辽宁工程技术大学研究生电气工程专业介绍如下:电气工程专业学位硕士研究生培养方案 Training Program for Master Doctorate Disciplines of Electrical Engineering 专业代码:0808 学科门类:工学 Code of Specialty: 0808 Department of Discipline: Industry Department 工程领域:电气工程 学分要求:26 Engineering field: Electrical Engineering Credit Setting:26 一、学科(领域)概况(Diciplines Instruction) 电气工程是2001年获得工程硕士学位授予权。电能作为现代最主要的二次能源,其生产和传输已形成了“电力工业”。电能的生产、传输、使用及其控制设备,也在不断地发展或更新,向智能化、成套化、高效能发展,逐步与电子计算机、微电子技术、电力电子技术相结合,形成新型的电工技术与设备,电气工程在国民经济、科学技术的发展中正起着越来越重要的作用。电气工程领域主要包括:电能生产、传输及其使用全过程中,电力系统安全、可靠、经济地运行,各类电气设备和系统的设计、制造、运行、测量和控制等相关方面的工程技术。本工程领域与电子与通信工程、计算机技术、控制工程、材料工程、机械工程、仪器仪表工程、动力工程等工程领域均有紧密的联系。该学科培养有关电能传输、设计、生产、运行、测量和控制等方面的高层次科学研究、工程技术与管理专门人才和高等学校师资。 该学科依托辽宁省重点学科—电力电子与电力传动和辽宁省重点实验室—工矿电气设备与电力电子技术实验室开展研究工作。近年来,该专业获得6项国家自然科学基金,横、纵向课题100余项,出版著作10部,省部级奖励20余项,发表论文500余篇,其中EI和ISTP收录近80篇,获得国家专利30项,其中发明专利1项。该专业现有教师38人,其中教授12人,具有博士学位15人,博士后1人,副教授15人,讲师18人,助教3人,该学科已经为厂矿企业培养80余名工程硕士。为老东北工业基地的建设做出了一定的贡献。 Electrical Engineering,the first batch of subjects received the right to grant master degree in engineering in 2001. As the modern most main secondary energy sources, the production and the transmission of power energy have formed “the power industry”. The power energy 's production, transmission, using and controlling device, is also developing or renewing unceasingly to the intellectualization, the complete set and the high efficiency. That unifies with the electronic computer, the microelectronic technology and the power electronic technology, and forms the new electrical engineering technology and equipment. The development of electrical engineering is playing more and more important role in the national economy and science and technology's development. The electrical engineering domain mainly includes: the power energy production, transmission and using in the entire process, the power system runs security, reliably and economically, each kind of electrical equipment and system's designing, manufacturing, running, measurement and control engineering technology related. The domain has compact relation with following engineerings: electronic and the communication engineering, the computer technology, the control engineering, materials engineering, the mechanical engineering, instruments and meters project, power engineering. The subject fosters high-level scientific researchers, engineering technician, administration talents and college teachers on the transmission,design, production, operation, surveying and control of electric power. The subject carries out research relying on Liaoning Province key Subject (Power Electronics and Electric Drive) and Liaoning Province Key Laboratory (Mining Electrical Equipment and Power Electronics Technology Laboratory). In recent years, this subject has received 6 research projects of National Natural Science Foundation, more than 100 projects of horizontal and vertical issues and more than 20 Ministerial and Provincial-Level Science and Technology Awards. 10 scholarly treatise and more than 500 papers have been published, and nearly 80 of these papers were embodied in EI and ISTP. This subject gets 15 national Patents, including a patent of invention. The amount of teachers of this subject is 38, including 12 professors, 15 doctors and 1 post-doctoral, 15 vice-professors, 18 lecturers, 3 teaching assistants. This subject has cultivated more than 80 masters of engineering for mining enterprises. It has made some contribution to the construction of old industrial bases in the Northeast. 二、研究方向(Research Orientation) 序号 serial number | 名 称 Name | 研究方向的范围及特点概述 The Scope of Research Orientation and Brief account of the Characteristic | 1 | 节能型电力传动技术与控制 Energy saving typed power transmission technology and control | 交流电机(高压)变频控制、矢量控制,直接转矩控制,软起动控制;开关磁阻电机驱动与控制;直线电机及其控制,伺服电机及其应用 AC motor (high voltage) variable frequency control; vector control, direct torque control; soft start control ;switched reluctance motor control; straight line motor and its control, servomotor and its application | 2 | 电力传动系统的计算机控制技术与仿真 Computer control technology and simulation of power transmission system | 计算机控制系统设计,参数辩识、智能控制技术的应用,单片机、ARM、FPGA、DSP、PC工业控制机的应用技术,传动系统CAD、PISPICE、MATLAB、SABER、MAXWELL2D/3D及相关仿真软件应用 Design of computer control system, application of parameter distinguishing and intelligence control technology, application technology of single-chip microcomputer, ARM、FPGA、DSP, PC industry control machine system CAD, PISPICE, MATLAB, SABER、MAXWELL2D/3D and their software application. | 3 | 电动汽车与电动自行车技术 Electric automobile and electric bike technology | 电动汽车与电动自行车的电力驱动技术、变频变压转换技术、电池管理技术 Technology research of electric power drive of electric automobile and electric bike, technologies of varied voltage and varied frequency, battery administration technology and so on. | 4 | 电力系统自动化技术 Automation of power systems | 电力系统分析、运行及其控制、继电保护与自动化装置等 Power System Analysis,operation and control of power system,relay protection and automatic transmission equipments in power system | 5 | 智能电器理论及应用 The theory and application of intelligent electrical apparatus | 研究开关电器在线监测,电气的智能化和信息化 The study on the supervisor of the switch apparatus; The intelligentization and information of the electrical apparatus | 6 | 电机电器检测技术 The detection technology of electrical machine and apparatus | 电机电器参数的在线识别 The identification of the parameters of electrical machines and apparatus on line | 7 | 现代永磁电机理论及控制技术 The theory and control technology of the modern permanent magnet machine | 现代永磁电机理论与设计,现代永磁电机的控制理论与控制技术的研究 The theory and design of the modern permanent magnet machine; The control theory and technology of the modern permanent magnet machine | 8 | 电接触理论及其在矿山中的应用 Application of Electrical contact theory in mines | 针对煤炭领域内的防爆电机与电气及其控制技术,及井下配电开关的特殊要求,通过对触点的电接触性能的研究,研制矿用开关及智能化隔爆馈电开关。 Study on the explosion proof motor and its control technology in mines and special requirements for optimal switch device to develop the switch applied in coal mine and the intelligent flameproof feed vacuum switch based on the Electric property of electric contact | 9 | 开关电源中平面集成磁技术设计理论 Study on the design theory of flat integrate magnetism in switch power. | 对定子带极靴式开关磁阻电机的转矩脉动、非线性分析理论、正常及事故运行时的动态性能和暂态过程进行研究。在平面变压器和集成磁件的相关理论基础上,深入研究平面集成磁技术。 Study on the theory about the Pole-stator Switched Reluctance motor of the torque ripple, the nonlinear theory, the dynamic performance in normal or accident and the transient procedure. |