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专业介绍#辽宁工程技术大学硕士研究生专业介绍#电力电子与电力传动 ...

发表于 2019-9-6 13:53:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
辽宁工程技术大学研究生电力电子与电力传动专业介绍如下:电力电子与电力传动学科(专业)硕士研究生培养方案  Training Program for Doctorate Disciplines of Power Electronics & Electrical Drive    专业代码:080804 学科门类:工学  Code of Specialty: 080804 Department of Discipline: Industry Department  一级学科:电气工程 学分要求:31  First-grade Discipline: Electrical Engineering Credit Setting: 31  一、学科(专业)概况(Disciplines Instruction)  电力电子与电力传动学科1981年首批获得工学硕士学位授予权,2002年被确定为辽宁省重点学科。电力电子与电力传动学科是由电力学、电子学和控制理论三个学科交叉而形成的一门新型学科,是当前电气工程一级学科中最具活力的二级学科之一,主要研究新型电力电子器件与拓扑、电力电子装置与系统、电能的安全与环保利用、电能的高效变换与控制等方面的理论和技术,对我国的国民经济和现代化建设具有巨大的推动作用。本学科培养有关电能生产、传输和使用过程中各种电力电子设备及系统的设计、制造、运行、测量和控制等方面从事高层次科学研究、工程技术、教学与管理的高级专门人才,使他们在本学科领域具有坚实的理论基础、较强的科研能力和解决工程技术问题的能力、以及较强的交流能力,为我国的国民经济和现代化建设服务。  该学科现有辽宁省创新团队一个,并依托辽宁省重点实验室—工矿电气设备与电力电子技术实验室开展研究工作。近年来,该学科获得2项国家自然科学基金,横、纵向课题10余项,出版著作1部,省部级奖励3项,发表论文50余篇,其中EI和ISTP收录近30篇,获得国家专利5项,其中发明专利1项。该学科现有教师19人,其中教授6人,具有博士学位1人,副教授6人,讲师6人,助教1人,其中入选辽宁省教育厅“百千万人才工程”千人层次人选1人,辽宁省高校优秀青年骨干教师1人。该学科已经为国家培养50余名硕士,其中多人考取国家985高校的博士,该学科在国内有一定影响,在某些研究领域内达到国内领先水平。  Power Electronics and Electric Drive,the first batch of subjects received the right to grant master degree in engineering in 1981,has been confirmed as the keySubject in Liaoning Province in 2002.The Subject of Power Electronics & Electrical Drive is a newly typed crisscross subject which synthesizes the new achievements in the field of electricity, microelectronics and automatic control. It is one of the most active second grade subjects of the first grade subjects of electric engineering. It mainly studies the theories and technologies of newly typed power electronics devices and topologies, power electronics apparatus and systems, electric power’s safety and environmental utilization, electric power’s conversion and control efficiently. It has great effect to our country’s national economy and modernization. This subject disciplines high class professionals such as scientific researchers, engineering technician, administration talents and college teachers on the aspects of design, production, operation, surveying and control of various power electronics apparatus and systems in the course of electric power’s production, transmission and using. These professionals will have strong theory foundation, scientific research ability, engineering ability and intercourse ability, they can serve for the development of national economy and the construction of moderation.  The subject has an innovative team of Liaoning Province, and carries out research relying on the Key Laboratory of Liaoning Province - Mining Electrical Equipment and Power Electronics Technology Laboratory. In recent years, this subject has received two research projects of National Natural Science Foundation, more than 10 projects of horizontal and vertical issues and three Ministerial and Provincial-Level Science and Technology Awards, a scholarly treatise and more than 50 papers have been published, and nearly 30 of these papers were embodied in EI and ISTP. This subject gets 5 national Patents, including a patent of invention. The amount of teachers of this subject is 19, including 6 professors, 1 with the doctorate, 6 vice-professors, 6 lecturers and 1 teaching assistant. One of theses teachers is selected as a candidate from one thousand people in “Ten Million Talent Project” of Liaoning Provincial Education Department, 1 person is selected in the Backbone of Excellent Young Teachers in Liaoning Province University. This subject has fostered more than 50 masters, and some of them are admitted to 985 colleges as doctors. This subject has a certain influence in the country, and reaches the lead position in domestic level in some areas.  二、研究方向(Research Orientation)
序号 serial number名称 Name研究方向的范围及特点概述 The Scope of Research Orientation and Brief account of the Characteristic
1电能变换电路集成理论与技术 Integrate theory and technology of electric power conversion circuits该方向研究电力电子功率变换技术、磁集成技术、无源集成技术、有源集成技术、系统集成技术、软开关技术和多电平技术,使各种电力电子部件在电能变换装置中合理配置和集成,以实现电力电子装置的小型化和集成化,提高电能的品质和利用率。 This direction studies power conversion technology, magnetic integration technology, passive integration technology, system integration technology, soft switch technology and multi level technology of power electronics to allocate and integrate reasonably various power electronics components in electric power conversion apparatus to realized its miniaturization and integration, and increase electric energy’s quality and use ratio.
2电力电子在煤矿安全、环保和能源领域中的应用 Application of power electronics in mine safety, environment protection and energy source该方向研究电力电子技术在煤矿安全领域中的应用,包括矿用本质安全兼隔爆型电力电子装置的研制,煤矿安全型电力电子技术的研究;该方向还研究电力电子技术在煤电、风力发电、太阳能发电的应用,以实现传统能源和可再生能源的有效利用及环境保护的目的。 This direction studies application of power electronics in mine safety, such as R&D of essential safe and anti-explosion typed power electronics apparatus, study of mine safe typed power electronics technology. This direction also studies application of power electronics technology in thermal power, wind power, optical voltage power to utilize tradition energy source and renewable energy source efficiently.
3现代电力电子器件与系统的分析与设计 Analysis and design of modern power electronic system 电力电子器件特性分析、电力电子电路分析与设计、新型功率变换装置研制、电磁干扰与电磁兼容的研究。 Character analysis of power electronic device, analysis and design of power electronic circuit, R&D of new-typed power conversion apparatus, research on electromagnetic interference and electromagnetic compatibility.
4电力电子系统的网络化与智能化 Networklization and intelligentialization of power electronics system该方向研究多个电力电子变流装置之间及与上层控制之间的信息传递、网络控制、信息共享、故障诊断及专家系统。 This direction studies information transmission, network control, information enjoy together, fault diagnosis and expert system between multi power electronics deflectors and their super control.
5节能型电力传动技术与应用 Energy saving typed power transmission technology and application该方向研究交流电机变频控制、矢量控制,直接转矩控制,软起动控制;开关磁阻电机驱动与控制;直线电机及其控制,伺服电机及其应用。 This direction studies AC motor’s frequency conversion control, vector control, direct torque control and soft starting control; switched reluctance motor control; straight line motor and its control, servomotor and its application.
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