Cheng, Jinglin Cao, 2007, Chromatin reorganization and endogenous auxin/cytokinin dynamic activity during somatic embryogenesis of cultured cotton cell, Plant Cell Tissue Organ Culture, 90: 63-7046. X. YANG, X. GUO, X. ZHANG*, Y. NIE, S. JIN, 2007, Plant regeneration from protoplast in wild cotton Gossypium davidsonii Kell. via somatic embryogenesis, Biologia Plantarum, 51(3): 533-53747. Longfu Zhu, Xianlong Zhang*, Lili Tu, Fanchang Zeng, Yichun Nie, Xiaoping Guo, 2007, Isolation and characterization of two novel dirigent-like genes highly induced in cotton (Gossypium barbadense) after infection by Verticillium dahliae, J of Plant pathology, 89(1): 41-4548. ZHANG Yanxin, LIN Zhongxu , LI Wu, TU Lili, ZHANG Xianlong *, NIE Yichun, 2007, Studies of new EST-SSRs derived from Gossypium barbadense, Chinese Science Bulletin,52(18): 2522-253149. Fanchang Zeng, Xianlong Zhang*, Longfu Zhu, Lili Tu, Xiaoping Guo and Yichun Nie, 2006, Isolation and characterization of genes associated to cotton somatic embryogenesis by suppression subtractive hybridization and macroarray, Plant Molecular Biology, 60 (2):167-18350. Yuqiang Sun, Xianlong Zhang*, Xiaoping Guo, Chao Huang, Yichun Nie, 2006, Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from different wild diploid cotton (Gossypium) species, Plant Cell Reports 25(4): 289-29651. D. Liu, X. Guo, Z. Lin, X. Zhang*, Y. Nie, 2006, Genetic diversity evaluation of Chinese Asian cotton (Gossypium arboreum) accessions by SSR markers, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution,53:1145-115252. Shuangxia Jin, Shaoguang Liang, Xianlong Zhang*, Yichun Nie, Xiaoping Guo, 2006, An efficient grafting system for transgenic plant recovery in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), Plant Cell Tissue Organ Culture, 85(2):181-18553. Yuqiang Sun, Yichun Nie, Xiaoping Guo, Chao Huang, Xianlong Zhang*, 2006, Somatic hybrids between Gossypium hirsutum L. (4x) and G. davidsonii Kellog (2x) produced by protoplast fusion, Euphytica,151:393-40054. S. JIN, X. ZHANG*, Y. NIE, X. GUO, S. LIANG, H. ZHU, 2006,Identification of a novel elite genotype for in vitro culture and genetic transformation of cotton, Biologia Plantarum,50(4): 519-52455. Diqiu Liu, Xianlong Zhang*, Lili Tu, Longfu Zhu, Xiaoping Guo, 2006, Isolation by suppression-subtractive hybridization of genes preferentially expressed during early and later fiber development stages in cotton, Molecular Biology, 40(5): 741-74956. Yuqiang Sun, Xianlong Zhang*, Yichun Nie & Xiaoping Guo, 2005, Production of fertile somatic hybrids of Gossypium hirsutum + G. bickii and G. hirsutum + G. stockii via protoplast fusion, Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 83: 303-31057. Lin ZX, Zhang XL*, et al, 2005, Linkage map construction and mapping QTL for cotton fibre quality using SRAP,SSR and RAPD,Plant Breeding, 124(2):180-18758. Wu JH, Zhang XL*, et al, 2005, High-efficiency transformation of Gossypium hirsutum embryogenic calli mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens and regeneration of insect-resistant plants, Plant Breeding, 124(2):142-14659. Shuangxia Jin, Xianlong Zhang*, et al, 2005, Factors affecting stable transformation and plant regeneration during transforming embryogenic callus of Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) via Agrobacterium tumefaciens, Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 81(2): 229-23760. Yuqiang sun, Xianlong Zhang*, Chao Huang, Yichun Nie, Xiaoping Guo, 2005, Plant regeneration via somatic embryogenesis from protoplasts of six explants in Coker 201 (Gossypium hirsutum L.), Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 82:309-31561. Yuqiang Sun, Xianlong Zhang*, Chao Huang, Yichun Nie, Xiaoping Guo, 2005, Factors influencing in vitro regeneration from protoplasts of wild cotton (G. klotzschianum A) and RAPD analysis of regenerated plantlets, Plant Growth Regulation , 46: 79-8662. Dao-Hua He, Zhong-Xu Lin, Xian-Long Zhang*,et al, 2005, Mapping QTLs of traits contributing to yield and analysis of genetic effects in tetraploid cotton, Euphytica, 144(1-2): 141-14963. Wu JH, Zhang XL*, et al, 2004, Factors affecting somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from a range of recalcitrant genotypes of Chinese cottons, In vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology-Plant, 40(4): 371-37564. Sun YQ, Zhang XL*, et al, 2004, Production and characterization of somatic hybrids between upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) and wild cotton (G. klotzschianum Anderss) via electrofusion, Theor Appl Genet , 109: 472-47965. Martin A Souter, Margaret L Pullen, Jennifer F. Topping, Xianlong Zhang and Keith Lindsey,2004,Rescue of defective auxin-mediated gene expression and root meristem function by inhibition of ethylene signalling in sterol biosynthesis mutants of Arabidopsis,Planta, 219:773-78366. Sun YQ, Zhang XL*, et al, 2003, somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in wild cotton (Gossypium klotzschianum Anderss), Plant Cell Tissue Organ Culture, 75: 247-25367. Lin ZX, Zhang XL*, et al, 2003, Construction of a genetic map for cotton based on SRAP, Chinese Science Bulletin, 48: 2063-2067
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