1、出生年月 196707022、学位:博士研究生3、职称:教授4、工作单位:武汉理工大学材料科学与工程学院,硅酸盐建筑材料国家重点实验室
1、Gu Shaoxuan ,Pi Daoxian ,Tao Haizheng ,Zeng Qi ,Zhao Xiujian ,Guo Haitao ,Chen Hongyan.Infrared emission properties of Dy3+-dopedand Dy3+,Tm3+–codoped chalcohalideglasses,Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 383,205-208,20142、ShaoXuan Gu,QianQing Yu,HaiZheng Tao,Jie Zhang,XueCai Han,XiuJian Zhao. Second Harmonic Generation of the 4TiO2·46BaO·50B2O3 transparent crystallized glasses,Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 356,2295-2298,20103、GU Shaoxuan.LI Bin.LIU Baoxun.ZHAO Xiujian. Relationship Between Photoinducedcarrier Working Effect and Photocatalytic Activity on Titania Filns. Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society, 38(1),54-57,20104、Shaoxuan Gu, Zhijun Ma, Haizheng Tao, Second-harmonic generation in the thermal/electrical poling (100-x)GeS2·x(0.5Ga2S3 · 0.5CdS) chalcogenide glasses,Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 69,97-100,20085、ShaoXuan Gu, HaiPing Hu, HaiTao Guo, HaiZheng Tao, Second Harmonic Generation in Transparent Surface Crystallized GeS2-Ga2S3-CdS chalcogenide Glasses,Optics Communications, 281(9),2651-2655,2008
1、Tel:13971556227,027-876697292、E-mail:gsx@whut.edu,cn3、工作地址(实验室):硅酸盐建筑材料国家重点实验室4楼1.Name:Gu Shaoxuan2.Brief introduction:1)Date of birth: 196707022)Degree:Ph.D.3)Title:professor4)Working department:School of Materials Science and Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Silicate Materials for Architectures3.Education experience(after entering university):1985.9-1989.6,B.S. ,Silicate engineering, Wuhan University of Technology1991.9-1994.6,M.S. ,Inorganic nonmetallic materials,Wuhan University of Technology2000.9-2006.6,Ph.D.,Materials science,Wuhan University of Technology4.Working experience:1989.7-1991.8, Huazhong Glassworks,WuHan1994.7-,Wuhan University of Technology5.Research field(no more than 3):Research in glass nonlinear optical effectsStudy on preparation, structure and properties of new functional glass materials6.Research project(no more than 5):1) National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.51172169) ,2012-20152) Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province, 2010-20127.Representative papers and works(no more than 10):1、Gu Shaoxuan ,Pi Daoxian ,Tao Haizheng ,Zeng Qi ,Zhao Xiujian ,Guo Haitao ,Chen Hongyan.Infrared emission properties of Dy3+-dopedand Dy3+,Tm3+–codoped chalcohalideglasses,Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 383,205-208,20142、ShaoXuan Gu,QianQing Yu,HaiZheng Tao,Jie Zhang,XueCai Han,XiuJian Zhao. Second Harmonic Generation of the 4TiO2·46BaO·50B2O3 transparent crystallized glasses,Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 356,2295-2298,20103、GU Shaoxuan.LI Bin.LIU Baoxun.ZHAO Xiujian. Relationship Between Photoinducedcarrier Working Effect and Photocatalytic Activity on Titania Filns. Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society, 38(1),54-57,20104、Shaoxuan Gu, Zhijun Ma, Haizheng Tao, Second-harmonic generation in the thermal/electrical poling (100-x)GeS2·x(0.5Ga2S3 · 0.5CdS) chalcogenide glasses,Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 69,97-100,20085、ShaoXuan Gu, HaiPing Hu, HaiTao Guo, HaiZheng Tao, Second Harmonic Generation in Transparent Surface Crystallized GeS2-Ga2S3-CdS chalcogenide Glasses,Optics Communications, 281(9),2651-2655,20088.Contact information:1) Tel: 13971556227,027-876697292) E-mail: gsx@whut.edu,cn3) Location of lab: State Key Laboratory of Silicate Materials for Architectures,4F |