杨 腾 Ph.D
材料物理与化学 硕士生导师
电 话: +86-24-23971136 (office)
邮 箱: yangteng [at] imr.ac.cn
密歇根州立大学 East Lansing, Michigan, U.S.A. (2005 - 2009)
凝聚态理论物理 理学博士
南京大学物理系 江苏省南京市 (1995 – 2002)
凝聚态物理 理学学士、硕士
2016.7-2017.1日本东北大学物理学系 凝聚态理论物理访问学者
1. Shengxi Huang, Yuki Tatsumi, Xi Ling*, Huaihong Guo, Ziqiang Wang, Garrett Watson, Alexander A. Puretzky, David B. Geohegan, Jing Kong, Ju Li, Teng Yang, Riichiro Saito, Mildred S. and Dresselhaus*, “In-Plane Optical Anisotropy of Layered Gallium Telluride”, ACS Nano (2016). [pdf]
2. Teng Yang, Baojuan Dong, Jizhang Wang, Zhidong Zhang, Jie Guan, Kaci Kuntz, Scott Warren, David Tomanek*, “Interpreting core-level spectra of oxidation phosphorene: Theory and Experiment”, Physical Review B 92, 125412 (2015). [pdf]
3. Huaihong Guo*, Teng Yang*, M. Yamamoto, Lin Zhou, R. Ishikawa, K. Ueno, K. Tsukagoshi, Zhidong Zhang, M. S. Dresselhaus, R. Saito, “Double resonance Raman modes in mono-and few-layer MoTe2”, Physical Review B 91, 205415 (2015). [pdf]
4. Yingying Dai, Han Wang, Teng Yang*, Weijun Ren, Zhidong Zhang*, “Flower-like dynamics of coupled Skyrmions with dual resonant modes by a single-frequency microwave magnetic field” Scientific Reports 4, 6153 (2014). [pdf]
5. Peng Tao, Huaihong Guo, Teng Yang*, Zhidong Zhang, “Strain-induced magnetism in MoS2monolayer with defects” J. Appl. Phys. 115, 054305 (2014). [pdf]
6. Huaihong Guo, Teng Yang*, Peng Tao, Yong Wang, Zhidong Zhang “High pressure effect on structure, electronic structure, and thermoelectric properties of MoS2” J. Appl. Phys. 113, 013709 (2013).[pdf]
7. Yingying Dai, Han Wang, Peng Tao, Teng Yang, Weijun Ren, Zhidong Zhang*, “Skyrmion ground state and gyration of skyrmions in magnetic nanodisks without the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction”, Phys. Rev. B, 88, 054403 (2013). [pdf]
8. Dewei Zhang, Huaihong Guo, Teng Yang*, Li Qiu, Zhihe Wang*, Yujie Dai, Zhidong Zhang, Youwei Du, “Spin-entropy origin and scaling behavior of the thermopower of LaBaCoO”, Ceramics International 42 (5), 6296-6300 (2016). [pdf]
9. Yingying Dai, Han Wang, Teng Yang, Zhidong Zhang* “Resonant excitation of coupled skyrmions by spin-transfer torque” Int. J. of Mod. Phys. B 30 (2), 1550254 (2016). [pdf]
10. Baojuan Dong*, Teng Yang*, Jizhang Wang, Zhidong Zhang, “Interface effect on structural and electronic properties of graphdiyne adsorbed on SiO2 and h-BN substrates: A first-principles study”, Chin. Phys. B 24, 096806 (2015). [pdf]
11. Hsiang-Lin Liu*, Huaihong Guo, Teng Yang, Zhidong Zhang, Y. Kumamoto, C.-C. Shen, Yu-Te Hsu, Lain-Jong Li, R. Saito, and Satoshi Kawata, “Anomalous lattice vibrations of monolayer MoS2probed by ultraviolet Raman scattering”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (22), 14561 (2015). [pdf]
12. R. Saito*, A. R. Nugraha, E. H. Hasdeo, S. Siregar, Huaihong Guo, Teng Yang, “Ultraviolet Raman spectroscopy of graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides”, Physica Status Solidi B 252 (11), 2363 (2015). [pdf]
13. Da Li*, Shaojie Li, Baojuan Dong, Teng Yang, Wei Liu, Zhidong Zhang. “Large magnetocrystalline anisotropy of Fe3−xCrxSe4 single crystals due to Cr substitution”, Europhysics Letters 109, 37004 (2015). [pdf]
14. Han Wang, Chunlin Chen, Yexin Zhang, Lixia Peng, Song Ma*, Teng Yang, Huaihong Guo, Zhidong Zhang, Dangsheng Su, Jian Zhang*, “In situ oxidation of carbon-encapsulated cobalt nanocapsules creates highly active cobalt oxide catalysts for hydrocarbon combustion” Nature Comm. 6, 7181 (2015). [pdf]
15. Yanna Chen, Zhanjie Wang*, Teng Yang, Zhidong Zhang “Crystallization kinetics of amorphous lead zirconate titanate thin films in a microwave magnetic field”, Acta Materialia 71, 1 (2014). [pdf]
16. Han Wang, Yingying Dai, Teng Yang, Weijun Ren, Zhidong Zhang*, “Dual-frequency Microwave-driven Resonant Excitations of Skyrmions in Nanoscale magnet”, RSC Advances, 4, 62179 (2014). [pdf]
17. Huaihong Guo, Teng Yang*, Peng Tao, Zhidong Zhang “Theoretical study of thermoelectric properties of MoS2” Chin. Phys. B, 23, 017201 (2014). [pdf]
18. Peng Tao, Huaihong Guo, Teng Yang*, Zhidong Zhang “Stacking stability of MoS2: An ab initio study” Chin. Phys. B, 23, 106801 (2014). [pdf]
l Boarding member: Scientific Reports
l Journal Reviewer: Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. B, Phys. Rev. A, Ceramics International, Carbon, EPJB, Physica B/E, MPLB, JMMM, CPB, Computational Materials Science, Scientific Reports., J. Mater. Chem. A, Nano Letter
l Session Chair: 10th International Symposium on Computational Challenges and Tools for Nanotubes, Nagoya, Japan, 2015. |